Prayer Points For The Week: May 10 – 17, 2020


THANKSGIVING: “It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed” (Lam3.22). Carefully consider all of God’s goodness to you, your family, the Church and Nigeria; and praise God from the depths of your heart

REPENTANCE: Repent for all known and even unknown sins of yours, your family, the Church and Nigeria


  • Phil 3.10: “That I may know Him, and the power of His resurrection…” Holy Spirit, please stir in me, my family, in Your Church in Nigeria and beyond, yet greater and deeper knowledge of You and the power of Your resurrection
  • Phil 3.10: “…and the fellowship of His sufferings, being made conformable unto His death” Our Lord and our God, please stir afresh the spirit of sacrifice, the willingness to suffer for Christ, and living the crucified life
  • 2 Chron 7.14 “If My people who are called by My name…” Almighty Father, any way we have not sufficiently humbled ourselves, turned from our wicked ways or prayed, please reveal to us and help us by Your Spirit to do so
  • Acts 13.22 “…I have found David….a man after My own heart…” Great Jehovah, the God of all flesh, please raise unto Yourself leaders of men like Davids, Nehemiahs, Ezras; prophetic and apostolic vessels like Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Paul. Make me one of them. Any already raised but do not realize like Gideon, please wake up the mighty men
  • John 17.22 “…that they may be one, even as we are one…” Our Lord and our God, please unite Your Church, the Body of Christ more than ever before, give us one heart, one voice; for greater impact, that nothing will be impossible.
  • Matt 5.16 “Let your light so shine before men…” O Lord, please give Your church grace to shine so brightly in this season of darkness and confusion that mankind will glorify God like never before. Help me be a shining light for You.
  • Acts 2.2,3: “…there came a sound from heaven as of a mighty rushing wind…” Lord breath upon Your Church afresh, revive us O Lord, let Your Church arise anew a mighty army. Revive me O Lord, and use me for Your glory
  • Acts 1.8 “You shall receive power….and ye shall be witnesses unto Me…” Mighty God, baptize me and all of Your Church anew with the Holy Ghost and power; and give us fresh fire to win all Muslims, cultists, occultists, traditional idol worshippers, the blind, the deceived and all unbelievers unto You



  • In Eze. 11:1-13a: We prophesy against the persons that craft and pursue satanic legislations, that seek to pursue mandatory vaccination when there is yet no proven cure for COVID-19, we prophesy against all in government who import foreigners to occupy lands of indigenous Nigerians. The angel of the Lord strike them, the fire of the Lord blast them, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen
  • I Kings 13.2 “And he cried against the altar in the word of the Lord…”. O altars, altars that empower Jihad, corruption, oppressive hegemony of one section of the nation over others, ritual sacrifice of fellow Nigerians, and other evils and wickedness; O altars that oppose the peace and progress of Nigeria…O altars established to further foreign domination of Chinese, Indians and other nations, the fire of the Lord blast you, blast the priests that service you, and blast those that engage these altars. We reject and refuse your influence upon our nation. We bind and cast out the demons that empower you evil altars
  • Isa 44.25 “That frustrates the tokens of liars, and makes diviners mad” Every divination and enchantment to attain the office of Chief of Staff to the President or any other office in the nation, be totally frustrated and futile; the diviners and those who engage them stop or run mad by fire
  • Almighty God, by Your power, correct and redress any injustice, corruption, and perversion in the distribution of offices in NNPC, the military, and other quarters in the Federal Government. Please especially reposition things and place vessels that will be Your instruments for growth of Your Church and transformation of Nigeria
  • O Lord, please give our leaders wisdom to navigate the economy and secure transformation from Nigeria from this crisis. Lord help minimize job losses, business failure and economic decline despite the crash in oil prices and massive cessation of business during lockdown.



