





In volume three of Your Excellency’s book My Watch Now and Then, you published this letter of August 1o, 2012 to the then President H.E. Dr. Goodluck Jonathan concerning Boko Haram, wherein you made eight recommendations to him which include the following two:   

  1. Call a meeting of all former Heads of State and President to apprise them of the security situation in the country; 
  2. Asking that General Gowon coordinates the activities of the group.

This was over six years ago.  Then you concluded thus: “Nigeria must be put back on the pedestal of security, peace, stability, good governance, sustained development, equity, economic growth, enhanced standard of living and progress while maintaining our role and position within the comity of nations.”  As at today, Nigeria is not only saddled with the problem of Boko Haram, but also that of herders and farmers.  This essay is to appeal to Nigerians to live above personal lofty ideas.  In the said book, you discussed the abduction of the 276 Chibok girls and castigated former President Jonathan with little reservation.  Fortunately, it would appear that both ex-President Jonathan and Your Excellency have made up.  One is not too sure whether the influence of stealth jihad on Christian leaders (including yourself) and Jonathan was considered by you.  If it was not considered, there appears to be no better time than now for its (stealth jihad) consideration.  I enclose herewith, my two letters to the Director-General of DSS as a concerned Nigerian and they speak for themselves.  However it is very clear that the DSS has always been able to sabotage the intentions of the Commander-in-Chief.

The letter dated December 22, 2014, was sent by courier to General Yakubu Gowon who was then in the UK.  Fortunately or unfortunately, the letter was intercepted by the British Customs and the London Metropolitan Police had to interview General Gowon who gave me a clean bill of conduct.  However, it was only recently that the General accepted the possibility that there exists stealth jihad in Nigeria.


Settled issue of Democracy

It is not in dispute that the British and our founding fathers agreed on democracy.  The young Turks headed by Chukwuma Nzeogwu in 1966 decided to truncate democracy in the hope of introducing military rule that would, they alleged, end corruption, recognize the “supremacy” of one tribe Nd’igbo, in the first instance, but eventually the three major tribes of Nd’igbo, Hausa/Fulani and Yoruba to the disadvantage of the other 286 Ethnic Nationalities who were to be assimilated by these big three.  It is suggested that the Northern Hausa/Fulani fought back, but one prefers to say that Democracy fought back.  The counter-coup of July 1966 was organized for the purpose of preventing subjugation and the exercise of Freedom of Association. “Araba” is a call for “Freedom”. At the same time, Sharia proponents were waiting to take advantage of the confused society and, with the instruments of confidentiality and secrecy, were able to whittle down the democracy put in place by the British and our founding fathers without diminishing it completely to make the introduction of Sharia ideology run parallel with Democracy.  It is now very clear to all discerning minds that Sharia is the preferred ideology by a minority of Nigerians while the majority prefers Democracy.  In Malaysia it was a medical doctor that changed the fortunes of that country.  In Singapore, it was a British trained Barrister and in Nigeria, it was soldiers who moved to the traditional institution.  It is time that old soldiers got us out of this security quagmire and liberate the country from Jackboot rule of the military in either khaki or “agbada”. 


Muslim Brotherhood in Nigeria 

President Babangida introduced the New Breed Politicians to promote, in one’s view, political Islam whereby the Islamists were able to select mostly young Christian men and women who were placed in positions of authority under military rule to promote Political Islam in the Local, States, and Federal Government.  Babangida had the reputation of being called the “evil genius” because of the manner he ruled, (some say manipulated) the country.  The fact is that both Babangida and Sheikh Gumi before him, lifted and copied from various manuals of the Islamic Brotherhood of Egypt and, in particular, the “process of settlement” outlined in the Explanatory Memorandum and published doctrine especially  in its “Toward a worldwide strategy for Islamic policy”.   Over the years, these new breed politicians have come to occupy most of the offices in the Legislature and the Executive and the majority parties of PDP and APC that are, in essence, alternatives to one another, loyal to the political Islamists who are their benefactors.  These loyalists are still in place from Local Government Councilors to Chairmen, from members of the House of Assembly to Speakers, from members of the House of Representatives to the “retirement” posts of Senators for ex-Governors etc.  The pay of these selected politicians are far beyond any legislature in the world and in their positions as members of the Legislature have become part of the ruling elites of Nigeria, who, from time to time, distribute pots and pans, motorbikes etc, to the electorates (whose votes, in most cases, do not count) as “dividends” of democracy.  These distributed of gift are no dividends of democracy as there is no moral or legal equivalent between pots and pans and human rights and freedom.  

Zoning of political offices is, in one’s view, is aimed at centralizing power outside the parties in the hands of a few political Islamists as godfathers.  Political Islamists who were the new breed politicians in the 1980s having decided on zoning as suitable replacement for primary elections are now old breed with the newly passed law of “Not too young to rule” in tow.   To ensure this, another set of political Islamist agents are selected to replace “new” breed politicians of military President Babangida’s era.  The “new” breed is to replace the old breed and strengthen political Islam under the guise of Democracy.  Christian governors who embrace zoning then and now are merely acting the script of their godfathers.  The concept of zoning, in one’s view, is introduced in a country where votes, in most cases, do not count and the Constitution has no provision for Independent candidacy and gives the semblance of election when in actual fact it is selection.  


Political Islam in Nigeria

It has become very clear that the overthrow of General Yakubu Gowon in 1975 was a jihad and the allegation that he (Gowon) failed to hand over power to civil rule, as the reason for his overthrow, is Taqiyya (falsehood). This was to deceive Nigerians who believed then that these soldiers loved their country more than their Commander-in-Chief while, in fact, the whole aim was to replace Democracy with Sharia because there was no way they (political Islamists) would have convinced Gowon to promote Sharia in place of Democracy. Gowon was not corrupt and it required a jihad to remove him.  It was stealth jihad that got one of Gowon’s confidants then Brigadier Joe Garba, to be the arrowhead of the palace coup that was conceived by a majority of Muslim Colonels.

