A few years ago, the Messenger delivered a prophecy that God has  pronounced upon Nigeria a 7 year season of Judgment from 2011 - 2018. (We carried this story in the 2012 edition of KARIS Christian Magazine.)

According to that prophecy, the season of judgment is supposed to end this year. It's therefore not surprising that God by His Spirit is moving us to embark on 21 days National Repentance in 2018 from Monday Apr23 to Sunday May13.

As God did in the days of Daniel, on the 70th year of the  captivity, Daniel started praying for God's restoration.  He did not pray before the 70 years were accomplished.

In like manner, we are in a season of Divine Visitation as we embark on these 21 days prayers for repentance. We must do everything possible to ensure that the 7 years do not increase by one day. While in Egypt, the Israelites increased a sojourn of 400 years to 430 years.

May we not miss Divine Visitation as a nation. Let us continue to accord this period soberness and penitence. In addition, let us continue to inform and mobilize those not yet involved in this 21 days fast from Apr23 to May13.

May the LORD hear us and heal our land.

- Bosun


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