''This house has fallen: Too late for restructuring" - Afenifere 

"Christians are encouraged to speak out and take a stand for Justice, Equality and Fairness in the nation.  All Nigerian citizens are free and equal." -  NCEF 

"I freed a thousand slaves. I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves" - Harriet Tubman

'Nigeria Cited Most Dangerous Place for Christians in the World', says US Congress- The newspaper headlines of Feb 4, 2017. One of the desperate moves again is a BILL, an NGO Registration Bill being considered by House of Representatives (Google 'Toxic Nigeria NGO Registration'- for details). It intends to strip Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) of its functions and delegate her functions to the whims and caprices  of  an individual-one man whose decision cannot be challenged in courts. It is sponsored by a Rep. from the north against Churches and  NGOs. All the NGOs and Churches so far that are performing the functions of failed governments to the people would be curtailed. What an enslavement agenda!  What it means if the bill scales through is that, Churches cannot spend money without the approval of the said man who may not grant the approval and all shall become defaulters. Thus, no movements, no development, no social work, NO EVANGELISM, etc,. What an agenda of evil plans.

It is high time we set our boundaries, BOUNDARIES!!! "Boundaries-setting" inevitably is taking responsibility for one's choices in life. You make your choices, you live with their consequences, and as such, you make the choices you are happy with. That is what living is all about. It is about change and choices. There is no need forever in life, liking and putting up with the wrong things and  things that have no lasting values as the Nigeria nation has fast become today. It is great to have self control,  hope and resilience but it should be without repression. Nigerians should say NO to intimidation, manipulation, aggression and submission to neo-colonization.

In fact, it is always very difficult to understand boundaries at times. It may seem it is the people who have difficulty setting limits that are the ones who have the boundary problems, but to the contrary, it is the persons who cannot see limits, accept limits, who do not respect others, other's limits, who cannot hear 'NO', 'STOP', that are the real problem. However, the one whose onus and duty ultimately  is to own up and set the limits is the victim, the enslaved, the abused;  it becomes their own prerogative, if not, they become the real source of the  problem. Then, the problem becomes twisted and otherwise and it should never be! To gain life, you need to own your life, protect your self and the Christian community in Nigeria, sure will, as it is our right and prerogative to protect our souls, lives,  rights, and properties.

In reality, setting limit on others is a misnomer, We cannot do that. What we can do is to set limits on our own exposure to people who are misbehaving, chosen to misbehave, behaving poorly, abnormally and killing and abusing the privilege of being and existing with others. We cannot change them or make them behave right, but we can give them SPACE as "It takes two foolish birds to clash in the skies" they say.

As Christians, our model is God. We will all agree, He does not compel  people to serve Him, to live right. He really does not set limits on people to "make them" behave good. What He does is? God sets standards but He lets people be who "they are" and then separates Himself from them when they misbehave. Saying in effect - you may be distorted in your thoughts and beliefs, you may do what you want, you may even not accept Christ as the Messiah, you may choose to remain a sinner, you may be who you want to be, but you cannot be mine and you cannot enter my kingdom. While on earth you stay down while I stay up,  After death,  you cannot enter my kingdom in heaven or spend eternity with Me but on my terms. Heaven is the place for the repentant righteous souls and only such are welcome. God does not bother. No complaints, no aggression, no struggle, no fights, no wars!  God has boundaries.

BOUNDARIES, relaxing, exhilarating, comforting, revitalizing, bracing, when employed is used as a TOOL, in a nation and in life to  help everyone to know: 

"When to Say YES; When to Say NO;  

When to Take CONTROL of Your LIFE" 

It is vividly entrenched in the Holy Bible. 

Proverbs 4:23, Gen. 1:28. A boundary shows where I end, and others begin. Who they are and who they are not. Where we start and where they begin. Where we start and where they end. Several questions as the following are answered: What is me, what is not me? What are you, what are you not? How do we all keep good in, bad out? How to be responsible to others and how to be responsible for ourselves, i.e to solve the 'to' and 'for'  problem, and how people should take responsibility for their  irresponsibilities. etc,. Gal 6:2, 5.

In a nation when an individual is irresponsible, immature and happy and the other person is intelligent, responsible and miserable, then it is time to set boundaries in the  nation - and a little boundary clarification would do THE TRICK. In a nation, when a group of persons are irresponsible, fulfilled and very confident (the Fulani Muslim oligarchy) and the other persons are responsible and seriously depressed, dejected and despondent (all other tribes), then it is time to set boundaries - as a little boundary clarification would do THE TRICK.

Of course, no need to allow others in a life time dump misery into  another's precious soul, always being sad and at the defensive. To take responsibility for the irresponsibility of another forever, in a nation is unbiblical. One needs some fences to keep the problems out of one's yard, and put it in theirs where the troubles belong, when helping them has not in anyway helped  nor yielded fruits over the years.  By this we save our lives and their lives while we are still more caring and accommodating. Both sides can then begin to grow again. Boundaries setting helps to differentiate, show you and me,  us and you, our beginning and end. Matt 5:37, James 5:12. The scriptures urge us to say NO to others. Read Matt. 18:15-20 and 2 Cor: 9:7. Psalm 119:2, 44. Please a must read!