Planning such palace coup made the planner the Head of State, if the coup succeeds, but attracts death penalty if it fails.  In some cases, the mere contemplation of a coup attracted the death penalty – Such conducts are only permissible under Sharia.  Perhaps the most incomprehensible conduct against a fellow general is when, after retirement, generals are classified into (a) democracy compliant general and (b) Sharia compliant general. When a democracy compliant general is in charge, he is eager to consult both generals in (a) and (b) groups on matters of security. But when a Sharia compliant general is in charge, he consults only group (b) and isolate other generals.  One is of the view that this division, is one of the tenets of Islam – Islamic supremacy.  The division in the Armed Forces permeated the public service thereafter to the level of the ordinary Nigerian. Sharia proponents hold to  this  injunction, “Ye are the best of peoples evolved for mankind” [Q3110] 


Sharia Interference under the Constitution

The 1979 Constitution was promulgated into law by your good self a Christian.  Chapter II of the 1999 Constitution is the Fundamental Objectives and Directive Principles of State Policy, which provides for a democratic manifesto but was made non-justiciable.  Section 13 and 14 provides as follows: “13. It shall be the duty and responsibility of all organs of government, and of all authorities and persons, exercising legislative, executive or judicial powers, to conform to, observe and apply the provisions of this Chapter of this Constitution.  14. (1) The Federal Republic of Nigeria shall be a State based on the principles of democracy and social justice; (2) It is hereby, accordingly, declared that: (a) sovereignty belongs to the people of Nigeria from whom government through this Constitution derives all its powers and authority; (b) the security and welfare of the people shall be the primary purpose of government: and (c) the participation by the people in their government shall be ensured in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution”, with this last (c) being the bedrock of Democracy together with the motto of the Federal Government that is intended to promote, social objectives, educational objectives, foreign policy objectives, environmental objectives, directive on Nigerian culture, obligation of mass media, national ethic, duties of citizens and all made non-justiciable.  It is however suggested that making these provisions justiciable will offend Sharia principles that outlaw man-made laws.  


Democracy and Islam: Any system of man-made law is considered illicit under Islamic law, for whose adherents Allah already has provided the only law permitted, shariah. Islam and democracy can never co-exist in harmony. “And if any fail to judge by the light of what Allah has revealed, they are no better than unbelievers.” (Q 5:47)  “Sovereignty in Islam is the prerogative of Almighty Allah alone. He is the absolute arbiter of values and it is His will that determines good and evil, right and wrong.” (Mohammed Hashim Kamali, Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence, 3d rev. ed., (Cambridge, UK:  The Islamic Text Society, 2003), 8.)  The shariah cannot be amended to conform to changing human values and standards.  Rather, it is the absolute norm to which all human values and conduct must conform.” (Muslim Brotherhood ‘spiritual leader’ Yousef al-Qaradawi).

Enforcement of Section 14 would have reduced corruption and place government officials and institutions on their toes.  This issue requires further discussion between proponents of Democracy and Sharia among our retired Heads of State and Presidents.  Additions to the above Constitutional provisions that one can regard as “Political Islamists restrictions”, is the numerous provisos on Fundamental Human Rights in Chapter IV.   These provisos have similar effects especially in Chapter IV on Fundamental Rights.  An example is Section 40 “Every person shall be entitled to assemble freely and associate with other persons and, in particular, he may form or belong to any political party, trade union or any other association for the protection of his interests: Provided that the provisions of this section shall not derogate from the powers conferred by this Constitution on the Independent National Electoral Commission with respect to political parties to which that Commission does not accord recognition.” Electoral law overriding the Constitution.


Section 274(5) of 1979 Constitution but now Section 315(5) of the 1999 Constitution states that “(5) Nothing in this Constitution shall invalidate the following enactments, that is to say - 

(a) the National Youth Service Corps Decree 1993; 

(b) the Public Complaints Commission Act; 

(c) the National Security Agencies Act; 

(d) the Land Use Act, 

and the provisions of those enactments shall continue to apply and have full effect in accordance with their tenor and to the like extent as any other provisions forming part of this Constitution and shall not be altered or repealed except in accordance with the provisions of section 9 (2) of this Constitution.”  The last two in our view is to protect and maintain the confidentiality of the Mukharabat aimed at promoting in practical terms political Islam while the Land Use Act can be construed  to protect Fulani grazing routes and fields which Sharia regards as Sacred Land for which Muslims are obliged to conduct jihad to claim should this be necessary.  

Because Sharia remains what Shehu Shagari described as “much maligned, misunderstood and contentious subject” [Beckoned to Serve, pg. 200], (2) because Othman dan Fodio founder of the Sokoto Caliphate had waged jihad against rulers, faulted for failing to enforce Sharia,  (3) Rulers of Northern States had regularly given rise to movements of religious purification and reforms (tagid), in addition to the fact that (4) “the Northern elites and student groups see Sharia as an instrument for solidifying an Islamic identity in the face of continuing Christian advance”, [Sharia Politics, pg. 40],  the NCEF decided to educate itself on the compatibility of Sharia and Democracy and came to the conclusion that they are incompatible and, more importantly, that the conflict between Sharia and Democracy has hindered Nigeria’s progress.


Transition to Democracy

The impression has been created by the Armed Forces of Nigeria that they (the Armed Forces) are protectors of our nascent democracy.  With the benefit of hindsight, it has become very clear that the brains behind these successful coups had a different agenda to wit: to move Nigeria from Military Dictatorship to an Islamic State in which Sharia will constitute the source of legislation. 

Fortunately, most of our former Heads of State and Presidents are still very much alive and in a position to correct facts contained in any document, articles or books that contain mis-statement, mis-conception and fake news.  On the other hand, they can remain silent and do nothing.  Former President Obasanjo and Shagari have written about their lives and experience in Government.  We are waiting for Gowon, Babangida, Ernest Shonekan, Abdulsalami Abubakar and Goodluck Jonathan to do same. 

In the book titled Soldiers of Fortune, the author wrote “Babangida was the first Nigerian ruler to come to power by design rather than by chance. He was at that time, the only Nigerian military leader that actively sought political power prior to coming to office, prepared for it and waited patiently for it to come his way” to entrench Islamic fanaticism in Nigeria. All of Nigeria's previous leaders had power inadvertently thrust on them. Balewa became Prime Minister due to the Sardauna of Sokoto’s lack of interest in the job and even shed tears when re-appointed prime minister in 1964. Aguiyi-Ironsi, Gowon and Murtala Mohammed had power bestowed on them after coups they did not take part in. Obasanjo became head of state after the assassination of Murtala, and Major-General Buhari was nominated as head of state by the faction which planned and executed the December 1983 coup. Even the elected President Shagari originally had no interest in becoming President but was nominated as the NPN's Presidential candidate despite being dis-interested. In contrast, Babangida’s rise to power was no twist of fate, and occurred by deliberate planning and design. He was probably the most prepared military ruler in Nigeria's history.” [Soldiers of Fortune: Nigerian Politics from Buhari to Babangida, Max Siollun pg. 68]

