Report of Relief Distribution to Stephens Children Home - Sons of Martyrs

As part of its intervention to support persecuted Christians, CSMN undertook distribution of food items to the Stephens Children Home, Abeokuta, home of children of the martyrs. The Home was established by late Rev. Isaac Wusu and it has been functioning since the year 2000.The Children in the Home have been impacted by persecution of Christians through the murder of either or both of their parents by religious extremists. Some of the children arrived at the Home at the age of two. The Home provides educational facilities from Nursery to Senior Secondary School and those willing to proceed to the University do so, still sponsored by the Stephens Children Home.

Report of Relief Distribution to Stephens Children Home - Sons of Martyrs

28th February, 2020

As part of its intervention to support persecuted Christians, CSMN undertook distribution of food items to the Stephens Children Home, Abeokuta, home of children of the martyrs. The Home was established by late Rev. Isaac Wusu and it has been functioning since the year 2000.

The Children in the Home have been impacted by persecution of Christians through the murder of either or both of their parents by religious extremists. Some of the children arrived at the Home at the age of two. The Home provides educational facilities from Nursery to Senior Secondary School and those willing to proceed to the University do so, still sponsored by the Stephens Children Home.

Unfortunately, lack of support by Christians has led to the drastic reduction in the number of the children from 450 to around 107 in the Home. This is one of the reasons Christian Social Movement of Nigeria (CSMN) is calling on all Christians to share in the burden to help persecuted Christians in Nigeria. It would be difficult for us to stand before the Lord if we keep ignoring the sufferings of His people. Matt. 25: 31–46 should fill every Christian with trepidation and caution.

CSMN took some rice, beans and vegetable oil to the Home on Friday 28th February, 2020. It is our hope to do greater projects with the support of the people of God.

CSMN guarantees transparency and accountability of all donations received. Please visit to check statement of account of CSMN.

Donate to persecuted Christians:

Christian Social Movement of Nigeria
Zenith Bank
10 14 13 83 50

"If one member suffers, everyone suffers with it." 1 Cor. 12: 26 (NET)

Your brother,


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