  • Lam 3.22 O Lord, only by Your mercies are we not consumed. Please Lord, be merciful unto us, forgive us our many sins; and do not let COVID-19 consume us or cripple our economy any further. Many are hurting from the lockdowns, especially those who survive on daily earnings. Please Lord, deliver and save the poor in Your mercy. O Lord, please heal as many as are infected already, except any Pharaoh or Haman that You have judged to drown.
  • Psalm 125.3 “For the rod of the wicked shall not rest upon the lot of the righteous”In the name of Jesus Christ any wicked plots of deploying infected persons from any part of the country to others; and wicked imaginations of global business and nations  powers against Nigeria/Africa fail  
  • Psalm 58.6-11 “Break their teeth O God…as a snail which melts, let every one of them pass away…” O Lord, as many within Nigeria or outside as are scheming to make money from vaccinations, palliatives, diverting donations or other schemes to make wealth at the expense of human lives, break their teeth, let them crash and pass away
  • Mal 4.2 “Unto them that fear Your name, shall the Sun of Righteousness arise with healing on His wings” O Lord, please convict the world mightily to truly fear Your name and act in the fear. In Your mercy, arise with healing in Your wings over Nigeria and the nations of the earth. Let Corona Virus melt like wax and disappear
  • Hag 2.7 “…and I will fill this house with glory…” Let the ultimate result of COVID-19 be further glory unto Your name in Nigeria and worldwide; and let there be revival
  • Matt 5.13 “You are the salt of the earth”Lord, please equip and stir up Your Church to offer effectual ferevnt prayer and bring divine solutions to the present global challenges; let the world see unmistakable difference; that all men  do not worship the same true God
  • Jer 30.17, 23: O Lord our God, wherever and on whoeverany wind and storm is fulfilling Your purpose, please work a quick work, let it accomplish Your humbling, judgment, or correction; and take away this plague speedily in Your mercy, for the sake of the poor, the needy and of Your children who are hard-pressed in the lockdown.
  • I Sam 17.32 “Let no man’s heart fail…they servant will go and fight…” O Lord, please strengthen the heart of all of Your children. Let no man’s heart fail because of COVID-19. Lord, please particularly strengthen and shield medical workers and professionals whp are actively involved in handling the infected at this time.



  • Jer 32.17 “Ah Lord God! …there is nothing too hard for Thee” O Lord, please overlook the pathetic failings of the Church regarding Leah Sharibu. Thank You that she is still alive; it is by Your power. Please Lord free her this Passover season as You freed Israel in Egypt, along with any other believers in captivity
  • Proclaim Psalm 46 and pray with its verses e.g.
    • V9a: Great God, please make all wars against me, my family, and against Your children to cease throughout Nigeria and across the nations
    • V9b: Lord in Your mercy, cut in two the spears of Jihadists and global imperialists arrayed against Nigeria; break their bows; and burn in fire their chariots – physical, spiritual, financial etc
  • Lord, please give our political and corporate leaders wisdom and compassion in responding to the crises and challenges of this season. Help Nigeria come out stronger from this crisis
  • Matt 18.18: We disallow any rise in stealing, fraud or kidnapping. All attempts to exploit the lockdown, donations, or any aspect of the pandemic to steal, defraud, embezzle, raid communities, or any other crime be frustrated.
  • Pray any other prayers as you are led; including further applications and extensions of above prayer points


PS: To Register: 48 people praying for 30 mins each can cover a day; 336 (48x7) can cover a week; and just 336,000 can give 1000 persons praying every moment of every day with each doing just 30 mins in the week as part of this 24x7 prayer chain. There will surely be powerful national and global impact, like there was for the Moravian Church in 18th century Germany that prayed for 100 years, non-stop. Be part of this 24x7 prayer chain for Nigeria. Please choose your day and time to pray for 30 mins and register at to receive prayer points regularly and to help us track coverage of each day and week. Thank you.  To contribute to next week’s prayers, please Text / WhatsApp: 0803-464-1497; 0803-308-4272


These prayers may be used by those observing their prayer time as part of the 24x7 prayer chain; those observing a day of fasting and prayer for the month for Nigeria; and any other personal, family or group intercession for the Body of Christ and for Nigeria.

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