The above statement is incontrovertible because action speaks louder than voice. But it will be farfetched to hold that Babangida sat down to do all the reading and thinking by himself.  He had two teams before and during his term as military President, one team was for Democracy and the other, for Sharia.  It is also very clear that military President Babangida did not become Military President to promote democracy but to establish Sharia as the source of legislation in Nigeria.  While it can be said that you (Obasanjo) before him, promulgated the 1979 Constitution, it is clear that you were under the Muslim tenet of Taqiyya (deceit) for the fact that a number of Nigerians (including the writer) know that Nigeria had both a visible and an invisible government.  While you (Obasanjo) were in charge of the visible government, you were also under the influence of the invisible government.  This however cannot be said of Babangda because his transition without end is proof of intention to promote Sharia that would enable him to remain in office for life, even though not elected.  In the book Transition Without End [1996] edited by Larry Diamond, Anthony Kirk-Greene and Oyeleye Oyediran, the author wrote “Babangida initiated one of the most ambitious, imaginative, complex, and expensive transitions from authoritarian rule that has ever been attempted anywhere. Ultimately, it would also prove to be one of the most protracted, controversial, unstable and unsuccessful. So frequent and fundamental were its timetables and ground rules changed, so staggering were the corruption, abuse of power, and cult of personality surrounding it, that most Nigerians came to doubt that it would ever be completed. In the process of trying to track, interpret, and explain the agonizing twists and turns of this process - and the deepening descent of this African giant into political turmoil, endemic conflict, and economic depression - we were repeatedly compelled to delay, revise, and extend our own collaborative study, and to give it the regrettable but we think appropriate title, “Transition Without End”. [Pgs. xv – xvi]  and as stated by you in your book My Watch: Early Life and Military “Most of Babangida' s boys were used in the coup that ousted President Shagari. They were adequately compensated in appropriate military and political appointments, and they were still available to do Babangida's bidding at any time. Obviously, one such boy was Abacha; he was not picked for his brightness or military performance, but for his utilitarian value to Babangida. Having been used to announce the coup, he had secured for himself a payback in the form of an appropriate appointment and access to funds to go with the appointment. It was as part of the payback that Babangida left Abacha behind in the military when he was stepping aside.” [pgs. 396 – 397].  It is safe to conclude that even today Democracy is steadily being eroded by Sharia.

From the facts above, it is very clear that Military President Babangida laid the foundations more than any other Nigerian ruler, of the conflict Nigeria is grappling with between Democracy and Sharia.  A military President, Babangida had the political influence and sagacity to stop Nigeria from drifting to anarchy and former President Obasanjo and other former Heads of State and Presidents must collaborate so that the stepping aside in the promotion of Sharia will be permanent. 


Jihad’s New Battleground

The Economist of July, 2018 in an article titled Terrorism in Africa, Jihad’s New Battleground highlighted the following points among others: 

1. The fight against Islamic State has moved to Africa. As a matter of fact, it has moved across either sides of the Sahara, from Somalia and Kenya in the East through Nigeria to Mali, Burkina Faso. From Egypt through Libya and Tunisia to Algeria.  From Dakar in Senegal to close to Miami to Mogadishu in Somalia.  

2. This region is regarded as probably the largest card carrying group of Islamic States (IS) members outside Iraq and Syria.  Violent incidents involving jihadist groups in Africa have increased by more than 300% between 2010 and 2017; the number of African countries experiencing sustained militant activity has more than doubled to 12 over the period. 

3. Jihadist groups loyal to al-Qaeda include al-Shabab in Somalia, Boko Haram in Nigeria and Jama’a Nusrat al-Islam wal-Muslimin in Mali all share one ideological trait jihadism and in the process suck money and support from militant groups in the Middle East.

4. Campaign against Boko Haram is considered the most important battle because if Nigeria goes down it will make a great sinkhole that would suck in six or seven other countries.

5. Although the Nigerian government insists that the war has already been won, evidence on ground in Kiribiri, a village 20km from Maiduguri show otherwise. 

6. That Maiduguri, the birthplace of Boko Haram, has factions made up of the world’s deadliest terrorist group that sickens even IS and al-Qaeda. 

7. Going Boko loco means that the followers of Yusuf reject the state since it was created by man, not God and “any type of knowledge that contradicts Islam”, including such notions that the world is round or that rain comes from evaporation. Yusuf is reported to have demanded the ban on secular schooling.

8. By 2009, Boko Haram attacked the police and army, and killed clerics who disagreed with their interpretation of Islam. Yusuf’s followers after he was killed bombed the Police Headquarters in Abuja and, by 2014, had overrun large parts of three states in Nigeria.

9. Boko Haram gained international notoriety after kidnapping over 300 schoolgirls from Chibok and were then fighting their way into Maiduguri. 

10. Rather than a caliphate, Boko Haram preferred chaos, bombing mosques and markets, massacred villagers and abducted women and girls. Some girls were enslaved and sold or became human bombers.  More than half of 434 such human bombs used between April 2011 and June 2017 were female.

11. The United Nations children’s agency (UNICEF) says that last year, 2017, Boko Haram strapped bombs to at least 135 children. Shekau in one of his videos justifies selling into slavery the girls kidnapped in Chibok: “Allah says I should sell. He commands me to sell.” 

12. Shekau’s brutality proved too much even for IS, which led to splitting of the group into two and when Buhari became President, he ordered military commanders to move to Borno and within two months the army had recaptured most big towns in the North-East.

13. The Americans reckon that Barnawi, a leading group of Boko Haram is commanding about 3,500 fighters while Shekau probably has about 1,500 fighters. ISWAP had learned how to make roadside bombs and more skilled in conducting attacks. With foreign fighters from Mali, Libya, they mounted long distance raid to kidnap 110 schoolgirls from Dapchi, “moved out about 250 miles to conduct a raid and retreated again.” “That’s not something the Nigerian Army is capable of doing.” The UN Report published by the News Agency of Nigeria on August 17, 2018 suggest that heavy ransom was paid for the girls’ release.

14. It is estimated that 300 Nigerian soldiers were killed and 1,500 wounded last year out of the 70,000 deployed in the North-East.  Some soldiers have been deployed to the North-East for four years.  They are not rotated for rest and restraint.

15. Unlike Boko Haram, who did not want to govern, ISWAP is consolidating control of border villages. Levies taxes on locals and erects roadblocks to extort money from passing traffic. Although it cannot hold territory in a stand-up fight with the Nigerian army, is building a “proto-caliphate”.

16. Nigeria’s generals are talking about winning hearts and minds but they are doing the opposite. “The army has systematically cleared people from the countryside, burning their villages and packing them into squalid camps in Maiduguri”, says  the Economist. In all, some 2.4 million people have been displaced by the fighting in Nigeria and neighboring countries.

