Prayer Points For The Week: May 31 - June 6, 2020



Psalm103 “Bless the Lord oh my soul. Do not forget His benefits. He has not dealt with us according to multitude of our transgressions” 

Lam 3:22 “It is of the Lords mercies that we are not consumed, because His compassion fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness” 

1. Father we thank You that despite our failings, shameful compromises, gross irresponsibility and rebellion, You have neither withdrawn your mercies nor handed us over to the expectations  of our enemies.

2. We thank you for undeniably making a large difference in sparing Your people in the COVID 19  outbreak in the country and around the world. 

3. Thank you for preserving lives of our Elder, Uncle Bayo Famonure, his wife and children. You foiled the plot to cause a serious shaking and  mourning in the Body of  Christ this season while others lost some of their own men of caliber. Indeed, You make a difference!  We're encouraged. We do not gloat at their misfortunes; but we celebrate You, our King. and glory in Your power to deliver.  

4. Thank you for the dividing walls of denominations that are beginning to  crumble by the common persecution, attacks your Church has suffered in Nigeria; and for the lockdown that has largely left us to personally turn to You more. 

5. We  will not fail to thank you for  lives  preserved even though still held by human captors - Leah Sharibu,  Your young faithful witness and others .We thank You in advance  and by faith for their  release and because You are turning around these captivities  for Your glory.  


1. Matt 28: 18 -20 Lord, please forgive us for neglecting the Great Commission to pursue our own interests. Yesterday’s harvest neglected as homeless street boys and beggars have now grown to be a thorn in our flesh as Boko Haram, kidnappers and herdsmen.  Have mercy, Father. Arrest the situation; change the tide in our favour. Give us another opportunity and stir us to do right from now on. 

2. We repent of willful disobedience in handling power to avowed enemies despite clear warnings. We are all suffering heavily now. We cry for mercy, oh Lord.


  • Matt 18:18 - Whatever you bind on earth is bound in Heaven. We exercise our spiritual authority and BIND all mind-influencing and mind-controlling powers used against the people of God in Nigeria,   especially on those in governance and on the innocent. 
  • I John 3.8 “For this purpose the son of God was manifested to destroy the work of the enemy” Every influence and grip of the devil be broken and shattered, we insist in the name of Jesus Christ.
  • See Acts 2-3, Acts 17.6: Our Lord, after the PENTECOST, Your church was (a) attractive to “every nation under heaven” with over 3,000 coming to listen to one message without adverts  and 3.000 saved in one day (b) had capacities to communicate, touch lives and impact society beyond human abilities (c) unstoppable despite all threats and persecutions (d) could not be deceived, whether by lies or money as in the case of Ananias and Saphira, by praise as in the case of the little damsel and Paul etc (e) was squarely focused on the Great Commission, refusing to “serve tables” (f) devoid of selfishness as they “had all things in common” (Acts 2.44) etc. Our Lord, you said the glory of the latter shall exceed the former. Please, Lord, pour out fresh fire, revive Thy works, and make Your Church even shine brighter, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
  • 2 Sam 11.1 “…at the time when kings go forth to battle…”: It was about this time of year You silenced Pharaoh, Haman, Herod,…even Satan at Calvary. Great King of all kings worldwide, please arise and go to battle for your embattled children in Nigeria. We need Your deliverance now, Lord. Help!!!



  • Isa 25:7 “And he will destroy in this mountain the face of the covering cast over all people, and the vail that is spread over all nations” We invoke the Power in the Blood of Jesus on our lives and the entire atmosphere of Nigeria to counter every defilement, desecration and pollution consistently unleashed over the nation and  against the people especially Christians in government. We plead that blood of the everlasting covenant which  speaks better things than that of Abel (continue to plead the blood until there's release  in your spirit).
  • Obad 1:17 “But upon mount Zion shall be deliverance, and there shall be holiness; and the house of Jacob shall possess their possessions” We stand upon the Mountain of Your divine Presence and Intercession, we command every spell and face covering cast over Nigerians particularly Christians *be destroyed* in the name of JESUS.  We wage war by the Blood of the Lamb in the name of JESUS. Let the Blood of Jesus sweep through the land for purging.
  • 1Ki 13:2 “And he cried against the altar in the word of the LORD, and said, O altar, altar, thus saith the LORD;….The altar also was rent, and the ashes poured out from the altar, according to the sign which the man of God had given by the word of the LORD.” We raise a cry against every altar of killings, kidnappings, occultism and rebellion against Christ in Nigeria.  ALL you altars that thrive by shedding of blood, be pulled down. We command: SCATTER, and be destroyed in the name of Jesus Christ. Let the priests of such altars be disrobed and disgraced !!! 
  • Pray specifically and fervently for God's protection on our Vice President, Yemi Osinbanjo. Let no evil befall Him. Also, Lord in mercy, grant a transforming encounter that will fill him with uncommon power, strength and boldness to stand for You. Please use him raise a 24/7 Altar in the State House.
  • Our Lord, AFTER THE PENTECOST, as in Acts 3.1-9, the first miracle narrated is the transformation of a man (a) stationed in Your temple but not impacted by Your power (b) at a gate called “Beautiful” but in a very unpalatable situation (c) lame from his mother’s womb (c) “was carried” daily. Nigeria has been lame from 1914, even since 1960 from our “Mother’s womb”. Today, it is carried yearly by foreign loans and donors. Lord, please enable Your children in Nigeria to get Nigeria “walking, leaping, jumping and praising the Lord” and to enter “with them (i.e. Your disciples) into the temple” to worship You in Spirit and truth, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen. In our personal lives also, any area of stagnation and paralysis, please cause us to receive strength and advance.
  • Gen 12: “I will bless them that bless thee and curse them that curse thee” Almighty God, please strengthen and establish leaders of ALL nations who have the interest of Christians in Nigeria; disgrace and dislodge others
  • Proclaim the Lordship of Jesus Christ over all of Nigeria! Proclaim God’s word over Your life too.



  • We plead the blood of Jesus Christ over every inch of Nigeria. As the Church, we decree in the name of Jesus Christ that every evil  intention for the massive deployment of persons from the North to the South of Nigeria, be overturned and all expectations totally frustrated; their tongues of evil be irreversibly divided; their resources for evil fail them and be dried up.
  • Merciful God, let every abducted Christian be freed by the finger of God, without any ransom paid
  • Any other prayers as your are led, including expansions and extensions of these prayer points.
  • Also prophesy; proclaim God’s wordover your life, family, the Church and Nigeria. Also, please Lord, bless me and make me a blessing to Nigeria. Also use me to advance Your Kingdom and change Nigeria.

 To Register: 48 people praying for 30 mins each can cover a day; 336 (48x7) can cover a week; and just 336,000 can give 1000 persons praying every moment of every day with each doing just 30 mins in the week. With such  24x7 prayer chain, there will surely be powerful national and global impact, like there was for the Moravian Church in 18th century Germany that prayed for 100 years, non-stop. Be part of this 24x7 prayer chain for Nigeria. Please choose your day and time to pray for 30 mins and register at to receive prayer points regularly and to help us track coverage of each day and week. Thank you.  To contribute to next week’s prayers, please Text / WhatsApp: 0803-464-1497; 0803-308-4272


These prayers may be used by those observing their prayer time as part of the 24x7 prayer chain; those observing a day of fasting and prayer for the month for Nigeria; and any other personal, family or group intercession for the Body of Christ and for Nigeria.

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