As you go to Church, could you kindly discuss with your Pastor, Bishop or General Overseer, the plight of persecuted Christians in Nigeria and our collective responsibility to help them as children of One Father in heaven?

Millions of our brethren have been driven out of their homes and they are living under inhuman conditions in IDP Camps. We cannot pretend we are not aware of what is going on.

If indeed we are Christians, we must remember the Lord says, "by this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love, one to another."

We are calling on all Christians to contribute minimum N500 monthly to support our persecuted brethren. N500 a month will not affect payment of tithes and offering to any Church. (Some of us spend more than N500 on data and calls in one day.)
We do not lack money; what we must not lack is compassion.

The persecuted Christians do not need our sympathy, they need our help.

The contribution is managed by Lay Faithful Trust Fund with a Board of Trustees  appointed by National Christian Elders Forum. The Chairman of the Board is Hon. Justice K. Anigbogu (Rtd.)
We guarantee transparency and accountability. Every month, we produce Statement of Account and we publish it online.

Please, let the love of Christ and our shared humanity propel you to take action. A State Governor lamented recently that there are over 1.5 million IDPs in his State.
One camp in Benue has over 35,000 Christian IDPs. They squat under polythene tent in an inhuman and undignifying condition.

These are decent people living their lives peacefully until Islamic terrorists attacked them and drove them out of their homes and communities. They are not criminals. They are persecuted because they identify with Jesus Christ.
Can any of us face Christ and tell him we did nothing to help them?

Please, talk to your Pastor.
We need to reach millions of Christians so that we can have sufficient resources to resettle and empower them.
N500 a month will not affect what goes into any Church.

If your Pastor agrees, you may show two short videos below to members of the congregation. One is 5 minutes while the other is 1 minute.

"... Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me." Matt. 25: 40

Your brother in Christ, 

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Video 1

Video 2

Bank Details
Christian Social Movement of Nigeria
Zenith Bank
10 14 13 83 50

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