Prayer Points For The Week: Jul 3 - Jul 9, 2022



THANKSGIVING:  Psm 148:1 & 11 “Praise ye the LORD. Praise ye the LORD from the heavens: praise him in the heights....Kings of the earth, and all people; princes, and all judges of the earth” Truly our God more than deserves all our praise. Give Him thanks, praise and glory for yourself, your family, the Church and Nigeria. Thank Him also for what He shall do to demonstrate His glory.

REPENTANCE: Also, ask God for mercy and forgiveness for all of your sins, your family’s, the Church and Nigeria; pray for grace to turn and live in obedience; that our land may be healed (2 Chron. 7.14).

FOCUS OF THE WEEK:  Fulfillment of Prophecies concerning Nigeria – Part 2

  • “David is coming” – Panam Percy Paul (2020)
  • “There is war coming over your land….I will prevail over My enemies in the time of this war. It is a time of pain, a time of bloodshed and destruction….In the midst of this turmoil, I will raise My Davids that I have been training” – Dr Kole Akinboboye (1988)
  • Isaiah 19:4“And the Egyptians will I give over into the hand of a cruel lord; and a fierce king shall rule over them, saith the Lord, the LORD of Hosts” Cruel, oppressive leaders is often a judgment tool of God. Let us pray for God to forgive all transgressions that may have caused God to permit evil rulers. Please also thank God that believers have not been officially enslaved and Nigeria’s leaders have not run the nation completely aground….though things have moved dangerously close to such.
  • Eze 34:23-24“And I will set up one shepherd over them, and he shall feed them, even my servant David; he shall feed them, and he shall be their shepherd. And I the LORD will be their God, and my servant David a prince among them; I the LORD have spoken itEffective leaders is often a restorative tool of God for a people with whom God is pleased or whose sins have been forgiven. Let us pray for God’s mercy….mercy….mercy, and that God will now bring forth His Davids at all levels.
  • Exo 3:4“And when the LORD saw that he turned aside to see, God called…”

1Sa_17:20  “And David rose up early in the morning, and left the sheep with a keeper, …and he came to the trench, as the host was going forth to the fight, and shouted for the battle.”

If God had not forced a break from work on Moses using the miracle of fire that was burning nothing, Israel may have remained in slavery in Egypt yet longer. If David had not left his work to go to the battlefield at his father’s behest, Goliath may have done may damage, possibly enslaved all, including David. Let us pray that God’s ordained and prepared deliverers shall free themselves and FOCUS on their assignment

  • Pray that God will give faith and courage to His chosen Davids at all levels and in all spheres to advance boldly, looking unto and leaning on God, not themselves
  • 1Sam_17:40 “And he took his staff in his hand, and chose him five smooth stones out of the brook, and put them in a shepherd's bag…” There must have been stones by the wayside but David did not use those. He went to the brook (stream, inside water). Pray that God’s chosen servants will not be flimsy but dwell in God’s presence, get revealed strategies for this critical kairos moment in our nation and advance by revelation and divine instruction from the Holy Spirit (the eternal, unfailing River)
  • Repeatedly, the mighty prophet Samuel almost anointed wrong persons as king! Let us pray that the Church in Nigeria will not support and crown anyone God has not chosen at Federal, State or LGA level and even traditional thrones
  • Pray that the “King Sauls” of our day shall not kill any David God has chosen for our nation and generation

: Prophesy: God’s Davids at all levels of leadership and governance in Nigeria, come forth NOW


SPECIAL PRAYER:  Lord have mercy on Leah Sharibu and all abductees. Stretch forth Your hand and set free


REGISTER; INVITE OTHERS: Please join this 24x7 prayer chain. Choose suitable day and time each week that you will pray for just 30 mins. Register at    Please share & invite others too. Thank you.

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