17. Most observers think that indiscriminate killings by the Army and the forcing of people into garrison towns are fuelling the insurgency. There are almost no jobs in the camps. Access is through checkpoints manned by the army and CJTF, who demand bribes. Amnesty International, a human-rights group, says many women and girls have been raped in the camps and that hundreds, if not thousands of people confined in them, have died of starvation or a lack of medical care.

18. The Nigerian state’s failure extends far beyond the camps. In areas affected by Boko Haram, almost no one gets schooling, health care or other public services. In Bama, a town that was once home to more than 250,000 people, the general hospital is a camp for displaced people. Aid workers reckon that the Nigerian government has posted nomore than two civilian administrators to the town. In effect, Nigeria’s north-east is a failed state within a dysfunctional one. 

19. That 71% of people who joined jihadist groups in Africa did so in response to brutality by the security forces. Most were uneducated and came from poor areas with few services there.

20. While groups such as Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) or the World Food Programme (WFP), help to feed some 2 million people, this is not enough as children suffering from mal-nutrition can be seen in Borno hospitals.

21. Yet amid the destitution, there is glimmer of hope of economic development. The magazine named one Mrs. Muhammad who fled Boko Haram with her four children three years ago now earns N50,000 a week. WFP is trying to get farmers and fishermen back on their feet.  

22. Military intervention alone the Economist say, cannot solve the problem. It can only disrupt jihadists and buy time to win back the allegiance of the disgruntled and marginalized, for most part. The article concluded that to win back the disgruntled and marginalized “is a job for Africa’s beleaguered rulers if they are up to it.”


From the above unbiased narrative of impartial factual observers from a credible magazine the Economist, we, in Nigeria are confronted with a twin challenge of making war or promoting peace.  Fortunately in 2019, we are expected to elect a President that would take us, as it were, to the promised land.  Aside Boko Haram, we are now grappling with the farmer/herders violence. Below is the view of the International Crisis Group of July 26, 2018 titled Stopping Nigeria’s Spiraling Farmer-Herder Violence


Farmers/Herders Violence 

The International Crisis Group in its principal finding says:

  1. That Violence between Nigerian herders and farmers has escalated, killing more than 1,300 people since January 2018. The conflict has evolved from spontaneous reactions to provocations and now to deadlier planned attacks, particularly in Benue, Plateau, Adamawa, Nasarawa and Taraba states. 
  2. That three factors have aggravated this decades-long conflict arising from environmental degradation in the far north and encroachment upon grazing grounds in the Middle Belt: militia attacks; the poor government response to distress calls and failure to punish past perpetrators; and new laws banning open grazing in Benue and Taraba states.  
  3. That the farmer-herder conflict has become Nigeria’s gravest security challenge, now claiming far more lives than the Boko Haram insurgency. It has displaced hundreds of thousands and sharpened ethnic, regional and religious polarisation. It threatens to become even deadlier and could affect forthcoming elections and undermine national stability.  
  4. That the federal government should better protect both herders and farmers, prosecute attackers, and carry out its National Livestock Transformation Plan. State governments should roll out open grazing barns in phases. Communal leaders should curb inflammatory rhetoric and encourage compromise. International partners should advocate for accountability and support livestock sector reform. 

The Report of September 19, 2017 titled Herders against Farmers: Nigeria’s Expanding Deadly Conflict stated:

 “Violent conflicts between nomadic herders from northern Nigeria and sedentary agrarian communities in the central and southern zones have escalated in recent years and are spreading southward, threatening the country’s security and stability. With an estimated death toll of approximately 2,500 people in 2016, these clashes are becoming as potentially dangerous as the Boko Haram insurgency in the North-East. Yet to date, response to the crisis at both the federal and state levels has been poor. President Muhammadu Buhari’s administration and affected state governments need to work together, taking immediate steps to shore up security for herders and farmers, strengthening conflict-resolution mechanisms and initiating longer-term efforts to reform livestock management practices, address negative environmental trends and curb cross-border movements of both cattle rustlers and armed herders” 

That as a result of federal government’s failure to work out a clear and coherent political approach to resolve the crisis or even acknowledge its scope is putting Nigerian citizens at risk. It recommended as follows: 

  1. Strengthen Security arrangements for herders and farming communities especially in the north-central zone 
  2. Establish or strengthen conflict mediation, resolution, reconciliation and peace building mechanism 
  3. Establish grazing reserves in consenting states and improve livestock production and management in order to minimize contacts and friction between herders and farmers
  4. Address environmental factors that are driving herders’ migration to the south
  5. Coordinate with neighbors to stem cross-border movement of non-Nigerian armed herders. (Abuja/Brussels, 19th September, 2018).


The writer has decided to refer to international organizations and their assessment of the Nigerian situation, because they are not likely to be partial or biased. The Daily Independent published on August 17, 2018, a United Nation Report which suggested that cash economy is fuelling Boko Haram activities etc.  It reads: 

“Contrary to the Federal Government’s claim that it “neither paid ransom nor swapped any Boko Haram member to secure the release of Dapchi girls” in March, a UN report has confirmed that it made “a large ransom payment” to secure the freedom of the girls from Boko Haram Islamist militants.  The Report also revealed that the predominance of the cash economy is a major factor fuelling the nefarious activities of the Boko Haram and other terrorist groups in the Lake Chad Basin region.  These were contained in the 22nd Report of the Analytical Support and Sanctions Monitoring Team, pursuant to resolution 2368 (2017) concerning Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant – ISIL – (Da’esh), Al-Qaida and associated individuals and entities. About 111 girls were kidnapped from the Government Girls Science and Technical College, Dapchi, Yobe State by a Boko Haram faction in February this year with about 105 of them later released by the terrorists. One of them, Leah Sharibu, who reportedly, refused to denounce her Christian faith, is still being held by the kidnappers. The UN Report was submitted to the Security Council Committee pursuant to resolutions 1267 (1999), 1989 (2011) and 2253 (2015) concerning ISIL (Da’esh), Al-Qaida and associated individuals, groups, undertakings and entities.  The UN said the number of doctrinally based non-governmental organizations sending funds to local terrorist groups was growing, and member states were concerned that radicalization was increasing the threat level in the Sahel.  “Meanwhile, Boko Haram (QDe.138) and the Islamic State West Africa Province (ISWAP) have had a similar impact in their areas of control, including the Lake Chad basin.” The predominance in the region of the cash economy, without controls, is conducive to terrorist groups funded by extortion, charitable donations, smuggling, remittances and kidnapping.  In Nigeria, 111 schoolgirls from the town of Dapchi were kidnapped on 18 February 2018 and released by ISWAP on 21 March 2018 in exchange for a large ransom payment,” the report stated as quoted by the News Agency of Nigeria.  The Report signed by Edmund Fitton-Brown, Coordinator, Analytical Support and Sanctions Monitoring Team and Kairat Umarov, Chair, Security Council Committee was “comprehensive and independent”. The UN Security Council Committee on al Qaeda sanctions blacklisted and imposed sanctions on the Islamist militant group Boko Haram in 2014 after the insurgents kidnapped more than 200 Chibok schoolgirls in Borno.  The designation, which came into effect after no objections were raised by the Security Council’s 15 members, subjected Boko Haram to UN sanctions, including an arms embargo, asset freeze and travel ban.  The UN Security Council had last week said it remained concerned about the security and humanitarian situation caused by the Boko Haram terrorists and other armed groups in Nigeria, Cameroon and Chad.” [FG Paid ‘Large Ransom’ For Dapchi Girls’ Freedom — UN]


