18th December, 2017
To: National Executive Committee (NEC)
Thro: The President

Thro: The General Secretary
Christian Association of Nigeria
National Christian Centre

Dear Sir,


During its 7th December, 2017 meeting, the National Christian Elders Forum (NCEF) passed a resolution to set up another Committee to intervene in conflicts amongst the Executives of CAN. This would be the third time in one year that the NCEF would wade into such contentions.

The issues that are unfolding in CAN portend great danger for Christianity in Nigeria and should neither be treated with levity nor favoritism. In its mortal struggle against Islamism, the Nigerian Church requires Christian leadership that possesses strong moral authority.

The Nigerian Christians do not have Police Force, Court, or Army to defend it. The Church, like the Catholic Pope, and other Christian Denominations, including the Baptist Church, depends only on moral fiber of Christianity. In the circumstances, like Caesar’s wife, the President of CAN must be above suspicion.

The Mediating Committee also recommends as follows:

1. In view of the seriousness of the current issues, NEC should summon as soon as possible, an Emergency Meeting in order to resolve these issues with the interest of Christianity in Nigeria as the paramount consideration. Without prejudice to the scheduled February 2018 meeting of NEC, the Emergency meeting should take place early January 2018.

2. The Committee regretted the conflict in CAN that led to the Executives exchanging petitions and counter accusations. However, it believes that the Vice President of CAN, Prof. Otubu’s petition has a lot of truth in it that requires thorough investigation. If the Church cannot call itself to order, it cannot fulfill the role of light and salt to the country.

3. To avoid unnecessary frictions amongst the Executives, all decisions should be taken jointly by all the members of the Executives of CAN, after regular and frequent meetings of the Executives.

4. The Report of the Auditor hired by the combination of the President and National Treasurer in violation of Article 19 of the CAN Constitution, should be nullified. The National Executive Committee of CAN should perform its Constitutional role of recruiting an Auditor for the National Secretariat of CAN.

5. In compliance with global best practice in Corporate Governance, the President of CAN should not be a signatory to any account of the Association. He should remain the final Approving Authority. The General Secretary as the Chief Accounting Officer of CAN should be signatory A, supported by the National Treasurer, and the Accountant as signatories B.

6. Henceforth, any donation or gift to delegation of CAN on any official visit should be paid into the account of CAN. The transport costs of the CAN officials shall be borne by the National Secretariat of CAN.

7. The Committee believes that the purchase of the vehicles (in Cotonou) did not reflect transparency and accountability and therefore, unbecoming of the apex Christian organization in Nigeria. Therefore, the vehicles should be re-valued according to Nigerian market value and any excess money should be recovered. The persons involved should be investigated, and if found guilty, should be sanctioned appropriately by NEC.

8. The current composition of National Directors skewed in favor of the Zone of Dr. Ayokunle should be dismantled. NEC should ensure Bloc/geo-political balance in the offices.

9. The review of the Constitution of CAN should form the major Agenda during the February 2018 meeting of NEC to ensure that there is no further delay in the exercise.

10. NEC should ensure that the implementation of the CAN Strategy Document and the Report of the November 2016 Leadership Retreat is expedited.

11. The office of Senior Special Assistant (SSA) to the President of CAN, as currently occupied by Dr. Testimony Onifade, who is engaged by the President of CAN is unknown in CAN Constitution therefore he should not be part of the Administration nor act on behalf of CAN in any capacity whatsoever.

12. Finally, NEC should reach out to Christians, leaders of Denominations and other Church Groups with the assurance that the Christian Association of Nigeria remains a credible Christian institution capable of protecting and promoting Christians and Christian interests in Nigeria.

Please find under the cover of this letter relevant documents, the basis upon which the above recommendations were made.

Yours faithfully,


Honorable Justice James Ogebe, JSC, Rtd, CON
Chairman, Mediating Committee

Members of Committee:
Hon. Justice Kalajine Anigbogu
Dr. (Mrs.) Kate Okpareke
Elder Michael Orobator
Elder Matthew Owojaiye
Dr. Saleh Hussaini
Elder Moses Ihonde
Pastor Bosun Emmanuel - Secretary


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