23rd November 2021

Christian Leaders
Nigerian Church
c/o Christian Association of Nigeria
National Christian Centre

Dear Sir,


Peace and mercy to you, in the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour.

National Consensus Movement (NCM) is a body of Christian professionals committed to the peace and unity of Nigeria and the well-being of Christians. We are non-denominational, multi-ethnic, and without affiliation to any political party or any political interest group. Our goal is to foster political consensus and unity in the Church as basic prerequisite for good governance, justice, equality, and fairness in Nigeria.

As Christian professionals, we have observed with concern the drift of Nigeria to a state of anarchy and implosion due to gross imbalance in the polity. We conclude that the Church can no longer remain apolitical. The term “separation of Church and State” must be placed in its proper perspective that the State cannot control the Church NOT that the Church should refrain from politics and governance. Isaiah 9: 6 states that “government shall be upon his shoulders”, while Luke 19: 13 commands, “occupy till I come”. The responsibility of providing leadership for the country is vested by the Almighty God in Christians.

Unfortunately, Nigerian Christians abdicated this divine responsibility and as nature abhors vacuum, national leadership has been hijacked by religious irredentists. The consequence is the genocide, devastation, and poverty that is ravaging the land. As stated repeatedly by the National Christian Elders Forum (NCEF) in its various papers, Nigeria is currently playing “politics of religion”.

Nigeria has an estimated 389 ethnic nationalities. Three of these ethnic nationalities forged political unity using their religion as the basis of unity. Consequently, the three ethnic nationalities dominate, subjugate, and control 386 ethnic nationalities who still play politics based on ethnicity and tribalism. Unfortunately, most of this remaining 386 ethnic nationalities are Christian majorities.

If Nigeria is to be restored into peace, progress, and prosperity, the Christian community must achieve political unity with the Christian faith as the glue that binds Christians to build political consensus. The Christian doctrines of “love thy neighbour as thyself” and “do unto others as you would want them to do unto you” must be brought into leadership at every level in Nigeria.

NCM is therefore calling on Church leaders to support Christian political consensus that will lead to harmonization of Christian votes and Christian political assets. Never again should two, or more Christians, contest for the same seat, at any level in the country. Consensus must be built in-house that will lead to the emergence of only one Christian candidate for any political position in Nigeria.

NCM is calling on Church Groups and Denominations to emulate the Christian Social Movement of Nigeria (CSMN) and Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria (PFN) to establish “Directorate of Politics and Governance” if they do not already have such in their organizational system. And, to reactivate and reinvigorate them to be better prepared to meet the challenges of the day where such units already exist! NCM is willing to advise the leadership of the Church on how best to make it happen and be effective. The gospel we preach is the Gospel of the kingdom of God. If the kingdom of God is going to be established in Nigeria, the sons of the kingdom must be in authority.

The foundation for Christian political consensus was laid by Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) in 2001 when it established Christian Social Movement of Nigeria (CSMN) as the “socio-political arm” of the Nigerian Church. This was done during the tenure of Prelate Sunday Mbang as the President of CAN, and Cardinal John Onaiyekan as the Vice President of CAN in 2001.

NCM looks forward to greater collaboration with the Church Groups and all Nigerian Christians. We are willing to meet with the Church Leader, and representatives of the Directorate of Politics and Governance in your Church to intensify the process of uniting Christians to provide righteous and God-fearing government for Nigeria.

We therefore humbly request a date for this meeting within your tight schedule as soon as possible, as 2023 is already around the corner.

Thank you for your kind consideration.

In His service,

Rev. Matthew Owojaiye - Chairman of Conference
Bosun Emmanuel
Bro. Gideon Ghajiga
Dr. Paul Gadzama
Bro. Esanevoro Agbodo
Pastor Edwin Ezeh
Mrs. Ene Orgah
Prof. P. H. Bamaiyi
Rev. David Ize-Iyamu
Engr. Abiodun Oni
Prince Peter Kola Bamigbade

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