During US NIGERIA LAW GROUP’S election assessment mission in Nigeria, we observed efforts to compromise the elections and raised early warnings and concerns which have now been validated and proven by the resulting self-sabotaged elections.
It is our conclusion that by and large the purported failures and shortcomings detected in the elections were actually contrived and orchestrated to benefit the incumbent ruling party.

  Here is a Brief analogy of Fulani Terrorists herdsmen attacks and killings in Gwer West Local Government Area of Benue State.


 The renewed herdsmen attacks on the peace loving people of Gwer West started on the 21st of January 2019, when the enemies invaded and killed (4) persons in Tse Abe, Tongov in Gwer West LGC.

The National Christian Elders Forum (NCEF) has noted another brazen attempt of the President Buhari Administration to establish its undemocratic character and sectional purpose in Government. That President Buhari would conduct what amounts to “judicial coup” is not surprising to the NCEF; what is surprising is the apparent unwillingness of Christians, as well as that of the generality of Nigerians, to understand the core problem of this country.

National Christian Centre
Abuja, Nigeria.
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2nd Annual National Intercession
Week of National Repentance & Warfare Prayers
Monday, 4th February – Sunday 10th, 2019
January 25, 2019.

Dearly beloved,


Greetings to you in the name of Jesus the Man of War.  It is with great awe I come again to you with the present discernment of and response to the sounds in the air, praying that the Lord would continue to find you at His altar “ _for such a time as this_ ” (Esther 4:14).
We have heard not only that the Lord shall mercifully come through for Nigeria but also that grave judgment hangs over the land; and we have also been shown the Philistines furiously sharpening their swords against a Day that they see as very near, “ _because he knoweth that he hath but a short time”_ (Revelation 12:12).   Having been alerted by insistent calls from some watchmen and watchtowers in the nation because of those recurrent ‘sounds’ in the air – those gladdening promises and frightful cautions from above, and having consulted with some of the leaders of intercession in the land, I hereby make the following call to you, that God would remember mercy in the coming judgment; that the heavenly messenger with _“the writer’s inkhorn_ ” might mark the foreheads of all that sigh and cry even as the slaughter starts soon from the sanctuary (Ezekiel 9:4,6).  Not only from the Heavenly voice but also from the present political rumblings in the nation, this call seems most timely, especially also with respect to the national electoral calendar for February 2019.   Thanks to God for the many organized and spontaneous prayer fires around the land. Only yesterday, a revered elder at the gate, the very respected Head of a national and continental prayer move, flew into my city on his own initiative specifically to bring a word to me and two others, the other two being the leader of a global women’s prayer initiative, and another international prophetic teacher.  At his breakfast table earlier in the week, he had had an encounter with God and had received a national message that he had to promptly fly down to deliver to us, at his own costs; a message following on the heels of the earlier prophecy from Dr Cindy Jacobs during a September global conference in Jerusalem, prompting the 2018 nation-wide Independence call to 24-hours of worship to God.  Among other things, his message was that the Lord has entered Nigeria in judgement as a Man of War, and we as His weapons of war should be ready and serviceable (Jeremiah 51:20-22); that Jehovah sees His purpose for Nigeria beyond the ominous ‘2019’ elections. In the same week, Prophet Chuck Pierce from the United States of America, at his own discretion and dates of his choosing as prompted by the Lord, was in the Federal capital city of Abuja in partnership with the respected Apostle Emmanuel Kure of Throneroom (Trust) Ministries, and this was his message in part, that “Nigeria will once again rejoice,” but not before there has been a “plowing up of this land”; a land that “will be plowed and plowed and plowed.” As if to tie the prophecy to what the elder Messenger had brought to the select Three of us in my city, it further stated, “This is your time to plow this land, and I have mobilized the angelic host to plow *with you* .”  The same prophecy described the present moment as “the beginning of seven months of *great conflict* .”   The trumpet has made no uncertain sounds; those who hear may well prepare themselves for the battle as the Lord enters the land to fight His cause.  While we keep shifting the initiative for the nation’s salvation to some vague ‘Church Fathers’ in Nigeria, not once has it been said to me by the same respected leadership of the present Body, that they look up to the intercessory community to save the land, which means you…The Week of National Repentance – and warfare – has been scheduled as follows:

* DATE: Monday, 4th February – Sunday 10th, 2019. * Everyone should fast during the day and find at least an hour to pray before midnight. * Each city centre should meet daily at their designated venues to spend at least an hour of corporate prayers. * On the seventh and final day, the meeting should include children, women and men, each group requesting God’s mercy during the times of ‘conflict,’ as well as urging the Man of War to continue His battle that He has begun in Nigeria – against every Pharaoh, Nebuchadnezzar, Herod, Sisera, Strong Man, etc.  A Passover Communion is recommended to close the day, besides psalms and hymns and scriptures that would feature. * Kindly find attached a guide for the daily meetings, and contact persons in respective states of Nigeria. Below is a programme guide for the Week.  Each centre may however be freely guided by the Spirit of God. _He shall break in pieces mighty men without number, and set others in their stead_ (Job 34:24). You may kindly share this information as severally as you can with your members and with other Christians, and be free to reach any of the undersigned with further matters of interest. May the Lord strengthen your good hands for much more, at “ _such a time as this_ ” (Esther 4:14) in this Week of mercy mingled with blood.  When we have heard the “ _sound_ ” a coming “abundance of rain,” that is when to go up the mountain to pray (1 Kings 18:41-42).  That God says deliverance is nigh makes it much more a time to watch and pray (1 Corinthians 16:9).  It is time to sanctify ourselves when God is about to show up on Sinai (Exodus 19:10-11). Shalom.

