In response to the growing conviction in the nation that the Nigerian Church should hold a Solemn Assembly nationwide, to repent on behalf of Nigeria and seek God’s divine intervention on account of the multiple crisis afflicting the Church and the nation, His Eminence, the President of CAN, Pastor Ayo Oritsejafor, has approved that a national Solemn Assembly should take place from Friday 27th May – Sunday 29th May, 2016.



The National Christian Elders Forum, (NCEF) haven studied a petition written by a Concerned Citizen about the activities of the intelligence services in Nigeria and haven taken a global look on events in the country, is of the opinion that a Jihad has been launched in Nigeria since 1975, when General Yakubu Gowon was overthrown and the intelligence service is being used to promote Islamist ideology in the nation.

Since the inauguration of the National Christian Elders Forum (NCEF) we have learnt a lot about the history of Nigeria, and from our research we are of the firm belief that an Islamic Jihad has been taking place since 1975 when General Yakubu Gowon was overthrown. It is the desire of the NCEF that this Jihad should stop. And, for this to happen all barriers erected by the British and the Islamists, should be pulled down and bridges built in their places.

Christians have no choice but to transform CAN into an established Organization for the promotion and protection of Christianity in Nigeria in the face of the threat of Islamism otherwise known as – Political Islam, which has no single creed or political manifesto but certain common beliefs such as that (1) Nigerian Society should be reconstructed in line with the Religious principles and ideals of Islam.

The author of the book Soldiers of Fortune, Max Siollun wrote “Babangida was the first Nigerian ruler to come to power by design rather than by chance. He was, at that time, the only Nigerian military leader that actively sought political power prior to coming to office, prepared for it and waited patiently for it to come his way. All of Nigeria's previous leaders had power inadvertently thrust on them. Balewa became Prime Minister due to the Sardauna of Sokoto’s lack of interest in the job and even shed tears when re-appointed in 1964; Aguiyi-Ironsi, Gowon and Murtala Muhammed had power bestowed on them after coups they did not take part in. Obasanjo became Head of State after the assassination of Murtala and Major-General Buhari was nominated as head of state by the faction which planned and executed the December 1983 coup. Even the elected President Shagari originally had no interest in becoming President but was nominated as NPN's Presidential candidate despite his being un-interested in becoming President. In contrast, Babangida's rise to power was no twist of fate, but occurred by deliberate planning and design. He was, probably, the most prepared military ruler in Nigeria's history.”

Islamic Fundamentalism

Islam is the world’s second largest religion and its fastest growing. There are between 1.3 and 1.5 billion Muslims in the world today, roughly a fifth of the world’s population, spread over more than seventy countries. The strength of Islam is concentrated geographically in Asia and Africa; it is estimated, for example, that over half of the population of Africa will soon be Muslim. However, it has also spread into Europe and elsewhere. Islam is certainly not, and never has been, just a ‘religion’.

We bring greetings and best wishes to all Nigerians, both at home and abroad, in the name of the Almighty God. It is our prayer that this nation shall continue to experience peace, unity, and prosperity for all the citizens. Our history as a nation, though not too long in comparison with other nations in the world, has been turbulent and at times full of uncertainty. Nevertheless, God in His mercy has granted us the grace to survive and remain united.


The National Christian Elders Forum  wishes to express grave regret and great sadness at the recurring decimal of violence and destruction that seem to, presently,define the northern region of Nigeria. Rather than diminish, this cycle of violence and destruction escalates and expresses itself in differing modes and formats.

National Christian Elders Forum

Motto: Watch & Pray that we may be one ...
National Christian Centre, CAN Headquarters,
Central Area, Garki, Abuja
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The National Christian Elders Forum at its meeting in Jos, Plateau State, on Monday 29th November, 2015, expressed concern over the state of the Nigerian Church and the nation. The Elders observe that critical indices in the nation point to the need that all stakeholders in Nigeria should take stock and review the evolving situation in the country.


(A Committee of Christian Association of Nigeria)

Motto: Watch & Pray that we may be one …

National Christian Centre, CAN Headquarters,

Central Area, Garki, Abuja

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Today, the Nigerian nation is embroiled in a myriad of crisis ranging from poverty to insecurity, economic dysfunction, unemployment figures of titanic proportion, broken down public infrastructure and institutions, lethargic sense of nationalism amongst the citizens, basic distrust and suspicion amongst the federating units, terrible international image, and so on and so forth. Nigeria is fast becoming a failed state but it would be unfair to hold Nigerians wholly responsible for the mess in which the nation has found itself. A good understanding of the Nigerian chaos would start from the foundation of the nation.

This presenter has deliberately changed the title Nigeria any Hope for an Industrial Revolution to There is Hope for an Industrial Revolution in Nigeria to reflect a positive state of mind about Nigeria. However this would depend on the immediate ending of the ideological war – i.e. between Liberal Democracy and Sharia now going on in Nigeria.