Prayer Points For The Week: Apr 2 - Apr 8, 2023



THANKSGIVING & WORSHIP: Psa 103:1 “Bless the LORD, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name. Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits” If anyone should forget the many benefits of God, it should not be a Nigerian. Living from day to day is simply God’s grace. And if it had not been for the Lord, blood, tears and confusion would have enveloped Nigeria. God has spared our youth and the nation while quietly resolving the injustices. Despite the undesirable things we see around us, God has already given us the victory! O, let’s magnify the Lord; let’s exalt His holy name. Despite Satan’s raging, it’s a new season for Nigeria and Nigerians – including you and I, and our families. SATAN AND HIS AGENTS CANNOT STOP OR REVERSE THIS. Praise God for all He has done for you, your family, the Church and Nigeria & for greater things He is set to do NOW !

REPENTANCE: Truly repent and ask God for mercy and forgiveness for all of your sins, your family’s, the Church and Nigeria, and for the contributions of Christians to the woes of believers and of Nigeria by ignoring prophetic warnings. Pray for grace to turn and live in obedience; that our land may be healed (2 Chron. 7.14)

FOCUS:  Praising and praying God by faith with Psalm 103 & seeking deliverance in a divine season of deliverance



  • Psm 103:3-5 “Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases; Who redeemeth thy life from destruction; who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies; Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things; so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle's” Let us again thank God for forgiving our many sins as individuals, as the Body of Christ, and as a nation. Let us also thank Him that despite the many difficulties, including getting one’s own cash, He continues to provide for us.
  • Psa 103:6“The LORD executeth righteousness and judgment for all that are oppressed” Bless the name of the Lord that He gives sinners room to repent; but does not tolerate injustice. Thank Him by faith that He shall without fail “executeth righteousness and judgment” for the oppressed of Nigeria who have been denied even their choice of leaders, apparently in favour of persons who use billions of money stolen from the public to bribe election officials and pay thugs; after an election conducted with billions of public funds
  • Psa 103:7“He made known his ways unto Moses, His acts unto the children of Israel” Thank the Lord for how much He has revealed His ways to His own in Nigeria, and even His acts in mighty deliverances for us as individuals and for the nation since 1960. Beseech the Lord that just as it took several Acts of God for Pharaoh to be finally defeated, it is time for His mighty Acts again to “drown” and cut off the stubborn pursuers and oppressors of Christians and the enemies of Nigeria’s progress
  • Psa 103:8,11,13“The LORD is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy. For as the heaven is high above the earth, so great is His mercy toward them that fear Him. Like as a father pitieth his children, so the LORD pitieth them that fear Him” Thank God for His great mercy. Thank God that He delivered us from M K O Abiola and his “HOPE” campaign and Muslim-Muslim leadership proposition when we were ignorant and voted for him massively. Call on God to show us mercy and deliver us from Tinubu and his “HOPE RENEWED” campaign with his Muslim-Muslim leadership that APC and INEC are trying to force on a nation that has rejected it
  • Psa 103:19“The LORD hath prepared His throne in the heavens; and his kingdom ruleth over all. Bless the LORD, ye his angels, that excel in strength, that do his commandments, hearkening unto the voice of his word. Bless ye the LORD, all ye his hosts; ye ministers of his, that do his pleasure.....bless the LORD, O my soul” From the depths of your soul, bless the name of the Lord. Acknowledge that He has no rival or contender in Nigeria. Beseech that the Lord to send forth His angels that excel in strength to execute all His good word in and concerning you and concerning Nigeria
  • Regarding all the electoral matters before human judges, pray that the Judge of all the universe shall impose His righteous Judgement over human judges. Decree that the counsel of God shall stand; disallow all miscarriage of justice through bribery, ethnicity etc
    • Pray other prayers for current national issues as you have observed or are burdened to pray.
  • SPECIAL PRAYERS: Pro_29:2“When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice” (a) God delivered Israel from Pharaoh about this time of year; same for Esther/Mordecai and the Jews; same for Peter at Easter (Acts 12). Pray that will do it again in Nigeria (b) That through the courts or by any means God chooses in His sovereignty, God will reverse and restore every stolen political mandate and establish the true choice of Nigerians (c) Lord have mercy on Leah Sharibu and all others abducted and still in the hands of their captors. Please raise political leaders that will set them free. (d) Defend Your children from Jihad in S/Kaduna, Jos and other Christian territories (e.) Have mercy on IDPs and enable them return to their homes. 


REGISTER; INVITE OTHERS: Please join this 24x7 prayer chain. Choose suitable day and time each week that you will pray for just 30 mins. Register at    Please share & invite others too. Thank you.



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