Prayer Points For The Week: Aug 12 - Aug 18, 2024

Monday 12th - Sunday 18th August 2024


“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God" (Matt. 5:9).

“A politician thinks of the next election, a statesman of the next generation. A politician looks for the success of his party; a statesman for that of his country. The statesman wishes to steer, while the politician is satisfied to drift.”
- James Freeman Clarke

A social experiment involving red ants and black ants was conducted to depict the cause of conflict in human societies. Both different species of ants were placed inside a covered jar. So long as nothing disturbed the jar, both ant armies remained peaceful, crawling over each other. Then the researcher took the sealed jar and shook it violently. Immediately, the red and black ants started attacking each other and ended up killing themselves. The red ants thought it was the black ants that caused the problem, while the black ants held the red ants responsible for the quaking in their environment. The problem was caused by neither of the ants. The culprit was the person who shook the jar.

In every conflict situation, it is prudent to discern who is shaking the jar. Conflicts start from somewhere.

After the controversial 2023 elections, ethnic tension flared up between the Yorubas and the Igbos in Lagos. The National Prayer Altar was alarmed by the development following the presidential election of 25th February 2023, in which both Yorubas and Igbos massively voted for Mr. Peter Obi, the presidential candidate of Labour Party. After that display of ethnic synergy aimed at providing quality leadership for Nigeria, why would the same ethnic nationalities, within a few days after the presidential election, engage in open conflict? The National Prayer Altar sought answers to the troubling question and organized a conference to determine who was shaking the jar.

The conference concluded that the All Progressives Congress (APC) was behind the conflict. Apparently alarmed at the political synergy that was displayed by the Yorubas and Igbos during the Presidential Election, APC, working through its various supporters and structures, manipulated an open ethnic conflict between the Yorubas and the Igbos. There is video evidence of some APC members openly threatening Igbo voters at polling stations in Lagos.

The communique issued after the conference can be accessed here:

Following the controversy surrounding the 2023 elections, there has been sustained escalation of the diatribe between Igbos and Yorubas in Lagos State. It is interesting to note that such conflict is not replicated in any of the other Yoruba states, like Ogun, Oyo, Osun, Ondo, Ekiti, and amongst the Yoruba speaking people of Kwara and Kogi States, neither does it have the endorsement of Afenifere, the leadership of the Yoruba nation. Why should this be taking place only in Lagos State?

To worsen matters, most Igbo people in Lagos became overly sensitive, and reacted to some actions and policies of the State Government as deliberate attacks on themselves. It produced counter reactions from some Yorubas, adding to the tension between the two ethnic nationalities. At present, some people have again begun to canvass an “Igbos-must-go” action, from 20th August 2024. It has been openly stated on social media.

Understandably, some provoked Igbos made unfortunate statements about Igbo people developing Lagos and owning it. They must have misinterpreted the support to Mr. Peter Obi in Lagos. Such provocative statements only serve to heighten the tension as well as provide justification for those determined to inflame ethnic conflicts for political reasons.

Arising from the foregoing, the following facts can be deduced:

First, the ethnic tension in Lagos State is the handiwork of politicians who are already planning for the 2027 elections. It does not reflect the views of the Yorubas, as concluded by the Conference organized by the National Prayer Altar in April 2023. It is politicians plotting their way into the next election, not the next generation, according to James Freeman Clarke.

Second, while some politicians are fanning the embers of ethnic discord, other citizens are pouring more coals into the fire. The number of invectives and provocative statements flying around the social media should be of concern to any decent human. The ill-will that is freely expressed by educated people is frightening. Should such hostility subsist in the consciousness of supposedly compatriots?

Third, it is not Igbos alone that were robbed of the presidential election in 2023. Every Nigerian that voted for Mr. Peter Obi was. It was a national loss. Interestingly, one of the strong pillars behind Mr. Obi has been Afenifere, the leadership of the Yoruba race.

Fourth, it is alarming that most of these vituperations are posted and circulated by Christians! There are noticeable instances in which influential Christians are posting some of those hostile communications. That cannot be the expression of the Spirit of the Lord. When Christians place cultural values above Biblical values, it says a lot about their Christianity. Jesus tells us, “ye are in the world but ye are not of the world.”

There are different world views: ideological, cultural, philosophical, Koranic, and Biblical. A genuine Christian possesses a Biblical worldview. When people claim to be Christians yet employ cultural worldview to respond to issues, it suggests that their Christianity is shallow.

In response to the mischievous manipulation of politicians in Lagos State, Christian Igbos, and Christian Yorubas should see beyond the deception and exercise restraint in their comments. The children of God should not permit the children of the world to divide them. Let unbelievers behave like unbelievers, let Christians behave like Christians. Africa need them to establish a platform for the Kingdom of God in Nigeria.

Kindly read the communique of the conference organized by the National Prayer Altar in April 2023. We shall not fall into the trap of Satan while Politicians are shaking the jar.


1. Ps. 133
Pray for unity amongst all ethnic nationalities in Nigeria.

2. Job. 5: 12 – 13
Pray that God will disappoint the devices of politicians who sow the seed of discord in Nigeria so that they can divide and rule.

3. Isaiah 7: 7
Nullify every plan of darkness to cause war and bloodshed amongst Nigerians.

4. Pro. 6: 16 – 19
Pray that heaven shall arise and punish everyone that is beating drums of war in Nigeria, inflaming hatred amongst various ethnic nationalities.

5. Ps. 94: 20 - 23
Pray that heaven shall punish and dismiss all those who attained political offices by fraud, that they and all their collaborators shall be held guilty by the Lord.

6. Isaiah 60: 18
Pray for peace all over Nigeria. Decree that violence shall no more be heard in the land.

7. Ps. 89: 14
Pray that righteousness, justice, mercy, and truth, shall henceforth uphold governance in Nigeria.


Started since 18th April, 2022

TIME: 9:00pm – 10:00pm daily (Nigeria time)

ZOOM link:
Meeting ID: 968 0619 0505
Passcode: 024184

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