The Official Press Release Of The Voice For The Emancipation Of Hausa Christians In Nigeria (VEHCIN) On The Release Of Aisha Mazadu Bala. Dated 20th July, 2017

This is to bring to the notice of the entire world and community of believers around the world that to the Glory of God and to the utter shame of the devil, Aisha, a 14 year old Hausa Christian Girl that was kidnapped, detained, forcefully converted to Islam, denied her parents access to her for all these while, married off to her kidnapper and subjected to all forms of abuse and maltreatments as a Christian minor has been released to the VOICE FOR THE EMANCIPATION OF THE HAUSA CHRISTIANS IN NIGERIA (VEHCIN) yester night (19th July, 2017) at the Kaduna State Police Headquarters under the prudent and excellent  supervision of the National Human Right Commission.

Perhaps for a very good reason, President Muhammadu Buhari, the Sultan of Sokoto, Saád Abubakar, and a Maiduguri-based Islamic cleric, Sheikh Ibrahim Saleh recently made the list of the world’s 50 most influential Muslim leaders. The Muslim 500, an annual publication of the World’s 500 most influential Muslims, recognised the three Nigerian leaders in its 7th edition published late last year. The publication measured influence some Muslims have on other Muslims to include: any person who has the power (be it cultural, ideological, financial, political or otherwise) to make a change that will have a significant impact on the Muslim world.


Muslims begin moving to non-Muslim countries in increasing numbers and the beginning of cultural conflicts are visible, though often subtle 

First migration wave to non-Muslim “host” country.Appeal for humanitarian tolerance from the host society.Attempts to portray Islam as a peaceful & Muslims as victims of misunderstanding and racism (even though Islam is not a ‘race’).High Muslim birth rate in host country increase Muslim population.Mosques used to spread Islam and dislike of host country & culture.Calls to criminalize “Islamophobia” as a hate crime.Threatened legal action for perceived discrimination.Offers of “interfaith dialogue” to indoctrinate non-Muslims.

The Federal Government on Thursday bowed to pressure and directed the Nigerian Educational Research and Development Council (NERDC) to separate the Christian Religious Knowledge and Islamic Religious Knowledge subjects in the basic education curriculum.

The grouping of IRK and CRK under the Civil Education in the new curriculum by the NERDC had generated controversy in the last few months with religious leaders calling for their separate teaching.

A report released wednesday by the United States Department of State has disclosed that 75 per cent of deaths caused by terrorist attacks across the globe world occurred in Nigeria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria; and Pakistan.

The report, Country Reports on Terrorism 2016, stated that in 2016, terrorist attacks took place in 104 countries, but were heavily concentrated geographically with 55 per cent of the attacks in five countries – Iraq; Afghanistan, India, Pakistan, and the Philippines, while 75 per cent of all deaths due to terrorist attacks took place in five countries – Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Nigeria and Pakistan.

The National Christian Elders Forum (NCEF) has viewed with much concern and apprehension, the issues currently unfolding in the country. The Christian Elders are saddened that once again, the nation is being driven to a needless and mindless conflict that if not well managed, could conflagrate into war, destruction, and threaten the cohesiveness of the Nigerian State.

African Christians in Diaspora Hosted a Historic Summit on Threats to Peace and Security to the African Continent from Terrorism and Issue a Call for Urgent and Concerted Action. 

The inaugural Pan-African peace summit hosted stakeholders and delegates from various African nations, Europe and United States in Washington D.C. Metropolitan area, June 23-24, 2017.  Heart wrenching reports from victims of the killings, kidnappings, rapes, forceful conversions and social injustices by Boko Haram and Fulani herdsmen in West Africa were presented. 

The Calvary Hephzibah Full Gospel Church in Manchester, Britain, in Collaboration with 4-Square Gospel Church Asokoro Abuja and King's Mission Centre, Lagos, is calling on all Nigerian Christians to join in a Global 40 Day Prayer and Fasting for Nigeria.

The situation in Nigeria demands Divine intervention. As Christians we need to unite and cry out to The Lord to intervene in the situation in our Country. The nation is facing on the one hand, the surreptitious, steady, and unrelenting plan to Islamize Nigeria, and on the other hand we have corruption in the highest places to contend with, kidnapping left and right, and many other societal ills.

Being a paper presented on behalf of the National Christian Elders’ Forum (NCEF) at the Africa Peace, Security and Synergy Summit in Washington, D.C. on 23-24 June, 2017



Permit me to begin this presentation by thanking Mr. Emmanuel Ogebe for encouraging me to come to Washington, DC to make this presentation on the Nigerian question which we recognize as conflict between Democracy and Islamism to Nigerians and other Africans in Diaspora that constitute the views of the National Christian Elders’ Forum (NCEF).  

...demands details of new education curriculum
...says it should be suspended
...warns against merging of CRS, IRS & Civic Education
...says Adamu is not telling the whole truth 

The Christian Association Nigeria (CAN) has called on the Federal Ministry of Education and the Nigerian Educational Research and Development Council (NERDC) to publish the full details of the controversial new Curriculum of Education if they have no hidden agenda. 

We have lived with this myth for far too long. We have tolerated and accepted this political deception for as long as anyone can remember. But the myth has to be exposed for what it really is. The lie must be consigned to the dust bin.  The mask has been removed. For too long people speak of Hausa-Fulani. The truth of course is that the so called Hausa Fulani as a person or human being does not exist. You cannot be Ijaw-Igbo, or Hausa-Gwari. You are either an Ijaw or an Igbo! As closely related the Isokos and Uhrobos are you cannot have an Isoko-Uhrobo as a person. Egbas and Ijebus are within the same linguistic bracket, but you do not have an Ijebu-Egba. You are either Ijebu or Egba. In the same vein you are either Hausa or Fulani. You cannot be both!

What Is The Significance Of May 29 In Nigeria’s Historical Development?

Issues surrounding May 29th as "Nigeria Democracy Day” as adopted in this Fourth Republic raise disturbing questions.  

It would appear that May 29  is a milestone for the cultural domination agenda of the Fulanis in Nigeria. 

*May 29, 1904 - Historically was when Othman Danfodio and his brother Abdullah Danfodio  primarily motivated by imperial desires, used Islamic religion as a tool to invade the Hausa (Habe) Kingdom. On that day Seriki Yunfa of Gobriyya (present Gusau,  Zamfara State) was beheaded by the Fulani invaders. Danfodio then started invading and appropriating the Hausa land, and establishing green flags as a token of spiritual allegiance to Sokoto which he made his spiritual capital.

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Is. 9: 6 “… and the government shall be upon His shoulder …”

1.Nigeria is said to have a population equal in number of Christians and Muslims yet Christians have to rely on the generosity of the Muslim promoted parties to participate in government as reflected in the three arms: the Legislature, Executive and Judiciary, where Christians are regarded as minorities because only few Christians occupy the apex arm of government.

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