Prof Kontein Trinya
Coordinator, The Prayer Desk, Advocates for Freedom and Democracy (AFD),

National Christian Elders Forum (NCEF).*Contacts:
* Mr Iheanyi Uzoma +234(0)803 3380 417 (Intercessors for Nigeria);
* Mr Atei Beredugo +234(0)803 3084 272 (Jubilee & Life Advocates);
* Mr Rotimi Ajibowo +234 (0)803 330 8200 (AFD – Prayer Desk);
*Mrs Esther Ephraim +234(0)802 6209 952 (Wailing Women Worldwide).





The National Christian Elders Forum (NCEF) has noted another brazen attempt of the President
Buhari Administration to establish its undemocratic character and sectional purpose in
Government. That President Buhari would conduct what amounts to “judicial coup” is not
surprising to the NCEF; what is surprising is the apparent unwillingness of Christians, as well as
that of the generality of Nigerians, to understand the core problem of this country.


The National Christian Elders Forum (NCEF) was inaugurated by the President of CAN on Thursday 15th January, 2015 at the invitation of Christian Social Movement of Nigeria, as an Advisory, Mediatory, Reconciliatory, and Enlightening body of Christians Elders from the six geo-political zones of the country for CAN. The NCEF works within and outside the Church to advocate for Christianity.

December 31st, 2018 marked 35 years since General Buhari overthrew a democratically elected government and shot his way to power via military coup.

In 2019 in further confirmation of his trenchant unrepentant ways as an unrehabilitated anti-democrat, he has again moved against an arm of government in a continuing pattern of divide and conquer internal warfare.

Rabaa or Rabbi'ah sign (; Egyptian Arabic: [ˈɾɑbʕɑ]; sometimes stylized as R4BIA) or, less commonly, Rab3a, is a hand gesture and a sign that first appeared in late August 2013, thought to be originated from Turkey and used in social media and protest marches in Egypt. It is used by the Muslim Brotherhood and its supporters in Egypt in the wake of the overthrow of Mohamed Morsi, which occurred after anti-government protests calling for his removal. On July 9, 2014, a Brotherhood-affiliated organization declared August 14, the day when the sit-ins were dispersed, "World Rabia Day," in an attempt to garner support across numerous countries.


The letter of the Ag. General Secretary of CAN dated 24th November, 2018, Mr. J. B. Daramola, captioned ‘RESOLUTION OF THE NATIONAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE (NEC) ON CAN RECONCILIATION COMMITTEE’S REPORT’ and my reply thereto dated 30thNovember, 2018 respectively refer please. (copies attached for ease of reference).

Please recall that in my said reply to Mr. Daramola’s letter, I quoted his earlier written admission of 18th July, 2017 wherein he stated categorically that he received a gratification of N500,000.00 (five hundred thousand naira only) through Dr. Testimony Onifade, your unofficial CAN operative and an unnamed ‘Deacon Agent’ employed by the said Onifade, on your directives, for the dubious and questionable purchase of vehicles in Cotonou for designated CAN Officials.

During its 7th December, 2017 meeting, the National Christian Elders Forum (NCEF) passed a resolution to set up another Committee to intervene in conflicts amongst the Executives of CAN. This would be the third time in one year that the NCEF would wade into such contentions.

The issues that are unfolding in CAN portend great danger for Christianity in Nigeria and should neither be treated with levity nor favoritism. In its mortal struggle against Islamism, the Nigerian Church requires Christian leadership that possesses strong moral authority.

The attention of National Christian Elders Forum  (NCEF) has been drawn to information circulating in the media that CAN has dissolved the Forum of Christian Elders. This is not true. NCEF urges Christians and the General Public to disregard the misleading information.

NEC of CAN is not empowered by the Constitution of CAN to dissolve any Christian Group. In the 42 years of CAN's existence, such reckless violation of CAN's Constitution has not been witnessed. Articles 6 and 8 of the Constitution of CAN explains the limits of the power of NEC and lists the "member group" it can "suspend".

The truth of the matter is that there are allegations of fraud and criminal violation of the Constitution to conceal fraud in CAN. NCEF exposed the allegations and demanded proper independent investigation so that the truth can be established and justice can be done in the Church. This is after NCEF had set up two independent Committees whose Reports CAN Officials ignored choosing rather to set up an in-house Committee which resulted in further contention.

NCEF regrets the acrimony and strife that has engulfed the Church since the inception of this current CAN Administration. The Christian Elders will publish a more detailed Report on this issue later.
NCEF remains a duly constituted Group serving the interests of the Body of Christ.

Thank you.
19th Dec. 2018

Rejoinder: CAN Advertorial Of Friday 14th December, 2018

The National Christian Elders Forum (NCEF) regards with much concern and regret the consistent contention and acrimony demonstrated by the current Officials of Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), under the leadership of Rev. Dr. Samson Olasupo Ayokunle. It is a cause of great concern when Officials of Christian Association of Nigeria paid for Advertorial to denounce an arm of the Body of Christ in total disregard of the Constitution of CAN. In its paid Advertorial, signed by Barrister Daramola Joseph Bade, the Acting General Secretary of CAN and Bishop S. T. V. Adegbite, Director of National Issues, CAN stated, that it “forthwith dissolves and dissociates completely from the NCEF”. This statement has no basis in law or logic. Having issued such falsehood through a paid Advertorial, NCEF is left with no other option but to utilize the same medium to set records straight. The NCEF wishes to clarify as follows:


This presentation begins with the various reasons why Amalgamation took place in
January 1, 1914 and since then 104 after, Nigeria has “under-re-sourced, sapped by
corruption and distrusted by the population” kleptocracy and government dishonesty
have corrosive effect on popular confidence in government. Nigeria’s security
apparatus seemed determined to turn Nigeria from a Democracy to an Islamic Sharia

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