Objectives Of The Christian Social Movement Of Nigeria


WHEREAS, the Nigerian state was established in 1960 on the basis of Liberal Democracy ideology and recognized as a multi-cultural and secular society,

WHEREAS, the various tribal, ethnic, and religious groups within Nigeria are expected to live in peace with mutual tolerance, mutual respect and mutual acceptance as equal stakeholders in the country,

WHEREAS, contrary to the provisions in the 1999 Constitution Section 38(1), guaranteeing freedom of personal conviction on issues concerning religious belief and Section 10 of the 1999 Constitution stipulating separation of State and religion, a lot of tension, discrimination, intimidation and persecution are being inflicted on sections of the Nigerian society by individuals and groups of individuals opposed to freedom of choice.

WHEREAS, the spate of violence and destruction occasioned by these harbingers of death and destruction due to religious intolerance has the capacity to rend the entire nation asunder, it is deemed necessary to commence a Social Movement in Nigeria for the achievement of the following objectives:

  1. To ensure that Section 14 (1) of the 1999 Constitution which states that “The Federal Republic of Nigeria shall be a State based on the principles of democracy and social justice” shall remain sacrosanct. 
  2. To ensure that any attempt to introduce partially, or fully, another national ideology, whether religious or social, different from liberal democracy, which guarantees freedom of choice to the citizens of Nigeria, is totally rejected and expunged from the Nigerian society.
  3. To mobilize the citizens of Nigeria to take a firm stand against every form of violence, discrimination and intimidation that is meted to any citizen(s) of this nation on the basis of differing religious conviction.
  4. To ensure that perpetrators of religious intolerance, discrimination and intimidation are brought to justice and judgment, irrespective of their standing in the country.
  5. To create awareness among the citizens of Nigeria on the issues that is involved in the current wave of religious tension in the country.
  6. Using peaceful means of persuasion, to ensure that every structure that supports religious intolerance, bigotry, discrimination, and intimidation are dismantled in Nigeria.
  7. To ensure that the Federal Government of Nigeria sets up a Truth and Reconciliation Commission to expose every act of illegality committed against the Nigerian state and provide a platform for the healing and reconciliation of every group that has been adversely affected.
  8. To ensure that the Federal Government of Nigeria sets up a Constituent Assembly that shall produce a new Constitution for Nigeria with only Liberal Democracy as the National Ideology.
  9. To ensure adequate compensation for victims of religious discrimination and intimidation.
  10. To raise the political consciousness of Nigerians, mobilize and organize them for the Common Good of society.
  11. To work towards the unity and indivisibility of the Nigerian state. 12. To do all other things, which the Movement may consider conducive towards the realization of the above aims and objectives. 


Membership of the Social Movement of Nigeria is opened to every Nigerian, irrespective of age, tribe, ethnicity, education, gender, or religious belief. 

How To Join

State Coordinators shall be appointed for the Social Movement of Nigeria to coordinate its activities nationwide. For now, interested people will be able to register here

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