The comments of the Economist, the Crisis Group and United Nations suggest that Nigeria is at the brink of the precipice.  The Minister of Information Lai Mohammed had insisted that Nigeria did not pay any ransom for the Dapchi girls but from facts presented in this essay, one has no reason to disbelieve the United Nations.  The Minister is merely playing Taqiyya.

President Olusegun Obasanjo and his Christian Constituency

Before we comment on the issue concerning the next President, one is reminded of the view of the civil society under the Obasanjo regime titled Missed Opportunity.  The Book Olusegun Obasanjo The Presidency Legacy 1999 – 2007 Vol. II states in part: “the main focus of the President in courting the Christian community was the issue of the completion of the Ecumenical Centre. For over twenty years, the Christian community had watched with embarrassment as the unfinished structure of the Centre stood almost as a reflection of the collective powerlessness of the community. President Obasanjo threw his weight behind this project and successfully brought it to over 90% completion before he left. But this was hardly a measure of how Christians felt about the Presidency. There was a general feeling among Christians that the President was not prepared to do much for the Christian community. He was often seen with the Sultan and the emirs in private and public. Even when he (the President) went on state visits, or visited crisis areas, he was more likely to visit a traditional ruler than the local Bishop. On the whole, it seemed that the President was occasionally more at home with some of the Pentecostal Religious leaders than with the leadership of the Christian community in Nigeria.”  On  the Ecumenical Centre that was later changed to Christian Centre to the disappointment of the Catholic Church, this writer holds the view that it was stealth jihad need on Christian leaders and the Christian President that caused the division.  The narrative continues: “In 2002, there were serious crises in Jos, the capital of Plateau State leading to the loss of thousands of lives. The crisis was the result of many years of deep resentment created by historical distortions in power sharing mechanisms. Perceived suspicion between the minority Christian community and the settler Muslim communities spread across the state. The crisis was not the first of its kind. However, the President was quick to respond to an ill-advised and a politically motivated proposal by one of the leading Muslim politicians to declare a state of emergency in Plateau State. When the second crisis occurred, there were anxieties on all sides. Then the President decided to pay a state visit to condole with the various communities.  Sadly, the President did not seem to appreciate that Christianity had come to mean as a source of identity to the ordinary people of the Plateau. The decision to declare a state of emergency was, in the minds of the non-Muslims population of Plateau State, calculated to further the political ambitions of some of the prominent Muslim elite in the state. During his visits, the President tried to calm frayed nerves in a situation that was indeed very complex. However, what broke the camel’s back was when the President dropped his guard and made what was considered the most unfortunate statement in the course of a public meeting. In a discussion with the leaders of the Christian community in the state, the chairman of the Plateau State chapter of the CAN, Rev. Yakubu Pam was making a point which seemed not to agree with the President. In a fit of anger, the President excoriated the chairman. The President was alleged to have retorted, “CAN, my foot!” This statement generated so much anxiety among the Christians well beyond Plateau State and many of the President’s opponents saw this as the highest expression of his lack of serious concern about the CAN. And most people argued that there is no way that even under the spell of the same provocation, that the President could have made a similar remark regarding the Jama’atu Nasril Islam, JNI – the Muslim equivalent of the CAN. Although both the President and Rev. Pam made up, the harm had been done. An assessment of the effect of the Obasanjo administration on Christianity will remain very controversial. [Page 211-212]  It would appear that the Christian President was under the “control” of the invisible government as stated earlier. 

In the book Shari’a Politics: Islamic Law and Society in the Modern World Paul Lubeck wrote on Nigeria titled Mapping a Shari’a Restorationist Movement thus “the year 1999 will be remembered as a pivotal moment in Nigerian history. A transition to civilian democracy ended sixteen years of corrupt and increasingly brutal rule by authoritarian generals from the Muslim north (e.g., Ibrahim Babangida and Sani Abacha).  In their place, Olusegun Obasanjo, a born-again Christian arid former general from the Yoruba-speaking southwest, was sworn in as the democratically elected President of Nigeria's Fourth Republic. The highly popular transition to civilian rule not only ended years of egregious human rights abuses, but civil society and trade union resistance augured well for the revitalization of Nigerian democracy. It was a time of renewal, hope, and relative optimism for Nigerians. To be sure, most Nigerians in 1999 held the Northern generals and their civilian advisors responsible for destroying the prosperity, public institutions, and international reputation of the nation. Nigeria had fallen to pariah status within the international community. General Babangida’s annulment of the June 12, 1993 electoral victory of M.K.O. Abiola deeply enraged the Yoruba people of the southwest as well as other democrats. In time, these offenses provoked a popular movement demanding a sovereign national conference to consider transforming Nigeria into a decentralized confederation. Subsequently, General Abacha’s unprecedented personal corruption and brutally repressive policies not only caused the death of the northern populist leader Shehu Yar’ Adua but resulted in Nigeria’s expulsion from the Commonwealth.  Finally, by hanging Ken Saro-Wiwa for demanding that the indigenes of the Niger Delta be allowed to control the natural resources of their area, Abacha succeeded in mobilizing the global human rights community to demand sanctions against Nigeria and provoking waves of rebellion in the oil-rich Niger Delta. --- Obasanjo’s victory disrupted and terminated the long-standing political arrangements that gave the Muslim north political control over the federal government apparatus. Historically, Muslim political elites had specialized in constructing delicate multi-ethnic coalitions that enabled them to hold political control over the federal center, a solution which compensated them for their inability to control their share of the technical positions in the federal bureaucracy. Because of the north’s comparative educational and economic backwardness, technical positions in the federal bureaucracy were controlled by southern groups. Accordingly, for the northern Muslims, the “power shift” to Obasanjo provoked insecurity, soul-searching, and a generalized feeling of being pushed to the margins of political and economic power.” [pgs. 244 - 245]

The above facts are to remind President Obasanjo and other former Heads of State and President, General Gowon, Chief Shonekan and Goodluck Jonathan of the need for them to come together to share their knowledge and wisdom of being Christians to help out, our country Nigeria in its agreed Democratic ideology.  Fortunately, all of our past Heads of State and Presidents, except Goodluck Jonathan, are over 75 and in a good position to conduct an independent review of their individual watch and work out how best to re-assert the country’s democracy without violence.  Thereafter, they should also reach out to their Muslim counterparts and decide what is best for Nigeria of the future.

