Prayer Points For The Week: Jun 6 – Jun 12


THANKSGIVING: Please give God mighty thanks for all His goodness, mercy and Fatherly pity (compassion)

REPENTANCE: Confess your sins and take a firm stand to forsake them, pray for grace to live faithful and true. Also, pray that believers and Nigerians at large will do the same, and that God will work in us both to will and to do to His good pleasure henceforth.

THEME: Prayer for leaders of the Body of Christ, the Church


  • O God! You said in Your Word, 1Timothy 2:1-4 that ‘…first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions and giving of thanks, be made for all men; v2 For kings and all that are in authority, …..’ Therefore, we come to You O God and pray: Give us such leaders in our churches in Nigeria, that it will please You and be to Your glory to intervene in the affairs of our nation at this point in time, to end bloodshed, economic hardship and birth the righteous and prosperous new Nigeria, that is in Your heart for us. In Jesus Christ Name! Amen!
  • O God! Eph. 1:23 says Christ is the Head of the Church, which comprise of the members and the ministers of the Church. Therefore we call on You, our Lord Jesus Christ as the Head, TO SIT AS A REFINER AND PURIFIER OF SILVER: AND PURIFY THE SONS OF LEVI I.E. THE LEADERSHIP / MINISTERS OF THE DIFFERENT DENOMINATIONS OF THE CHURCH IN NIGERIA AND PURGE THEM AS GOLD AND SILVER. We ask You Lord to purify till they all do nothing other, than offer unto You LORD an offering in righteousness, as Mal. 3:4 says. Let they and the works of their hands are in line with the righteousness of You, God. In Jesus Christ Name! Amen!
  • In Galatians 1:6-10, the scriptures made it known that any perversion of the gospel by anybody, even an angel, will be with disastrous consequences on the perpetrator. We therefore pray O God, that all church leaders who have been preaching ANOTHER GOSPEL OF BEING BORN AGAIN WITHOUT REPENTANCE, would realize this error and change henceforth, otherwise YOU bring YOUR judgment on them NOW without further delay, in Jesus Christ Name! Amen!
  • In the name of Jesus Christ, as it is written in Haggai 2:22a, I prophesy and declare on you thrones and kingdoms of the Jaazaniahs and Pelatiahs in Nigeria (name them), the Lord overthrows your thrones and destroys the strength of your kingdoms, completely and irreversibly. Amen!
  • In the Name of Jesus Christ, as it is written in Eze.11:7-10, I prophesy against you Jaazaniahs and Pelatiahs in Nigeria (name them), that devise mischief and give wicked counsel in Nigeria, the Lord brings you out of the midst of Nigeria and brings a sword upon you and delivers you into the hands of strangers and execute judgments among you. Fall by the sword and be judged in the border of Nigeria and the Lord cause you to know that He is the Lord, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen!
  • O Lord God! As you did at the tower of Babel, confound the language of the sons of the bondwoman within and outside Nigeria that have gathered connived and purposed to overrun your people in my territory, in Nigeria, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen! The tongues of overseers, strategists, financiers, foot soldiers be divided; it is impossible for them to execute their plans, in Jesus Christ Name. Amen!
  • Lord, we erred, we judged wrongly, some of our leaders compromised for money, we also were enmeshed in iniquities. Yet, Lord, will You allow those named by Your name to be utterly destroyed? Psm_7:9 “Oh let the wickedness of the wicked come to an end; but establish the just” in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen
  • Lord by Your mercy, scatter those who want to wreck the future of Nigeria by destroying the educational system. Fight and nullify those abducting children from schools, and please release all who are in captivity. In your own miraculous way, restore Leah Sharibu unto joy and liberty in Christ.
  • Please Lord, strengthen all praying with clean hands and pure hearts for the Church and the nation, and raise more. Let none fail in fear or weakness until the new Nigeria is manifest; and bless them all mightily.

 Pray OTHER PRAYERS as led or burdened

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