We need to speak to ourselves in Nigeria words of truth, being honest about who we are and what one really want. This  gives us  as Christians a biblical value of integrity. We are to be real and not to pretend. The scripture says that a good and prudent man sees evil and hides himself. Rom 22:3. Sometimes physically removing oneself as Jesus did after giving to your limit, to put limit on evil is very ideal scripturally. The Bible enjoins and urges us, after bearing up, do much in hope, to separate ourselves from those who continuously hurt us and prey on us; we are  admonished to create a safe place for ourselves. It can lead to the change in behavior of the other and one would  have won an hell bound soul. Matt 18:17-18, 1Cor 5:11-13, James 4:7. (Please endeavor to read).

The Bible supports the idea of limiting togetherness for the purpose of "binding evil". It is good to regain ownership of out-of-control-part of one's life, and Christians in Nigeria would do that. Setting boundaries become a need and necessity. The dog does not want the tick removed, we know often, it would shout and cry also, but it is the final relief, solace and habitat. The beauty of life is even if the oppressed victims being preyed upon refuse to set the boundaries, the oppressors still would. So thanks to the Arewa youths and the supporting northern elders.

Certainly,  when a relationship is getting too abusive and toxic as Nigeria has finally become, many times the only way is to show the other group of persons that your boundaries are real is to create space so they can deal with their problems. The Fulani northern muslims would be given the opportunity to privately deal with their problems and broundrylessness. They need to be told, there can be no conquest of people and their lands in the 21st. century as historic and heroic of their ancestors. It is unacceptable and certainly impossible in modern times. *NIGERIA: ONCE FREED, FOREVER FREE!* Once was slave trade, then the Fulani colonization of the Hausa's and the British colonization of the entire nation. No, no, no more!

Trespassing on other peoples  properties bears consequences. The Bible states this principle over and over again. That if we walk in one way, this will happen, if we walk another way something else will happen. Just as the Bible sets consequences for certain behaviors, boundaries setting is also backed with consequences. If you do not stop assaulting, killing and slaughtering Christians and taking over all, Nigeria will finally terminate. That is the follow-up action. Apostle Paul was not kidding, while preaching the law of rewards, when he says: If  anyone does not work, do not let him eat. 2 Thess. 3:10. Hunger is a consequence of laziness Prov. 16:26. One fruit of the spirit is SELF-CONTROL, to take care. God is a God of boundaries and loves it, so He said, "You will reap what you sow". Gal 6:7 and the scriptures cannot be broken.

God does not enable or support irresponsible behaviors as mass-slaughtering people and islamization just to take over; kidnapping others children as wives in the name of staying together and forging a nation. Taking over others lands in the name of grazing. God in fact is through and finished with such a nation as an entity long ago. It is to repackage the carcasses.

Christians are trained to pray and  give consequences. Consequences are not mere agitations, they let other people know the seriousness of their trespasses and the seriousness of our respect for ourselves. We respect ourselves and our lives as we were bought by a price. The atoning blood of the Lamb, Jesus Christ the Messiah of the world. Trespassers are kept outside our gates. Psalm 149:9: To execute on them the written judgment: This honour have all His Saints. This teaches them that to live according to godly values is something we hold dear and is precious to us and we will fight to protect and guard.

Thus, they the problematic tribes would definitely have to sit up as we stand up to them. It is the only way to manage bullies according to insights from education and psychology studies. There is no need to continue setting up ourselves for disillusionment and disappointment  in the name of togetherness and forgiveness. The other need to produce fruit of repentance as  this abusive pattern of hurtful relationship has gone on for years. Luke 3:8. In this world, your word defines your property, so our word defines us.

Fear of being alone keep many in hurtful relationship patterns for several years, afraid to leave the statuesque, embrace  CHANGE and NEWNESS they so clamoured for. In Nigeria today, the CHANGE WE ALL CLAMOURED FOR, THAT CHANGE, THE CHANGE  is finally here to be embraced by all. The scriptures say "He shall not allow His holy one to suffer corruption". The end to  CORRUPTION and the end of all  CORRUPTION IS HERE! Which other corruption is more than  killing and looting lives as well as capturing and subjugating all. "If Nigerians do not kill corruption, corruption will kill us". So  the Christian community says "NO" to the "REAL CORRUPTION"!

Most times in life, we may be moved with compassion to give people in need our best and all we have, this is natural, but then these persons manipulate us to give more than we want or even have to give- Our land, our lives and our BLOOD. This is absolutely unacceptable. To give and end up being resentful and angry, losing peace and happiness in our own lives is ungodly. We will give out with all our hearts and free will, but not out of compliance. No and not, so be it. This is because it is improper and very wrong.  We do not resent what we give; as what we give out of compulsion and resentment has no  benefits. Neither one of us comes out ahead of it!

