Wednesday 29th December 2021

Relief project to widows, orphans, and female IDPs

Lay Faithful Trust Foundation conducted relief project to IDPs in the following camps in Adamawa State:

1. Sangere-Dutse camp
2. E.Y.N. Wuro-Jabbe camp
3. Badarisa camp
4. E.Y.N. Vunoklang camp

The beneficiaries opted for cash distribution instead of food or materials. Due to the fund restrictions, cash distribution was made as follows:

▪️219 female IDPs at 3,000 Naira each
▪️55 widows at 4,000 each
▪️19 orphans at 3,000
▪️4 Camp leaders at 5,000

The cash distribution is restricted by the low response of many Christians to the call to support the persecuted brethren. We appeal to Christians to respond in large numbers to the needs of the Christian IDPs. Whatever is being done now could be considered palliative measures. Our goal is to resettle and empower the Christian brethren in their homes. This, however, would involve the willing support of millions of Nigerian Christians.

Resettling the persecuted Christians from the IDP camps can easily be done if millions of Nigerian Christian agree to donate N500 a month. No individual, ministry, and no denomination will feel the burden, but the work will be done.

We thank Mrs. Mamba and the brethren in Yola for faithfully conducting the relief distribution. We also thank the brethren who donated generously to support the Christian IDPs.
God bless you all.

Kindly join us in reaching out to more Christians to support the ministry to the persecuted brethren. We are all members of the same family of God.

Jesus Christ commands us, “So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets.” Matt. 7: 12 (ESV)

Please visit for the monthly statement of accounts of donations and expenses. At Lay Faithful Trust Foundation, we a policy of accountability and transparency.

Happy New Year,

Your brother in Christ,


Support persecuted Christians:
Christian Social Movement of Nigeria
Zenith bank
10 14 13 83 50

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