The Advocates for Freedom and Democracy wishes to draw the attention of well-meaning Nigerians, Diplomatic agencies and global community to the activities of frontline Islamic leaders and organizations, who seek opportunities, to ignite sectarian strife in Nigeria. It is saddening to recall how past activities and utterances emboldened and compounded Boko haram and rendered efforts at national consensus difficult. Indeed, it berthed the Fulani herdsmen phenomenon. These leaders had justified and ascribed the hate-induced ideologically-inspired activities of Boko haram religious deviants as poverty induced.

Monday 6th November, 2017

To: All Christian Leaders
Christian Association of Nigeria
Heads of Denominations
Heads of Christian Ministries
Heads of Christian Fellowships and Groups
Laity Christian Leaders
Distinguished Leaders of Christianity,

Please find under the cover of this letter a Memorandum from the Chairman of the National Christian Elders Forum (NCEF), Mr. Solomon Asemota, SAN, to the Attorney General of the Federation, Mr. Abubakar Malami, SAN, on the crucial need that a Truth, Peace, and Reconciliation should take place as basic prerequisite to Restructuring the Nation. The Chairman of the NCEF enumerates in the paper reasons why Reconciliation should take place in Nigeria.

It is now clear to all that if Christians do not organize to actively participate in Government, the instrument of the State shall be used to progressively decimate the Church until Christianity is eventually eradicated in Nigeria. To avoid this calamity from coming to pass, the NCEF advises all Christians as follows:

It is now clear that if Christians do not organize to actively participate in Governance, the instrument of the State shall be used to progressively decimate the Church until Christianity is eventually “eradicated in all its forms and ramifications” in Nigeria. To avoid this calamity from coming to pass, the NCEF advises all Christians as follows:

Veteran journalist, columnist and administrator, Chief Adetola Adeniyi says that restructuring Nigeria is inevitable as it must be achieved either intellectually or by the use of force.

Chief Adeniyi said in this interview with Business Hallmark’s Teslim Shitta-Bey and Obinna Ezugwu how the Fulani have over the years used the military and trickery to bring Nigeria to where it is today, while also criticising former president Olusegun Obasanjo who he said is the most anti south leader Nigeria has ever produced.



Christian Leadership Meeting

Christian Leaders unanimously declare support for CAN Trust Fund
… urge immediate announcement in all Churches and contribution by all Christians

Nigerian Christian leaders held a crucial meeting today (Tuesday 7th November, 2017) at the Sherpherdhill Baptist Church, Lagos, to deliberate on crucial issues affecting the Nigerian Church and the Nation. In attendance was the President of CAN, Rev. Dr. Olasupo Samson Ayokunle, the immediate past President of CAN, Pastor Ayo Oritsejafor, Prof. Joseph Otubu, Rev. Dr. Musa Asake, Prelate Samuel Kanu Uche (the Prelate of Methodist Church), Pastor E. A. Adeboye, Bishop David Oyedepo, Bishop Mike Okonkwo, Rev. Dr. Felix Omobude, Rev. Dr. Caleb Ahima, Pastor Paul Enenche, Pastor David Ibiyeomie, Pastor Emmanuel Nuhu Kure, Bishop Wale Oke, Archbishop Magnus Atilade, Baba Aladura Elder (Dr.) Bob-Manuel, Dr. Napo Emuchay, Apostle Alex Bamgbola, heads of CAN, heads of denominations and ministries, as well as States and Local Government Chairmen of CAN, and heads of Christian Fellowships. Christian Groups like Christian Lawyers Fellowship of Nigeria (CLASFON) and Nigeria Christian Graduate Fellowship were also present and spoke at the Conference.

On Tuesday morning of 7th. November, 2017, an unusual impressive gathering of Christian elders and leaders in Nigeria packed full the Shepherdhill Baptist Church, Obanikoro, Lagos where they all in one accord gathered for a special event to deliberate on the challenges facing the Church in the country. After special opening prayer and the rendition of the national anthem by Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), the CAN president  delivered the keynote speech at the gracious and  auspicious occasion. The Nigerian  Church  has been through storms over time, and especially  in recent years.

