Executive Summary

The list is growing every day, even as the river of blood threatens to keep flowing. Southern Kaduna, Dogo Nahawa, Agatu, Nimbo, Aba, Wukari, Wase, Jos, Chibok, Gworza, Biu, Madagali, Michika, Dapchi, Maiduguri, Damaturu, Madalla, Baga, Bama, Yola, etc, etc. The National Christian Elders Forum, (NCEF) is compelled to ask, how did Nigeria get to this point?

March 7th, 2018

Gentlemen of the Press,

I welcome you to the presentation of our preliminary report.

You will recall that on 24th day of February 2018, we the representatives of Human Rights Groups in this country addressed you here in Makurdi and informed you that we would be embarking on daily monitoring of exercise Ayem a Kpatuma by the Nigerian Army. This public presentation is therefore a preliminary report of our observations, findings and recommendations regarding operations of the Army in Benue State as they affect the herdsmen attacks on the people.

While Christians continue to pledge alliance to Nigerian as a country, Muslims have started pledging alliance to Islam alone. Below is the pledge reportedly recited as Muslims in Nigeria:

28th February, 2018


Rev. Dr. Benebo Fubara Fubara-Manuel


Christian Council of Nigeria (CCN)

National Christian Center


The Nigerian authorities’ response to communal violence is totally inadequate, too slow and ineffective, and in some cases unlawful, Amnesty International said today, as clashes between herdsmen and farmers in Adamawa, Benue, Taraba, Ondo and Kaduna have resulted in 168 deaths in January 2018 alone.

“The government must totally overturn its response to these deadly clashes to avoid this crisis getting out of control. They need to investigate and bring suspects to justice,” said Osai Ojigho Director Amnesty International Nigeria.

WASHINGTON – Across the globe, there were various incidences of violence over the Christmas holidays in Egypt, Pakistan, Israel and Nigeria amongst others. However the continuing bloodshed in Nigeria into the new year is deeply concerning.

According to published reports and victim accounts, at least a dozen fatal attacks have occurred this season including:

1. Attack on Carolers in South Kaduna State left 5 Christians killed, others injured Dec 22, 2017 by suspected Muslim Fulani Herdsmen

2. Attacks on worshippers during Christmas service in Benue state left 3 Christians killed and others injured on December 25, 2017 by suspected Muslim Fulani Herdsmen

3. Attacks on 4 churches in Kwara state on New Year’s day. Many injured, raped and properties destroyed on January 1 by local Muslims

The Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) through its Secretariat had a press conference on January 16, 2018 in which they called the attention of the Federal Government to the current situation in the country in which the Fulani Herdsmen are going about killing innocent people with impunity and the lopsided appointments in the Security and Education sectors by President Muhammadu Buhari. The press conference was read by the General Secretary of the Association Rev. Dr. Musa Asake. Immediately after the Press conference, Garba Shehu who is the Senior Special Assistant to President Buhari on Media and Publicity released a press statement in which he accused me that in my press statement “I could not cite any valid cases of constitutional violations.” While his accusation was going round, the JNI had a press conference in Kaduna on January 21, 2018, in which they accused CAN of using Herdsmen to Destabilize Nigeria. This development becomes very necessary for me to respond to the two accusations to put the record straight so that Nigerians should not be misled into believing those hypocritical statements. 

Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) wishes to protest the lack of seriousness and kindergarten approach of JNI to serious national issues. We are amazed that the spokesman of Jama’atu Nasril Islam could ascribe the ownership and control of Fulani herdsmen to any Christian organization.


The Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) is compelled once again, to draw the attention of the Buhari Administration to the non-aligned status of the Federal Republic of Nigeria in international conflicts. We have had cause to express great apprehension when in December 2015, President Buhari, without giving consideration to Section 10 of the Constitution, as well as to the sensitivity of Christians that constitute over 50% of the Nigerian population, led Nigeria to join the Saudi Arabia initiated Islamic Military Counter Terrorism Coalition (IMCTC). 


Gentlemen of the Press,

On behalf of the President of the Christian Association of Nigeria and the entire Christian Community here in Nigeria, I welcome you to this press conference in the precious and wonderful name of Our Redeemer and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen. Since this is our first meeting this year, permit me to say HAPPY NEW YEAR to you and wishing you a productive and prosperous 2018. 

Centrum Initiative for Development and Fundamental Rights Advocacy, CEDRA, has observed with concern the impunity of Fulani herdsmen in parts of the country as a sign of a ‘letdown’ by the Federal Government of Nigeria, FGN, under President Muhammadu Buhari and his security goons.

“A horizontal and vertical perusal of opinion of pundits holds that the Federal Government of Nigeria can nip in the bud this menace,” CEDRA believes.

Nigeria is at a desperate crossroads and all right and honest efforts must be exerted not only to chart a redeeming and life-saving course for her, but also, all well-meaning and patriotic persons must, irrespective of any primordial or other artificial bias, division or concern rise up to steer this ship away from the path of certain destruction and collapse.

1. February 2013: 
Fulani Attacked Agatu burning several villages, including Inoli, Ologba, olegeje, olegogboche, olegede, Adana, Inminy and Abugbe communities. 186 lives lost to butchery and gunshots. GEJ sent MOPOL to control the situation but they failed. Another attack followed in Agatu in the month of May 2013.

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