Trauma Induced Psychosis …

She came to the camp with her husband and seven children. Their house was destroyed by Islamic insurgents and they had nothing left. They were fortunate to escape with their lives. The conditions in the camp were intolerable and the stress of looking after a wife and seven children without any means of sustenance killed the husband. The widow was left alone to carry the burden that the two of them could not bear. She ran mad.

Trauma Induced Psychosis …

31st December 2020

▪️Badarisa, IDP Camp
▪️Sangeree Dutse, IDP Camp
▪️Vunoklang IDP Camp
▪️EYN Camp, Wauro Jabbe, IDP Camp


In simple English: the affliction and the stress made the widow run mad.

She came to the camp with her husband and seven children. Their house was destroyed by Islamic insurgents and they had nothing left. They were fortunate to escape with their lives. The conditions in the camp were intolerable and the stress of looking after a wife and seven children without any means of sustenance killed the husband. The widow was left alone to carry the burden that the two of them could not bear.

She ran mad.

This is one of the many unfortunate stories that we encounter in ministering to persecuted Christians in Nigeria. In our last distribution in Yola, we reported the distressing case of a 13-year-old girl covered from head to her feet with open sores. She had could not afford medical treatment. CSMN paid for her to be treated. She is responding to treatment.

The greatest mystery in all of these is the realization that millions of Nigerian Christians still do not seem to believe that the plight of their persecuted brethren concerns them in any way. This, in our view, is the challenge of Christianity in our generation. May God touch the heart of His people.

While we thank God for the few brethren who are supporting, there are still millions of Christians who could conveniently afford to contribute N500 a month but are not yet persuaded to do so. One hopes many of our brethren are not waiting for divine visitation to be persuaded to help their brethren in affliction.

To encourage the widow, the mother of the seven children, CSMN extended the cash relief to the children. (Pictures below) In addition, CSMN will arrange monthly stipend for her to encourage her and stabilize her mental balance.

While we undertake this cash distribution as palliative measure, the permanent solution is to rehabilitate and empower the persecuted Christians. We can easily achieve this if we can persuade millions of Nigerian Christians that God is counting on them to help their brethren.

Donate minimum N500 monthly into the Lay Faithful Trust Fund.

Account Details:
Christian Social Movement of Nigeria
Zenith Bank
10 14 13 83 50

God bless you.

Your brother,


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