Prayer Points For The Week: Jul 29 - Aug 4, 2024

Monday 29th July - Sunday 4th August 2024


Can two walk together, except they be agreed? (Amos 3: 3).

A few weeks ago, we published under the prayer call entitled “The Samoa Agreement,” the 10-point agenda of Alice Bailey aimed at the establishment of the New World Order. That satanic 10-point agenda currently guides the policies of most Western nations. Today, we shall revisit that agenda for the purpose of prayers on another issue that is of paramount importance to Nigeria. First, we need to represent the entire agenda to enable us to understand the context within which today’s prayer call is based.

The 10-point agenda of Alice Bailey is as follows:
1. Take God and prayer out of the education system
2. Reduce parental authority over the children
3. Destroy the Judeo-Christian family structure or the traditional Christian family structure
4. If sex is free, then make abortion legal and make it easy.
5. Make divorce easy and legal, free people from the concept of marriage for life
6. Make homosexuality an alternative lifestyle
7. Debase art, make It run mad
8. Use media to promote and change mindsets
9. Create an interfaith movement
10. Get governments to make all these laws and get the church to endorse these changes.

All the points in this agenda were inspired by Satan and are implemented under the guidance of evil spirits. Therefore, Christians need to be circumspect if they discover that their actions and programs tend to align with any of these satanic 10-point agenda.

Our focus in today’s prayer call is on the 9th Agenda, which states, “Create an interfaith movement”. We pointed out earlier that the forces of darkness recognize the spiritual authority of the Church and would usually seek endorsement of the Body of Christ for their evil works. For example, a major cult in Nigeria, the Ogboni Fraternity, used to initiate new members in the vestry of a church, accompanied by the reading of Ps. 133. The 10th Agenda of Alice Bailey pointedly states: “… get the Church to endorse these changes.”

Unfortunately, many Christians are not discerning in their relationship with the children of the world. The spiritual authority of the Church has been compromised by many undiscerning Christian leaders who use their position to endorse the works of Satan. The politics of Christian leaders is an uncomfortable example.

In September 1999, the Federal Government under President Obasanjo, a Christian, established an interfaith body for Christian and Muslim leaders to dialogue. That was a few months after the 1999 Constitution was introduced in May. With the benefit of hindsight, one can judge that while the 1999 Constitution was introduced to place Nigeria in political bondage, the interfaith followed in September of the same year and entangled the Church in a spiritual relationship that weakened its spiritual power.

That interfaith forum was established by government does not confer on it automatic sincerity. Afterall, it was governments that took God and prayer out of schools, reduced parental authority over children, and in many countries, legalized LGBTQ. Many policies of government require interrogation to determine their sincerity.

It is prudent for Christians to check what benefits have come to the Church from its participations with the interfaith movement. After that movement was established in 1999, Islamist insurgency started in 2009 and blossomed in Nigeria. Despite the quarterly interfaith consultations, hundreds of thousands of Christians have been murdered by Islamists, thousands of churches destroyed, thousands kidnapped, and billions of Naira extorted from Nigerians as ransom, besides millions of Nigerians who have become Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in their own country.

We bear in mind the craftiness of the devil. Our leaders, while they think that they are forging religious tolerance, are unwittingly giving spiritual endorsement to the activities of those who trouble the land. Satan knew what he was planning when he instructed in that Agenda from hell to “get the Church to endorse these changes.” The word of God queries, “can two walk, [or sit] together, except they be agreed?” (Amos 3: 3).

We are aware of the sensitivity of these issues, considering that the meetings have gone on for twenty-five years and some Christian leaders are committed to it. Nevertheless, we cannot discountenance the 9th Agenda of Alice Bailey. What we are doing in this prayer call is to present the facts and to call on Christians to weigh what has been presented. The Scriptures warn us, “Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.” (2 Cor. 2: 11).

For Satan to be emphatic that the endorsement of the Church is required for his 10-point agenda, which includes the interfaith movement, it is prudent for Christians to examine the issues dispassionately. It is no longer a secret that the doctrine of “Taqiyya” which is “approved deception” is a major tool of Muslim leaders. It is not impossible that promises and assurances of positive action against terrorism have been made to Christian leaders at the interfaith meetings, without any corresponding positive action. The truth of the matter is that if Muslim leaders are committed to stopping terrorism in Nigeria, they would have stopped it long ago. It is time for the Christian leaders to re-consider the issues.

That the call to create an interfaith movement is part of the 10-point agenda from hell should serve as a signal to Christian leaders. May they be guided by Holy Spirit in all that they do for the Church.


1). 2 Cor. 6: 17 – 18
Pray for courage and submission to the Holy Spirit for Christian leaders to separate themselves from every unholy association.

2). 2 Cor. 6: 14 – 16
Pray for the spirit of sanctification, which is separation from sin and evil, to rest upon Nigeria Church leaders. Pray that they shall not be unequally yoked with Belial.

3). Lam. 3: 37
Cancel every endorsement of the Church for evil thrones in Nigeria. Renounce such endorsements and dissociate the Church from it.

4). 2 Cor. 2: 11
Cancel every device of Satan against the Church in Nigeria. Nullify with the blood of Jesus every manipulation and wile of the devil that has been operating against the Church.

5). Ps. 94: 20
Pray that every evil throne that has been sustained by the endorsement of the Church shall fall and be destroyed.

6). Ps. 18: 28
Pray that the light of God will lighten the understanding of Church leaders, that they will understand spiritual issues.

7). Heb. 10: 26 – 27
Pray that God will punish and dismiss every Church leader who knows the truth yet chooses to persist in error.


Started since 18th April, 2022

TIME: 9:00pm – 10:00pm daily (Nigeria time)

ZOOM link:
Meeting ID: 968 0619 0505
Passcode: 024184

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