Reports reaching us from the field indicate that from 4th November 2021 till 14th February 2022, there have been consistent attacks by Jihadist terrorists on Christian communities in Zango Kataf resulting in the death of 59 persons while 169 houses were destroyed. The communities affected in Samaru Kataf include: Ungwan Ruhugo, Langson, Chibob, Atak Mawai, Sako, Kurfi, Ungwan Wakili, Zaman Dadoh, Kurmin Masara, Kurmin Masara, Atisa, Sabin Laura, Chibuk & Zaman Dado, and so on.

On 14th February 2022, there was another attack on Doka Atyap. Almost all the houses were burnt.

The IDP camp at the Widows Training School in Samaru Kataf has had its population increased by additional 3,000 displaced persons. The humanitarian needs are enormous.

In addition to food, there is need for clothes and in particular, blankets.

As we thank the brethren who have been supporting the ministry to the Christian IDPs, we solicit for continued support as God gives individuals grace to do so. We plan to send relief to the brethren in a few days’ time. More importantly, we request that Christians will assist by forwarding these reports to their contacts. We need more Christians to get involved.

Thank you, and God bless you.

Your brother in Christ,


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