Our feelings are part of the decision making process and that we do not ignore. The Bible says to "own your feelings" and be aware of them. How do we feel when we wake up every morning and everyday of our lives? Are Christians happy in Nigeria? Are we always praying and interceding for divine intervention? These are very salient questions. Feelings come from your heart and tell you your state. Do we have a sense of belonging here in Nigeria? Are we afraid for our children, youths and unborn generations? Christians need to use their feelings to find answers to whatever issues these  are pointing to. Are we comfortable with bloodshed, kidnapping of our daughters and utter discrimination. We need to own our feelings and attitudes because they fall within our yard and property line. It cannot be neglected. nor discarded. We cannot  blame others for our state and our sufferings. Now, it is the time to take responsibility for ourselves, our lives and our generations unborn. It is time to be responsible enough to say No, enough is enough,  it is enough! It is time to own our lives and our living. And so do we!  Prov. 13:18, 24.

To rescue other people from the natural consequences of their behaviors is to render them powerless too- because they cannot help themselves. Everybody need to take responsibility for their choices and so we do. If they want political Islam and sharia or a "Boko Haram Republic" somewhere, so be it! if they are so ready to bear the brunt, then that is okay. However, we dissociate ourselves from such a nation and would surely not be part of it. Though we all certainly need others, but NO ONE BUT GOD is indispensable. When conflict with some significant persons can bring us despair and make us miserable and destroy us, and we insist to stay,  it means we are putting that person on a throne of God in our lives, that should only be occupied by GOD; and this is bad enough. Let God be God, let man be man! ALL THAT IS NEEDED IS A VERY SOUND AND STRONG SUPPORT NETWORK.

When people begin to fit the idea of the way  life should be, how the others lives must be,  it is time to own up to them,  then, it is time not to neglect our  responsibility of setting  boundaries for them. We cannot change the northern islamists, but we can own our lives! When we say "NO" to people and activities that are harmful to us, when we pack and quickly move before the set-date and the set-day, then we are protecting God's investment, our lives and this is accountability and STEWARDSHIP in Christianity. God enjoins us to take proper care of our lives and protect our souls. Though some people may continue to be hopeful and be unprepared despite all the alarms and alerts, may they not finally have themselves to  blame, we pray. The Christian Professionals Federation (CPF) urges us to be very wise. Should we ask ALL TO STILL REMAIN THERE IN THE NORTH EVEN IN THE FACE OF THREATS ON THE SET DATE? NO, NOT AT ALL. LIFE IS VERY PRECIOUS.

Yet, other people who have an over strict conscience and do not have faith will condemn themselves for even things that even God Himself, does and will not condemn them for; for tightening  appropriate  boundaries when common sense so beacons to reasoning. This is because  COMPLIANTS  take on too much responsibilities and set few boundaries,  they are either afraid to move or afraid of the future, or they even forget that perfect love cast out fear. Say No, and take charge of your life!

"Remember again and again, the United States House of Representatives declared Nigeria as the most dangerous place for Christians to live in the world last year. More Christians have been killed in Nigeria than anywhere else in the world in the last 67 years. The President of the Christiam Association of Nigeria (CAN) has warned against the continued killing of Christians in the country. Well-armed and well-funded Fulani militias are slaughtering Christians all over the nation and the Government has done nothing to stop it or to bring them to justice. Remember, 808 Christians were  killed in Southern Kaduna at Christmas. 1000 killed in Agatu, Benue state last year. 13 killed in Southern Kaduna on Easter. It goes on and on yet there have been no arrests...."

"Remember, Christian communities are being wasted and ravaged by Boko Haram. Remember, every single security and intelligence agency in the country except for the Navy is now headed by a northern Muslim. The spokesman for the Fulani militias and herdsmen has just been appointed as Secretary to the Federal Character Commission. Remember, more Churches have been bombed, burnt down, sacked and destroyed in the north in the last two years than at any other time in our history. The International Terror Index has described Nigeria's Boko Haram and Fulani Militias as the first and fourth "deadliest terrorist organisations in the world" respectively. Remember the blood of the innocent Christians."- Onward Christian Soldiers- Femi Fani-Kayode.

As we set to properly fully restructure our nation Nigeria, may God grant us the serenity to change the things we can,  accept the things we cannot, and the wisdom to know the difference. Once again, The Christian Elders have expressed strong objection to the Sukkuk loan, Grazing Reserve and the introduction of Arabic as core subject in our Universities; NCEF has urged a reversal of all sectional appointments that violate the Federal Character Principle in Section 14 (3) of the Constitution and all sectional policies that are being foisted upon the nation immediately. We urge an urgent compliance of their demands and a PROPER RESTRUCTURING OF NIGERIA COMPLETELY by able hands and so shall it be.

Again, we at Christian Professionals Federation (CPF), say: "He that hath ears, let him hear what the Spirit sayeth."  Rev. 2:29; 1 John 5: 14; as we all continue to pray for peace and take our stand  for the PROPER RESTRUCTURING OF OUR NATION. NO MORE SEGREGATION! NO MORE BLOODSHED! THE CHANGE IS HERE!! CHANGE IS IT!!!

Bishop Funmi Adesanya-Davies Ph.D 

President, Christian Professionals Federation (CPF), Nigerian Supreme Council for Ecclesiastical Affairs (NSCEA).


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