Wednesday 28th August 2024


In compliance with Article 10a-b of the Constitution of Christian Social Movement of Nigeria (CSMN) and backed by the resolution of National Christian Elders Forum (NCEF), a virtual General Assembly of Christian Social Movement of Nigeria (CSMN) was convened and successfully held on Wednesday 28th August 2024.
Below are the highlights of the General Assembly.

1. The General Assembly acknowledged the supremacy of the Constitution of CSMN in all the affairs of the Movement. The assembly affirmed that any action or decision taken on behalf of CSMN that is inconsistent with the Constitution is null and void. The Certified True Copy (CTC) of the Constitution of CSMN, from the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC), was presented to guide the General Assembly.

2. The General Assembly appreciated the intervention of the Corporate Affairs Commission in calling to question the abuse of the Constitution of CSMN which resulted in the inability of the Movement to convene a General Assembly or elect new officials in seventeen years.

3. Without prejudice to Article 11(i) which stipulates that the General Assembly shall be presided over by the Chairman of the Governing Council, or in his absence, a member of the Governing Council, the General Assembly approved that the Chief Executive Officer shall preside at the meeting because no new Chairman was elected in seventeen years, neither is there any member of the Governing Council in office. The General Assembly also noted that there is no record of the Board of Trustees holding a meeting in over ten years. The General Assembly affirmed that every decision taken at the meeting shall be deemed approved for CSMN.

4. By virtue of Article 9c (i), the position of the Chairman of the Governing Council became vacant in 2007. Since then, another Chairman has not been elected, neither has there been any election of members of the Governing Council. The General Assembly approved, in compliance with Article 11(iv) and 11(iv)a, that new members of the Governing Council shall be elected during the meeting.

5. The General Assembly acknowledged that National Christian Elders Forum (NCEF), and Lay Faithful Trust Foundation are arms of Christian Social Movement of Nigeria.

6. The General Assembly commended the positive role National Christian Elders Forum played in stabilizing CSMN during the period it experienced challenges, as well as the role of the NCEF in strengthening the Secretariat of CSMN, during the period to prevent a total collapse of the Movement.

7. The General Assembly ratified the actions and decisions of the National Christian Elders Forum during the period in which CSMN did not have duly elected officials as stipulated by the Constitution of the Movement.

8. The General Assembly acknowledged that the Movement operates an account with Zenith Bank Plc and approved the following officers as signatories:
a. The Chairman of the Governing Council
b. An Honorary Treasurer
c. A member of the Governing Council
d. The Chief Executive Officer

9. In compliance with Article 9c (i) of the Constitution, the General Assembly acknowledged that the Governing Council shall have not less than 11 members and not more than 25 members. The General Assembly approved the immediate election of the minimum number of members of the Governing Council while an extraordinary meeting shall be convened before the end of 2024 to elect the remaining members. This is to give room for further consultations and careful check of the members of the Governing Council.

10. In accordance with Article 9c (i) of the Constitution of CSMN, the following people were presented and elected as members of the Governing Council of Christian Social Movement of Nigeria. They shall be joined later by the remaining members, and the Chairman, to be elected during the extraordinary meeting in 2024.
a. Dr (Mrs) Catherine Okpareke South East
b. Pastor Oluwasayo Oluwaniyi (FCA) South West (Honorary Treasurer)
c. Prof. P. H. Bamaiyi - North East
d. Dr Paul Gadzama - North East
e. Dr Rotimi Olokodana - South West
f. Barrister Gregory Lar - North Central
g. Rev. David Ize-Iyamu - South South
h. Pastor Edwin Ezeh - South East
i. Bro. Yinka Quadri - South West
j. Pastor Andrew Omale - North Central
k. Prof. Kontein Trinya - South South
l. Bosun Emmanuel - South West (Chief Executive Officer)
The election was unanimously approved by the General Assembly.

11. The General Assembly called on all Christians to support Lay Faithful Trust Foundation in its efforts to take relief to persecuted Christians, particularly those in the IDP camps, as well as provide funding for Christian advocacies under CSMN.

12. During the deliberations that followed the business session, it was affirmed that CSMN is the socio-political arm of the Nigeria Church, and it is saddled with the responsibility of harmonizing and mobilizing Christians for national transformation for the Common Good of all citizens.

For, and on behalf of Christian Social Movement of Nigeria,

Bosun Emmanuel
Chief Executive Officer

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