It is the view of this writer, who is over 80 and fortunate to have been recruited into the Colonial Nigeria Police Force, thereafter a lawyer and today a Senior Advocate of Nigeria that the role of the SSS or DSS has been elevated or downgraded to mere position of promoters of stealth jihadist and Sharia.

Role of the SSS  otherwise known as DSS

Shehu Shagari in his book titled Beckoned to Serve wrote: “The Nigeria Security Organization (NSO) that was later renamed SSS …. wrote “sequel to the tragic incident of 13 February 1976, when the Head of State General Murtala Muhammed, was assassinated, the successor Obasanjo Administration was forced, by circumstance, to review its security arrangements with a view to tightening it up and plugging the loopholes. It soon realized that the existing facilities were grossly inadequate to cope with the complicated internal security situation existing in the country at the time. Government saw the need for a new and modern security organization that should be strong, independent and distinct from the Special Branch of the Police Force; the Military intelligence unit; the Security Department of the Cabinet office; and other bodies which had hitherto dealt with matters of national security in their various ways. Thus a new organization, the National Security Organization (NSO) was created under Decree No. 27 of 1976. Its staff was drawn mostly from the above named bodies and a Military Intelligence Office and Major General Abdullahi Muhammed, was appointed its first Director General.  --- The organization, because of its secret nature, was allocated funds for its operations from security votes which were not subject to scrutiny except by the President. On account of the importance attached to the organization, the Obasanjo regime entrenched the Decree, which created it, into the 1979 Constitution so as to safeguard its continued existence as an essential organ of National Security.  The NSO was not a law enforcement agency but it worked in close cooperation with the other agencies to detect and prevent such crimes as sabotage, spying, conspiracy and illegal trafficking in arms and drugs, and many other duties. It kept the authorities constantly informed on the security situation in and outside the country and ensured the safety of government functionaries and other persons who needed protection as well as the security of strategic installations and buildings throughout the country. The organization made a very good start under the leadership of its first Director-General and performed well during the Obasanjo regime. When I took over in October 1979, I appointed a new Director-General, Alhaji Umaru Shikafi, who was before then, the Commissioner of Police in Oyo State. He, immediately, re-activated the organization and arranged for the recruitment and training of more staff. The task of the NSO became more difficult during the civilian era. This was because it had to cope also with the complicated political situation at times when security was threatened not only by those outside the government but, in some cases, also by insiders including some state governors and their aides.”  [pgs. 325 – 327] [Emphasis supplied]  

Today the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Police have been turned to instrument for the promotion of Sharia and anti-democracy.

On the other hand, the SSS has been converted to an enforcing security outfit in competition with the Police.  SSS now enforce laws- reprehensible actions especially those inimical to democracy such as the siege of the National Assembly on August 7, 2018.  The events in Benue and Plateau States portray SSS as the main instrument of the stealth jihadists to truncate Democracy, with the sole aim of converting Nigeria to an Islamic republic.  Here, therefore, is the scenario – conventional jihad, Boko Haram, Fulani herdsmen, stealth jihadists Police, DSS and the Executive.  This arrangement might lead to another civil war, and if this is to be avoided, then Nigeria must become an Islamic Republic with one or two Caliphate – Sokoto and Maiduguri.  What is difficult to understand is the fact that good and evil in major religions are not subjective.  


Pre-Old Testament Period

This Decalogue (“ten words”) of moral law inscribed on two stone tables, traditionally was given by God through Moses to his Chosen People for guidance in conducting their lives in accord with the demands of the Covenant God established with them as a divine gift.  It is interesting to contrast the Judeo-Christian Decalogue with the moral codes, given below, of other faiths. Notice, in particular, how many are “positive” statements (Thou shall) versus the number that are “negative” (Thou shall Not); reprimand of this sort is psychologically a more effective deterrent, more indelibly etched in memory.


(1) I am the Lord thy God, thou shalt NOT have strange gods before Me;

(2) Thou shalt NOT take the name of the Lord thy God in Vain;

(3) Remember to keep holy the Lord’s Day;

(4) Honor thy father and thy mother;

(5) Thou shalt NOT kill;

(6) Thou shalt NOT commit adultery

(7) Thou shalt NOT steal

(8)Thou shalt NOT bear false witness against thy neighbor;

(9)Thou shalt NOT covet thy neighbor’s wife;

(10) Thou shalt NOT covet thy neighbor’s goods. [Sacred Origins of Profound Things (The Stories Behind the Rites and Rituals of the world’s Religions) Page 90-92] 


Ten Precepts of Buddha: Sixth Century B.C.E.

The Ten Precepts, or dasa-sila, recast in Judeo-Christian format for the sake of comparison:

(1) Thou shalt NOT take another’s life;

(2) Thou shalt NOT take that which is not given;

(3) Thou shalt NOT engage in sexual misconduct;

(4) Thou shalt NOT engage in false speech;

(5) Thou shalt NOT use intoxicants;

(6) Thou shalt NOT eat after midday;

(7) Thou shalt shun worldly amusements;

(8) Thou shalt NOT adorn with ornaments and perfumes;

(9) Thou shalt NOT sleep on high or luxurious bed;

(10) Thou shalt NOT accept gold or silver.


The first five Precepts, the panca-sila, are to be observed by monks and laymen alike. As for number three, sexual misconduct is anything less than celibacy for a monk, and anything less than the accepted social norm, such as adultery, for everyone else. Normally, all Ten Precepts are followed only by Buddhist monks and nuns. [Sacred Origins of Profound Things (The Stories Behind the Rites and Rituals of the world’s Religions) Page 92-93]

Decalogue of the Koran: Islam, Seventh Century C.E. 

