Prayer Points For The Week: Sep 18 - Sep 24, 2022


THANKSGIVING:  Psm 100.4-5 “Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name. For the LORD is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations” Give God thanks, praise and glory for all He has done for you, your family, the Church and Nigeria; for His marvelous attributes and attitude towards us.

REPENTANCE: Also, ask God for mercy and forgiveness for all of your sins, your family’s, the Church and Nigeria; pray for grace to turn and live in obedience; that our land may be healed (2 Chron. 7.14).

FOCUS:  Pausing and Taking a Moment to Appreciate God – Pt 2



King David, the man after God’s heart was a man full of gratitude. Gratitude made him dance like a baby. In at least 5 Psalms, he re-echoes the theme of thanks for God’s goodness that endures forever. Psalm 136 is all about this. As we approach the end of another Nigeria year by September 30, let us emulate same and deeply appreciate God with all our hearts

Psa 136:1  O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good: for His mercy endureth for ever. 

Psa 136:2  O give thanks unto the God of gods: for His mercy endureth for ever. 

Psa 136:3  O give thanks to the Lord of lords: for His mercy endureth for ever. 

Psa 136:4  To him who alone doeth great wonders: for His mercy endureth for ever. 

Psa 136:5  To him that by wisdom made the heavens: for His mercy endureth for ever. 

Who has given Nigeria,

  • Gifted, talented, bold, courageous persons i.e. human resources. for his mercy endureth for ever. 
  • Mighty outpouring of the spirit of grace and supplication, manifesting in one of the most prayerful nations. Though this has been widely mocked, it shall be vindicated; for his mercy endureth for ever. 
  • Uncommonly vast and diverse natural resources ………
  • Favorable climate and clement weather, away from zones of frequent typhoon, hurricane, and earthquakes
  • Mighty deliverance from the global ravages of COVID 19. Two successive US Presidents suffered from COVID; the nation of USA and several European nations were heavily ravaged but we were not
  • Massive new kingdom initiatives deriving from COVID 19 lockdowns, including the largest online prayer platform in the world today
  • Vast fertile land and good rainfall for all manner of agriculture
  • Amazingly resilient economy and society that has not collapsed despite colossal frauds, aggravations etc
  • Massive and growing Christian population, even if far from perfect
  • Clear dominance of the Christian faith in Nigeria despite desperate lies canvassed by others [Christianity is overwhelmingly dominant in S/South and S/East; dominant in the North Central / Middle Belt and the South West with massive growth of Pentecostalism and evangelism in recent decades; and Christianity is significant in the remaining two regions]
  • The massive role Nigeria is playing in spreading the gospel around the world today
  • Unprecedented 23 unbroken years of civilian, democratic rule; even if imperfect; ….. for his mercy endureth for ever.  [What other reasons are there to thank God? Add yours and praise Him]

   Psm_34:3 “O magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt his name together” 


  • Pray for God to have mercy on us, deliver us from corruption and usher us into our divine possibilities
  • Pray other prayers for current national issues as your have observed or are burdened to pray. Pray also for the ongoing political transition process that there be no hijack, and the next leader shall be of God.
  • SPECIAL PRAYER: Lord have mercy on Leah Sharibu and all others abducted and still in the hands of their captors. Stretch forth Your hand and set free. (d) Defend Your children from Jihad in S/Kaduna, Jos and other Christian territories (c.) Have mercy of IDPs and enable them return to their homes.


REGISTER; INVITE OTHERS: Please join this 24x7 prayer chain. Choose suitable day and time each week that you will pray for just 30 mins. Register at    Please share & invite others too. Thank you.


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