Prayer Points For The Week: May 15 - May 21, 2022



THANKSGIVING:  1Th_5:18  “In everything give thanks” It’s easy to get disillusioned and become ungrateful. God commands otherwise. Let’s give thanks to God. But for His grace and power, Nigeria may have since become history.

REPENTANCE: Also, ask God for mercy and forgiveness for all of your sins, those of your family, the Church and Nigeria; pray for grace to "turn from...wicked ways" and live in obedience; that our land may be healed (2 Chron. 7.14). Seek God’s help for sustained righteousness in the land.

FOCUS OF THE WEEK:  Release of Leah Sharibu; Sokoto Crises; and Party primaries                    


Mar_4:39  “And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm” Arise where you are, rebuke the ill wind blowing in Sokoto. Command peace be still.

Take authority over every demonic spirit behind the insane violence, needless destruction of lives and property and bloodshed. Cast them out of Nigeria unto uninhabited places. Nullify the voice of animal and human blood that has been shed in rituals.

Psm 46:9 “He makes wars to cease unto the end of the earth; he breaks the bow, and cuts the spear in sunder; he burns the chariot in the fire” Ask God to make wars to cease across Nigeria. By the authority in the name of Jesus Christ, command Jihadist and fanatical bows, spears and chariots to be broken and their resources to dry up. Angels of God that excel in strength and do God’s word will execute as you command.

Isa 40:1 “Comfort ye, comfort ye my people, saith your God” Pray for the comfort that only God can give to the family of Deborah Yakubu, her friends, neighbours etc.

Isa_49:25 “But thus saith the LORD, Even the captives of the mighty shall be taken away, and the prey of the terrible shall be delivered: for I will contend with him that contends with thee, and I will save thy children.” This is God’s precious promise. Let us pray that God will fulfill this promise, deliver Leah Sharibu, the Kaduna train attack abductees, others in captivity and save our children from any more abduction, gruesome killings for believing and confessing Jesus Christ.

MATTERS ARISING IN THE NATION: Pray for other matters arising in the nation as observed or as the Spirit of God leads; cast down evil imaginations that lead men to attack airports, trains, etc. Pray that in the ongoing political party primaries etc, God’s counsel shall stand in all irrespective of what the hearts of men have devised; pray for an end to the war in Ukraine; pray for Israel etc.; and give thanks and praise to God.


  • Eze_21:27“I will overturn, overturn, overturn, it: and it shall be no more, until he come whose right it is; and I will give it him Leadership is so crucial to the peace and progress of Nigeria and the peaceable practice and advancement of the Christian faith. As the party primaries and partner with God to enthrone His choice of leader by decreeing that all evil and incapable candidates be overturned and God’s choice alone be enthroned over Nigeria.

REGISTER; INVITE OTHERS: Please join this 24x7 prayer chain. Choose suitable day and time each week that you will pray for just 30 mins. Register at    Please share & invite others too. Thank you.

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