December 31st, 2018 marked 35 years since General Buhari overthrew a democratically elected government and shot his way to power via military coup.

In 2019 in further confirmation of his trenchant unrepentant ways as an unrehabilitated anti-democrat, he has again moved against an arm of government in a continuing pattern of divide and conquer internal warfare.

Rabaa or Rabbi'ah sign (; Egyptian Arabic: [ˈɾɑbʕɑ]; sometimes stylized as R4BIA) or, less commonly, Rab3a, is a hand gesture and a sign that first appeared in late August 2013, thought to be originated from Turkey and used in social media and protest marches in Egypt. It is used by the Muslim Brotherhood and its supporters in Egypt in the wake of the overthrow of Mohamed Morsi, which occurred after anti-government protests calling for his removal. On July 9, 2014, a Brotherhood-affiliated organization declared August 14, the day when the sit-ins were dispersed, "World Rabia Day," in an attempt to garner support across numerous countries.


The letter of the Ag. General Secretary of CAN dated 24th November, 2018, Mr. J. B. Daramola, captioned ‘RESOLUTION OF THE NATIONAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE (NEC) ON CAN RECONCILIATION COMMITTEE’S REPORT’ and my reply thereto dated 30thNovember, 2018 respectively refer please. (copies attached for ease of reference).

Please recall that in my said reply to Mr. Daramola’s letter, I quoted his earlier written admission of 18th July, 2017 wherein he stated categorically that he received a gratification of N500,000.00 (five hundred thousand naira only) through Dr. Testimony Onifade, your unofficial CAN operative and an unnamed ‘Deacon Agent’ employed by the said Onifade, on your directives, for the dubious and questionable purchase of vehicles in Cotonou for designated CAN Officials.

During its 7th December, 2017 meeting, the National Christian Elders Forum (NCEF) passed a resolution to set up another Committee to intervene in conflicts amongst the Executives of CAN. This would be the third time in one year that the NCEF would wade into such contentions.

The issues that are unfolding in CAN portend great danger for Christianity in Nigeria and should neither be treated with levity nor favoritism. In its mortal struggle against Islamism, the Nigerian Church requires Christian leadership that possesses strong moral authority.

The attention of National Christian Elders Forum  (NCEF) has been drawn to information circulating in the media that CAN has dissolved the Forum of Christian Elders. This is not true. NCEF urges Christians and the General Public to disregard the misleading information.

NEC of CAN is not empowered by the Constitution of CAN to dissolve any Christian Group. In the 42 years of CAN's existence, such reckless violation of CAN's Constitution has not been witnessed. Articles 6 and 8 of the Constitution of CAN explains the limits of the power of NEC and lists the "member group" it can "suspend".

The truth of the matter is that there are allegations of fraud and criminal violation of the Constitution to conceal fraud in CAN. NCEF exposed the allegations and demanded proper independent investigation so that the truth can be established and justice can be done in the Church. This is after NCEF had set up two independent Committees whose Reports CAN Officials ignored choosing rather to set up an in-house Committee which resulted in further contention.

NCEF regrets the acrimony and strife that has engulfed the Church since the inception of this current CAN Administration. The Christian Elders will publish a more detailed Report on this issue later.
NCEF remains a duly constituted Group serving the interests of the Body of Christ.

Thank you.
19th Dec. 2018

Rejoinder: CAN Advertorial Of Friday 14th December, 2018

The National Christian Elders Forum (NCEF) regards with much concern and regret the consistent contention and acrimony demonstrated by the current Officials of Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), under the leadership of Rev. Dr. Samson Olasupo Ayokunle. It is a cause of great concern when Officials of Christian Association of Nigeria paid for Advertorial to denounce an arm of the Body of Christ in total disregard of the Constitution of CAN. In its paid Advertorial, signed by Barrister Daramola Joseph Bade, the Acting General Secretary of CAN and Bishop S. T. V. Adegbite, Director of National Issues, CAN stated, that it “forthwith dissolves and dissociates completely from the NCEF”. This statement has no basis in law or logic. Having issued such falsehood through a paid Advertorial, NCEF is left with no other option but to utilize the same medium to set records straight. The NCEF wishes to clarify as follows:


This presentation begins with the various reasons why Amalgamation took place in
January 1, 1914 and since then 104 after, Nigeria has “under-re-sourced, sapped by
corruption and distrusted by the population” kleptocracy and government dishonesty
have corrosive effect on popular confidence in government. Nigeria’s security
apparatus seemed determined to turn Nigeria from a Democracy to an Islamic Sharia

NCEF regrets the constant contention and strife that define the current Administration of CAN. It is very disturbing that Christ-like leadership is not demonstrated in the Church.




Politics affects the lives of all of us; it cannot become an Exclusive Preserve of a handful of Politicians.

Neutrality of the Church at “TIMES LIKE THIS” is tantamount to “Leaving the flock alone without the guidance of a Shepherd” (Mk. 6: 34)

Distinguished gentlemen of the Press,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Our attention has been drawn to a Press Release signed on behalf of CAN by Bishop Steve Adegbite, the Director of National Issues and Mobilization, on Wednesday 14th November, 2018 condemning the intervention of NCEF in the contentions and crisis amongst the CAN Executive.

Arising from the aforementioned Press Release, NCEF wishes to clarify as follows:

November 14, 2018


Bishop Oriname O. Kure


Christian Association of Nigeria CAN

Benin City


My Lord,




Further to our telephone conversation, Kure/Asemota of Tuesday, November 13, 2018, the issues in contention in Nigeria today is the competing ideologies of Democracy and Sharia.

“For we can do nothing against the truth, but for the truth,” 2 Cor. 13: 8

Please find below links to three reports on issues that affect the current state of Christianity in Nigeria. These issues are made open in the interest of Truth and Righteousness and also for record purposes in Heaven and on Earth.

“The further a society drifts from the truth the more it will hate those who speak it.” –

George Orwell.

OUR ATTENTION HAS BEEN DRAWN to a very disturbing notice in the Social Media issued by the Media Assistant to the President of CAN, to the effect that a NEW COORDINATOR has been appointed for the CAN TRUST FUND. This action climaxes the series of manipulations and intrigues set in motion by Rev. Dr. Samson Olasupo Ayokunle to destabilize, frustrate, destroy and eventually illegally dismantle the current structure of the CAN Trust Fund and put in place one that would be pliable to him. We wish to place on record that since Rev Dr Samson Ayokunle assumed office as the CAN President, he has not hidden his avowed intention to destabilize the Christian Association of Nigeria by frustrating and dismantling the CAN Trust Fund. Pastor Bosun Emanuel, Secretary/Coordinator of the Trust Fund has in the past written severally to CAN on this subject but it is now clear that Rev Dr Ayokunle has succeeded in misleading CAN on the issue of the CAN TRUST FUND. It has to be noted that all the actions taken under the directives of the CAN President are illegal and unsustainable in law having regard to the actual nature of the TRUST FUND and the involvement of CAN thereto.