...Islamisation agenda is real
...Decries non payment of wages to workers
...Calls on Govts to repair roads, stop medical tourism
...Asks FG to revive the Interreligious Council

Christian leaders in the country Tuesday called on the National Assembly to list all international organisations that Nigeria belongs to with a view to withdrawing her membership from those that are religious.

I think I have to speak at last in response to what His Excellency, the VP, Prof Oshinbajo said which seemed to be a misunderstanding of CAN leadership's position on the collaborative grand plan to Islamize Nigeria.

First of all, his statement may be based on his lack of enough facts on the subject matter of the grand plan of Islamization of Africa and Nigeria in particular in which the government of Nigeria has been collaborating with OIC & Islam in Africa Organization. 

1. The takeover agenda

The takeover agenda of the Benue valley and the entire Nigeria nation by the Fulani has been there since the time of Othman Dan Fodio. They did not succeed through war, so they fight now through politics and cattle business. The expansionist drive is embedded in their major religion, politics, and their everyday life. They understand their game and are good at it. Unfortunately, most of even our educated folks in the Benue valley seem not to fully understand their plan.

Oct 19, 2017 

“YOU know, in my very first meeting with President Buhari, he said he would like us to shift our focus to the northern region of Nigeria and we have done that. Now, it has been very difficult. The work there has been very difficult.” Jim Yong Kim, World Bank President.

If any more evidence is needed that President Buhari has deliberately embarked on running Nigeria’s democracy him as “Government of the Northern Region, by the Northern Region and for the Northern Region”, the World Bank, WB, President has removed all doubt. The very use of the term “northern region” makes it very clear that the man millions of us in the Southern Region trusted, campaigned for and supported is after all a northern bigot. As one of those who trusted him sufficiently to follow him in 2011 and 2015, it is difficult to express the depth of disappointment felt when reading that statement which reflects as much corruption as anything Mrs Diezani Alison-Madueke,  has been accused of perpetrating. The man who announced in May 2015 that he was for everybody and for nobody has demonstrated in many ways that he was being deceptive. Henceforth nothing he says can be believed.

To begin with, any loans sourced from the World Bank or any other source will ultimately be repaid, with interest, from revenues generated mainly from sale of crude oil, corporate taxes and the Value Added Tax, VAT. Even the village idiot knows where the crude oil is produced – the Niger Delta. The fool knows that the bulk of corporate taxes are collected in Lagos. And, the moron is aware that Lagos provides close to sixty per cent of the VAT. Obviously, what “our dear” President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria has in mind is a situation in which the “Southern Cows” will be milked, for the “Northern Cattle” to drink. And, he actually believes that that is a fair way to be the Father of the Nation. At least now we have a clear picture of how his mind works.

We now know that the lopsided appointments in favour of the Northern Region, which started from his first day in office, were premeditated acts of discrimination against the Southern Region. We also now realize that other inequitable recruitments favouring the Northern Region by the Department of State Services, DSS, diplomatic service, Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation, NNPC, were premeditated and designed to favour his people more than others. Cheating Southerners, which is a worse form of corruption than an appointed official stealing public funds, was planned even as the campaign for change was going on. While the officials of the former government who had been dragged through media trial by a compromised Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, might have been guilty of heinous crimes, it is a fact that whatever they did was not government policy. We have had no evidence yet that Jonathan was aware of them.

By contrast, the powers of the Presidency had been harnessed to perpetuate injustice to ALL Southerners as the World Bank revelation has proved beyond reasonable doubt. It is the President of Nigeria who is masterminding the policy of robbing Southerners to deliberately favour Northerners. It was a grave mistake and the consequences for all Nigerians will be grievous.

To begin with any Southerner, Professor Sagay included, who still clings to the false notion that we have a man with integrity as President must either not know what integrity means or needs to consult a doctor. A man with integrity when placed in a position of power must wield that power like a honest justice of any court. He must conduct the affairs of his office with absolute fairness to all concerned without fair or favour. How on earth can anybody now claim that Buhari satisfies that criterion of fairness after all the revelations?

“There is no equality in the world of [corrupt] power. The masters calculate, at usurious rate, the price of their own blood.” Albert Camus, 1903-1960. French philosopher; Nobel Prize Winner.