Extracted from the Koran’s long text and arranged with the negative emphasized for the sake of comparison:

(1) Do NOT set up another god with God; (2) Be good to your parents, look after them with kindness and love; (3) Give to your relatives what is their due; (4) Do NOT be niggardly, nor go extravagant that you may later feel reprehensive and constrained; (5) Do NOT abandon your children out of fear of poverty; (6) Do NOT go near fornication, for it is an immoral and evil way; (7) Do NOT take a life, which God has forbidden, except in just cause; (8) Do NOT touch the property of others, except for bettering it; (9) Do NOT follow that of which you have no knowledge; (10) Do NOT strut about the land with insolence. [Sacred Origins of Profound Things (The Stories Behind the Rites and Rituals of the world’s Religions) Page 94-95]  from profane studies.


The point being made is that Truth, Good and Evil are objective not subjective, from time immemorial with respect to the major religions of the world and, in the case of Islam, it will be safe to suggest that this was also the case with Islam until the discovery of oil in Saudi Arabia and the dissolution of the Caliphate in 1923 and the transformation of Turkey from the centre of the Islamic world to a secular nation which did not sit well with some of the global Islamic community (ummah).  One of those determined to restore the Caliphate was an Egyptian Hassan al Banna, the son of a Muslim Imam who lived outside of Cairo, and founded in 1928 an organization known as the al-Ikhwan al-Muslimin – the Society of Muslim Brothers or the Muslim Brotherhood. Its Explanatory Memorandum helped in preparing Murtala Mohammed, Muhammadu Buhari, Ibrahim Babangida, Sani Abacha and Abdulsalami Abubakar on Sharia as a legislative instrument.


Nigeria and West Africa

Permit me once again to refer to “My Watch Now and Then, Dealing with now and the future”, Your Excellency wrote “a former African head of state said to me, Nigeria is just not at the table. And if Nigeria is neither seen nor heard, what can the rest do? Yes, it must, of course, be realized that our posture outside is a reflection of our domestic position and strength, confidence, cohesion and security at home. The agony, frustration, disappointment, and concerns of many Nigerians, which cannot easily be put across by them, was put across by a friend of Nigeria, Lord Akhins Adusei, in the African Executive as reproduced below: … In the 1990s, the country’s pivotal role in ending the brutal and bloody civil wars in Liberia and Sierra Leone that killed hundreds of thousands of people won her approbation regionally and beyond. --- Late 1990s are feeling uneasy about her declining status. --- Nigeria among the top 20 most failed states on the planet alongside Somalia, --- Nigeria could not mobilise its military capabilities and assets or that of ECOWAS’ countries to lead the assault against Tuareg and Al-Qaeda fighters. --- Began singing praises to France, describing French soldiers as agents of God and mocking Nigeria and other ECOWAS States for their ineffective leadership and dithering. --- Nigeria’s poor show in the ongoing crisis in Mali is nothing new. --- Though Nigeria supported military action against Gbagbo, it could not translate the rhetoric into effective action. --- Nigeria’s ostrich approach to these problems has been uncharacteristic of a regional power.  --- The increase in piracy in the Gulf of Guinea is indicative of how the internal security challenges in Nigeria are undermining regional security and stability. --- Kidnapped in Cameroon and brought to Nigeria indicate how Nigeria’s internal security challenges are undermining its status.  --- It shows that Nigeria’s navy does not have a single sub-marine to beef up its coastal defences and police the crime infested waters of West Africa. Nigeria’s decline is a worrying problem. --- There is always the need for a regional power to maintain stability. But with Nigeria’s inability to maintain security and stability both at home and in the region and with no viable candidate in the region to replace her, the future stability, security, peace and development of Nigeria and the region is in doubt. In fact, Robert D. Kaplan’s prediction of a “coming anarchy” in the region may not be far from reality. Consequences of the decline: Due to the Nigeria’s inability to solve its internal problems or provide leadership in the sub-region, the political and economic integration of ECOWAS as a regional block has stalled. --- Nigeria’s decline has also led to greater instability and insecurity in the sub-region as can be seen in Ivory Coast, Mali, Guinea and a narco state of Guinea Bissau. --- Reviving Nigeria: First, Neo-patrimonial power system that serves only the interest of the few. Enrichment without development. --- Broad comprehensive reform --- opportunistic manipulation, neo-patrimonial and vertical power structures that have been constructed by the political elite --- civil society and the marginalized citizens --- A reform engineered from the bottom up by the civil society cum the masses might be the only viable option available to kick-start the change badly needed to revitalize the country.  Nigeria’s power holders need to realize that the country’s position in the world is dependent on what it does first at home, second in West Africa and third in Africa. What it does at home ought to rescue it from the grips of the few home-grown oligarchs and external parasites that have since independence been milking it, paralyzing and preventing it from strongly playing its role as a true regional power. Any delay in carrying out a reform will not only make the ‘paper tiger’ and ‘sleeping giant’ stories that have long been associated with the country a reality but will also make the nose-diving decline of the country very hard to reverse.” [pgs. 229 – 234]

We need a Christian President who will be able to reform the Armed Forces of Nigeria, confront the Islamists head on and save our country Nigeria, then Africa and the world. 


God and Choice of Leaders

In Volume three of the book My Watch Now and Then, you wrote concerning President Jonathan “I never got tired of making it clear to those from within and without who wanted to be unsolicited and unnecessary peacemakers where there was no cause for peace-making that there was no personal dispute or disagreement between me and Jonathan. There was, therefore, no reason for anybody to peace-make or to drag him to my place. I cannot see any physical danger to his person or to members of his family and not warn him or ward it off. This I have done in the past and will never stop doing. The issue I have constantly raised with Jonathan is that of his inadequate performance and of not taking Nigeria to the level that I know and have repeatedly pointed out to him that he can. The President's visit to my farm gave me a close insight into the man, Goodluck Jonathan. He repeated the matter of how I was the one who installed him, and I corrected him again, saying that it was God who installed him and nobody else. God uses human beings as instruments to achieve His will or purpose for us individually and collectively.” [pg. 237] 

