Prayer Points For The Week: June 7 - June 13, 2020



Psalm 67: 3-4 “Let the peoples praise You O God;…Oh, let the nations be glad and sing for joy! For You shall judge the people righteously and govern the nations on earth”

  • Lord, we bless and praise you that we are alive in a season of widespread deaths and perils
  • We cannot thank You enough, Lord, that corpses have not littered the streets of Nigeria or African nations, contrary to the projections and perhaps programming of some.
  • Thank You that nations are reopening faster than the evil masterminds of COVID-19 projected; and without mandatory vaccination
  • Thank You, Almighty God, that You have not given Your children to the teeth of the prey, despite the many weaknesses of Your children. Your many mighty mercies have been new every morning
  • Thank You, Lord, for this 24x7 prayer chain, for all other prayer initiatives, and all prayers being made across Nigeria and in the Diaspora. Thank You for Your mighty answers to all our prayers.


  • Almighty God, I identify with the massive shedding of the blood of innocent, unarmed civilians, especially of Your children; including Kaduna/Kajuru, June-3. We say, please have mercy, forgive us, forgive Nigeria. We plead the priceless blood of Jesus Christ over all the blood of the slain
  • Matt_25:43  “I was….naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not.” Lord, please forgive us for every goat-nation behavior. Forgive us for neglecting internally displaced persons, IDPs. Help us to be more compassionate, especially to the persecuted


  • Isa_41:10  “…I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help…” Our Lord and Father, please strengthen every person and group that is genuinely praying and/or working for Your will and plan for Nigeria, as You strengthened David
  • Isa_43:19  “Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth” Lord, please help Your children and the Church, that as lockdown eases and Church gatherings reopen, all will not return to same old things and ways. Let Your children FULLY realize every way in which they need to humble themselves and “turn from wicked ways” or improve, that You may heal the land. Also, awaken Your Church to more vigorously evangelize Muslims rather than despise and ignore.
  • Luk_16:8  “…for the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light” O Lord, please in Your mercy comprehensively terminate this now. Let the wicked and unbelieving of Nigeria and of this world be in no way wiser than Your children; rather from now, let “the gentiles come to our light and kings to the brightness of our rising” per Isaiah 60.
  • Psa_32:8 “I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou should go: I will guide thee with mine eye”Please Lord, in the haste to reopen, do not allow Your children make any compromises that will mortgage and constrain the Church in the long term
  • 1 “Behold, how good and how pleasant for brethren to dwell together in unity…for there the Lord commanded the blessing – Life forevermore”Lord, please help believers in Nigeria to remove every obstructing disunity, be one, and enjoy commanded blessing, Life forevermore
  • 1-2 “God me merciful to us and bless us, and cause His face to shine upon us; that Your way may be known on earth, Your salvation among all nations” Lord, please cause Your face to shine on the Church in Nigeria in overcoming its weaknesses and setbacks, and glorify Your name in the Church and the nation; that others be attracted to the Christian faith, not scorn it
  • Deu_33:27  “The eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms: and he shall thrust out the enemy from before thee; and shall say, Destroy them.” Thank You, Lord, that You are our refuge. Your everlasting arms are carrying the Church. All invading enemies that insist on killing God’s children and overrunning them, be thrust out from Christian lands and destroyed.


  • 4: “Oh, let the nations be glad and sing for joy! For You shall judge the people righteously, and govern the nations on earth.” Lord, You know better than us that when judgment is delayed, iniquity multiplies. Please judge speedily between people within Nigeria as well as other nations that foment trouble in Nigeria. Also, take full control and govern Nigeria righteously
  • Jer_10:11  “Thus shall ye say unto them, The gods that have not made the heavens and the earth, even they shall perish from the earth, and from under these heavens.” O ye gods that have not created one inch of Nigeria but are laying claims to it, and even unsatisfied with your bounds, seeking to possess all of it and chase out the Creator, perish from Nigeria and from ALL nations that have collaborated in this evil imagination against the Lord and against His Anointed
  • 2Sa_16:23  “And the counsel of Ahithophel….was as if a man had enquired at the oracle of God” Almighty God, please raise Godly counselors and strategists that will direct affairs at all levels
  • 7 “God, our own God, shall bless us….and all the ends of the earth shall fear Him” Lord in mercy uplift and reposition Your Church and Nigeria through Your children, in a manner that the whole world shall acknowledge, reverence and draw closer to You
  • Psa_34:6  “This poor man cried, and the LORD heard him, and saved him out of all his troubles. The angel of the LORD encamps round about them that fear him, and delivers them.” Lord in mercy, hear Your children in Kaduna, the North East, Middle Belt, and now the South who cry out to You. Please save out of all troubles. Wherever Jihadists or other enemies have encamped, please flush out and replace with Your angels
  • Gen 12:2  “And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee,….and thou shalt be a blessing” Please, Eternal Jehovah, make me a prime part of Your new move in Nigeria. Bless me and my family, and make us a blessing.
  • Mat 18:18  “…whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven….if two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything that they shall ask” Nigeria, Nigeria, be loosed from the shackles of corruption, of any person using his position to oversee and facilitate killings and land grabbing, of any person or nation sponsoring evil. Their grip be broken and terminated.


  • We plead the blood of Jesus Christ over every inch of Nigeria. In the name of Jesus Christ, every evil  intention for the massive deployment of strange persons to the South of Nigeria, be overturned; evil expectations be totally frustrated; evil tongues be divided; their resources for evil fail them and be dried up.
  • Merciful God, let every abducted Christian be freed by the finger of God, without any ransom paid, including Leah Your precious daughter
  • Lord, it is reported that over 800 health workers are infected with COVID-19 in Nigeria. Please let none die. Also give our governments wisdom to navigate speedy victory over COVID-19 and economic growth
  • Lord, please neutralize ALL manipulated crises in USA and help them overcome all genuine crises. Please strengthen and help all leaders worldwide that are supportive of the security of Christians in Nigeria.
  • Any other prayers as your are led, including expansions and extensions of these prayer points.
  • Also prophesy; proclaim Psalm 46 & Jer 33over your life, family, the Church and Nigeria.
  • Lord use me to advance Your Kingdom and change Nigeria.

 To Register: 48 people praying for 30 mins each can cover a day; 336 (48x7) can cover a week; and just 336,000 can give 1000 persons praying every moment of every day with each doing just 30 mins in the week. With such  24x7 prayer chain, there will surely be powerful national and global impact, like there was for the Moravian Church in 18th century Germany that prayed for 100 years, non-stop. Be part of this 24x7 prayer chain for Nigeria. Please choose your day and time in the week to pray for 30 mins and register at to receive prayer points regularly and to help us track coverage of each day and week. Thank you.  

To contribute to next week’s prayers, please Text or  WhatsApp to: 0803-464-1497; 0803-308-4272.

These prayers may be used by those observing their prayer time as part of the 24x7 prayer chain; those observing a day of fasting and prayer for the month for Nigeria; and any other personal, family or group intercession for the Body of Christ and for Nigeria.

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