We should also bear in mind the other disclosures – especially the budgetary allocations to the State House Clinic which provides services to only a few thousand people, mostly Northerners well-connected to the Presidency. The front page of VANGUARD on October 13, 2017, reported that for the three years Buhari had been President, the State House Clinic was allocated more funds than all the sixteen University Teaching Hospitals in Nigeria providing services to millions of “Fellow Nigerians”. What sort of “Father of the Nation” would be responsible for that sort of injustice and be still be regarded as someone with any trace of integrity? As Rotarians would ask, “Is it fair to all concerned?” Merely looking at the disparity in naira per person served is sufficient to point to the selfishness underlying the allocations. And, now we are being treated to the possibility of a scandal involving the Clinic right in the seat of power from where for months we have been inundated with self-righteous pronouncements. Is it fair to 180-plus other Nigerians?

We also recollect that in 2014 and up to Election Day in 2015, when the proclamation of CHANGE was made from every roof top by the Presidential candidate, that the impression was given that such disparities  would not occur again once Jonathan was sent packing. Even overseas treatment for government officials was denounced. Today as unannounced millions of dollars are sent to Britain by the hypocrites who conned us into voting for undefined change, we wonder where is honour – without which there can be no talk of integrity?

The first and most fundamental consequence of the World Bank disclosure is that it has now forced each of us to decide if henceforth we can believe anything Buhari says. For me, it has now become almost impossible. Too many dirty waters have passed under the bridge for that. The only thing the Buhari in Aso Rock and Buhari the 2015 candidate have in common is name. While the candidate represented hope; the President signifies disappointment and the feeling that Nigeria will again go through four wasted years until 2019.

For every finger he points at others called corrupt, there are at least two or more pointing back in his direction. The reputation for integrity has been severely eroded, not by his political enemies, but by Buhari himself. His October 1, 2017 address to the nation is symptomatic of the transformation that has occurred to the man for whom I would have been willing to stake my life in 2011 and 2015. Now, I won’t bet a kobo because I might probably lose it. Buhari announced that his government had provided N500 billion in two years for Social Intervention Programme, SIP and the power production has reached 7000MW per day. In reality, less than N100 billion out of N1 trillion was provided by his government. And, the power supply to consumers, which is what counts, had never reached 5000MW. At the end of that address, as I turned off the television, tears were coming out of my eyes because it became very clear that I.F. Stone was right after all when he said, “Every government is run by liars and nothing they say should be believed.”  In 2011 and 2015, it never occurred to me that Buhari’s government would ever be counted among those swindling their people.


Dr Ibe Kachikwu should just quit and leave them to take their turn at the NNPC. Few people believe there is a fight against corruption going on in Abuja anymore. Pity. – Independent

Dele Sobowale is an economist, a media and management research consultant

On 6th September, 2017, the National Christian Elders Forum (NCEF) asked the Islamists in Nigeria the questions below. Till today, no Islamist leader or organization has provided an answer to any of the questions.

The NCEF wishes to remind Nigerians that there is a maximum difference between Muslims and Islamists. Many Muslims practice Islam as religion while the doctrine of Islam espoused by the Islamists is essentially a doctrine of hate. To many Muslims, adherence to Islam as religion is of paramount importance, whereas Islamists practice Islam as “political ideology”. This is why Islamism is called “political Islam”. Islamism is the ideology of ISIS, Boko Haram, Taliban, Al Qaeda, Al Shabab, Hamas, Fulani herdsmen, and all the other Islamic terrorist organizations worldwide. Islamists in Nigeria are responsible for the religious tension and intolerance in the country which has resulted in gross violation of the Constitution, abuse of human rights, injustice, inequality and unfairness in governance.

The National Christian Elders Forum (NCEF) met the leadership of the All Progressives Party (APC), led by Chief John Oyegun, at the National Secretariat of the Party at Abuja on Tuesday 26th September, 2017.

This is in continuation of the initiative of the NCEF to meet as many political parties as possible in its aim of encouraging Politics of Nationalism in Nigeria to replace the current debilitating politics of religion and ethnicity that has retarded the progress of the nation and divided the people.