Not being a theologian, one will be given   the latitude to refer to the Catholic Church to which I belong.  The Catechism of the Catholic Church says: “Human society can be neither well-ordered nor prosperous unless it has some people invested with legitimate authority to preserve its institutions and to devote themselves as far as it necessary to work and care for the good of all.  By ‘authority’, one means the quality by virtue of which persons or institutions make laws and give orders to men, and expect obedience from them.  Every human community needs an authority to govern it. The foundation of such authority lies in human nature. It is necessary for the unity of the state. Its role is to ensure as far as possible the common good of the society.  The authority required by the moral order derives from God: ‘Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. Therefore, he who resists the authorities, resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment.’  The duty of obedience requires all to give due honor to authority, and to treat those who are charged to exercise it with respect, and, insofar as it is deserved, with gratitude and good-will.  --- If authority belongs to the order established by God, ‘the choice of the political regime and the appointment of rulers are left to the free decision of the citizens.  The diversity of political regimes is morally acceptable, provided they serve the legitimate good of the communities that adopt them. Regimes whose nature is contrary to the natural law, to the public order and to the fundamental rights of persons cannot achieve the common good of the nations on which they have been imposed.” [Articles 1897 – 1901]  [Emphasis supplied]  

From the above, it is clear that God did not give Nigeria an Abacha.  He came through our action or inaction.  In the circumstance, we have to give ourselves the next President and not wait on God to give us one.  It is therefore fair to say Obasanjo gave Nigeria Jonathan; his gift was approved by the Nigerian people.  It is also fair to say that Babangida and others gave us Obasanjo - not quite the Nigerian people.  The point being made is that we should blame ourselves for the mistakes of our choice and not just say “it is the wish of God”.

We will make better choices if we accept responsibility for our actions.  In selecting our next President therefore, we must take into consideration the circumstances of our country in 2019 and beyond and the Common Good.  We need the people to make the selection not individuals or a privileged group.  If this is done, the loyalty of the candidate will be to the people not to a godfather or godfathers.


The Next President of Nigeria

There is an attempt under the zoning system to get a Northern Muslim to be the next President and based on the principle of Zoning developed by the two major parties -  the All Progressives Congress (APC) and the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and even the Third Force comprising parties under the umbrella headed by Okei Nwosu.

The National Christian Elders’ Forum that has dedicated itself to sharing knowledge and wisdom is of the view that it may not be in the best interest of Nigerians and Nigeria to consider only Muslim Candidates for the Presidential Election.  Most Nigerians hold the view that it is only Muslim candidates who can split the votes of the North to defeat the incumbent President Buhari but this is untrue.  To appreciate the situation correctly, one must consider the fact that Boko Haram is at war with Nigeria and this, together with the herders/farmers crisis, has developed an ideological conflict between Democracy and Sharia with the latter aided by the Mukharabat – operatives of the Intelligence Services, Armed Forces, Police, etc.  The security committee is loaded in favor of Muslims and it will be difficult for a Muslim to go to war with another Muslim who is on a jihad.  This explained why, at the beginning of Boko Haram, the Muslims in the Armed Forces were reluctant to confront Muslims on a jihad as Shekau made it clear that Boko Haram was a jihad.

We, Christians believe that the Fulani herdsmen are also on a jihad to reclaim lost grazing land and routes. There is no way a Muslim President especially one in the mold of Buhari, would go to war with herdsmen claiming sacred land. This explains why the insecurity in Nigeria has remained intractable.

The Islamists have made formidable inroads in a supposedly democratic Nigeria and the gains will be lost if they (Islamists) are unable to complete their terms either with Buhari or another Muslim. The consequence is that fighting a religious war in which both sides would be Muslim constitute a fake war for the promotion of Sharia. The above scenario can be avoided with the help of wisdom of both Christians and Muslims provided by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and Prophet Mohammed (PBUH).  

We, the people of Nigeria, are entitled to democracy, since it is the basis upon which we obtained independence.  We must therefore re-assert our democracy and its value of human rights and rule of law.  We must not be intimidated or made to endure political injustice and question the credibility of Boko Haram and herdsmen and the way these terrorists are being handled by the Federal Government.

We must talk to each other and listen to one another. We cannot run a country by deceit or cosmetic democracy.  One section of the country must not see itself superior because of religion.  We must make a U-turn and for a New Nigeria, we need a new programme to replace the old, our leaders must lead by example and the notion that Nigeria is the lowest trust society in the world must be removed by action.  Racial Justice in Nigeria must not be judged by tribe and we must re-kindle our respect for old age and wisdom.  We must be loyal to our country, our community, self and family.  Our bureaucracy must move from the colonial to the modern.  Public funds should be seen as public trust not as windfall from God that should be spent to promote self, family and trusted aides.  We must therefore stop financing two conflicting ideologies responsible for our stagnation – Democracy and Sharia.

The role of the military of today   can be properly assessed by old soldiers who we say never die and they who by now are expected to know that because the military do not operate democratically, they cannot be expected to supervise our democracy.

It is better to train people to understand respect and guide our democracy rather than for our military to become part of an instrument of ethnic cleansing.  The ball is therefore in the court of the soldiers especially former Heads of States and other high ups who are still alive to encourage and contribute to raising individuals and institutions that are equipped for the job of planting durable democratic norms and practices.  And, perhaps above all to establish the espirit de corps between serving and retired officers whose origins in Nigeria were founded on democracy in an independent country.


Please be informed that I have taken the liberty to extend this document to:

  1. General Yakubu Gowon GCFR. GCON
  2. Chief Ernest Shonekan GCFR, CBE 
  3. Dr Goodluck Jonathan GCFR, GCON


Solomon Asemota, SAN


National Christian Elders Forum


23rd August, 2018


Letter to Director-General DSS dated December 22nd and 29th, 2014

Solomon Asemota, SAN (Chairman), Prof. Joseph Otubu, Gen. Joshua Dogonyaro (rtd), Archbishop Magnus Atilade, Dr. (Mrs) Kate Okpareke, Dr. Ayo Abifarin, Gen. Zamani Lekwot (rtd), Elder Moses Ihonde, Elder Nat Okoro, Gen. T. Y. Danjuma, Elder Matthew Owojaiye, Justice Kalajine Anigbogu (rtd), Elder Shyngle Wigwe, DIG P. L. Dabup, Sir John W. Bagu, Dr. Saleh Hussaini, Elder Michael Orobator, Justice James Ogebe, JSC (rtd), Dr. Chukwuemeka Ezeife, Chief Debo Omotosho, Dame Priscilla Kuye, Dr. S. D. Gani, Mrs. Osaretin Demuren, Prof. Yussuf Turaki, Dr. Obafemi Olapade, Lady Mariam Yunusa, Pastor Bosun Emmanuel (Secretary)https://docs.google.com/drawings/u/0/d/shj2W9urrNDaUrQD1sCrVmA/image?w=747&h=1&rev=1&ac=1&parent=1ykaEoFWfT2lSEGPV4PDQJlzRs6JQzPEF" width="747" height="1" aria-roledescription="Drawing" />