Relief to Widows in Rimau Kallah: Short History of Genocide in Southern Kaduna

Christian Social Movement of Nigeria (CSMN) conducted another relief project to 216 Christian widows in Rimau Kallah in Southern Kaduna on Thursday 7th January 2021. The cash relief project is one of the palliative measures to succor the persecuted brethren while efforts are geared towards mobilizing funding through the Lay Faithful Trust Fund to rehabilitate and empower them.

Relief to Widows in Rimau Kallah: Short History of Genocide in Southern Kaduna



Christian Social Movement of Nigeria (CSMN) conducted another relief project to 216 Christian widows in Rimau Kallah in Southern Kaduna on Thursday 7th January 2021. The cash relief project is one of the palliative measures to succor the persecuted brethren while efforts are geared towards mobilizing funding through the Lay Faithful Trust Fund to rehabilitate and empower them.

CSMN made it clear in various reports that the lasting solution to the distress of the persecuted brethren is to rehabilitate and empower them. However, this phase of work will require enormous amount of funds which could easily be made available if Christians would contribute N500 monthly into a central purse. N500 monthly contribution to help persecuted Christians would not constitute a problem to millions of Christians, even under the current economic downturn.
The Lord commands in His Word that the responsibility of taking care of vulnerable Christians rests squarely on the shoulders of their brethren. In Matthew 25: 31 - 46, He shall return to separate the nations into sheep and goats.

May it not be said in heaven that while jihadists use AK47 and machete to kill persecuted Christians, their Christian brethren use hunger and disease to kill the survivors.
The Lord is coming.


Southern Kaduna of Kaduna state consists of the former Kachia Local Government, Jemma’a Local Government and Saminaka local government. Over the years, Southern Kaduna has faced numerous crises and some of them are as follows:
▪️The 1987 religious riot in Kafanchan
▪️The 1992 Zango Kataf crises
▪️Sharia riots in 2000
▪️The 2011 Post Election Violence (PEV)
▪️In 2014 armed Fulani men attacked farmers and killed men, women, and children. Their farms were destroyed by the Fulani cows, the farm produce was burnt/destroyed and the following villages – Atakar, Marwa, Sanga, Godogodo, G/waya and Kaninkon were also burnt down.

▪️In 2016 – There was repeat attack by the Fulani gunmen in Kajuru Local Government area where in Kallah district the following villages were burnt down:
• Ung. Dantata
• Araha 1
• Araha 2
• Ung. Goshi
• Ung. Tanko
• Idu/Mashigin Boka
• Ung. Sako
In the houses that were not burnt, the zinc, doors, and windows were removed. Primary schools were destroyed and utilities like solar panels were also destroyed. The affected persons in these villages were forcefully removed to neighboring villages. There is no sign to suggest that the people will go back to their villages.

▪️In May 2020 the Mararaba Kajuru IDP Camp started after the following villages were attacked by Fulani gunmen:
• Kujeni
• Kikwari
Many Christians were killed and many houses were burnt down. The remaining people and those in neighboring villages fled to Mararaba Kajuru IDP Camp in thousands.

▪️On 17th May 2020, the Kufana IDP camp started when the Fulani gunmen attacked the following villages:
• Ung. Rogo
• Makyali
• Ung. Mudi
• Agwala
• Ung. Rana
• Ifele
Many were killed and many houses were burnt down. The survivors and the people in the neighboring villages who feared possibility of attack ran to Kufana IDP camp. Most of these people have started returning to their villages except Ung Gora people who cannot go back because it is still not safe.

▪️On 11th July 2020, the IDP Camp in Zonkwa, Zango Kataf Local Government area started after the unknown gun men attacked the following villages:
• Gora Gan
• Kurmin Masara
• Ung. Wakili and others
Many were killed and many houses were burnt down. The survivors and the people in the neighboring villages who also feared possibility of attacks ran to Zonkwa IDP camp. The initial population at the IDP Camp was 3,455 people. Most people have returned to their villages and as of 24th August 2020 the population in the IDP Camp in Zonkwa was about 1000 people.

▪️Other attacks were in Kukum Daji in Kagoro where 24 people were killed and Zikpak in Fatsuwam chiefdom where 11 people were killed, and houses were burnt down. Some of the villagers who fled are beginning to return home, but many are still squatting in other villages.

In these attacks, many families were completely wiped out, hundreds of women became widows while many children became orphans and fatherless. In all of these, the Lord is counting on His people to succor, protect, and strengthen His vulnerable people.

While it is true that the Government has not fulfilled its obligation to provide security and provide welfare for the people, could one say that Christians have fulfilled their obligations?

Support persecuted Christians. Contribute minimum N500 monthly into:

Christian Social Movement of Nigeria
Zenith Bank
10 14 13 83 50

Your brother,


Historical report provided by Bro. David G., Kaduna State.

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