The NCEF has written letters to Church leaders which, till date, have not been acknowledged. This, in our view is not in keeping with Christian ethos and ideals

We have pleaded with Prof Otubu and Pastor Bosun from taking court action against Rev. Supo Ayokunle for the obvious reason that Christians in Nigeria today more than ever before need “to be one”.  This is not to say that Church leaders and elders can hide criminal acts by Church leaders especially and specifically, the CAN President, who is the head of the number one organization of Christians which pride itself as the moral conscience of the Nigerian Nation.

 -These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto Him:

A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,

An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running unto mischief,

A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.

Proverbs 6:16-19.

The National Christian Elders Forum (NCEF) is a Group of Christian Elders from the six geo-political zones of Nigeria. Average age in the Forum is 70 years and the members have served Nigeria in various high ranking capacities before and after Independence. The Christian Elders have only one passion and that is to preserve Christianity and leave behind a better Nigeria for coming generations.

My Lord the Chief Judge, my Lords, last December, my Lord the Chief Judge was gracious enough to attend and honor me at my 80th birthday.  Having attained my present age, I had to seek my senior colleague Mr. Kola Okeaya-Inneh, SAN’s permission to address Your Lordship on behalf of the Body of Senior Advocates in Edo State at this Special Court Session.  At 80, with six decades involvement with the law in Nigeria having been appointed Cadet Sub-Inspector of Police in 1959, called to Bar in 1970 and the Inner Bar in 1986. I consider this opportunity both a privilege and an honor to be able to stand before your lordships and, through you, address the Law profession of my country Nigeria. 


The issue of race has been played down since amalgamation of 1914.  As a result, most of us, Nigerians do not know and those who know would not talk about the fact that two races - Negros and Negroids, were compelled to live together after the amalgamation of Northern and Southern Nigeria.

Albert Einstein said, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results”.

For the past twenty years, Nigerians have been voting the same group of people, crisscrossing from one party to the other, into power. The result has been insecurity, insurgency, terrorism, poverty, unemployment, disunity, lawlessness, impunity, bloodshed, broken down infrastructure, and a fall of over 1,600% in the value of the Naira. (N21.89 in 1999; N360 in 2018)

The National Christian Elders’ Forum (NCEF) has argued since its inauguration in 2015, that the problem in Nigeria is the incursion of Sharia into our Democracy – Democracy versus “Invisible” Sharia. We drew attention to the statement of the Sultan of Sokoto (Sarkin Muslumi) of Nigeria who was alleged to have said in Harvard University that the Quran is his Constitution.  He has, till now, not denied this statement.   DOWNLOAD PDF

The Christian Social Movement of Nigeria (CSMN) organized a Conference tagged “THINK DEMOCRACY” on Tuesday, 28th August, 2018, at the Daughters of Divine Love Retreat and Conference Centre (DRACC), Lugbe, Abuja, to evaluate developments in the country and the challenges confronting governance in Nigeria.  In collaboration with CSMN were the following Democratic groups:






On 5th July, 2018, the Nigerian Supreme Council of Islamic Affairs (NSCIA) published an article titled LET THE TRUTH BE TOLD. In our candid estimation, rather than tell the truth, the article is the exact opposite of the truth. It might have been more proper to have titled it “Let the Taqiyya be told”. It  is distressing  that  radical  Islam (Islamism)   having  caused much   harm to the Christian community in  Nigeria, is adding insult to  injury, in this  age of information  and enlightenment, by attempting to distort narratives  with flagrant abuse of  the truth.

July 13, 2018 by Lindy Lowry in AfricaStories of Persecution


Throughout Sub-Saharan Africa, the regions of West Africa, East Africa and Central Africa have become a stage for religious, ethnic, and political conflict, including ongoing violence and attacks from Islamic extremist groups, such as Boko Haraman extremist group that is located primarily in Northern Nigeria, al-Shabaab in East Africa and Muslim FulaniThe Fulani are a large ethnic group in West Africa.

The federal government has said that the Nigerian Educational Research and Development Council (NERDC) has completed the separation of Christian Religious Studies Curriculum and Islamic Studies Curriculum. The decision was taken at the 63rd meeting of the National Council on Education (NCE), held at the International Conference Centre, Abuja, from Wednesday 1st to Thursday 2nd August, 2018 which was presided over by the minister of Education, Malam Adamu Adamu and supported by the minister of State for Education, Prof. Anthony Gozie Anwukah.

Dear Madame Prosecutor Bensouda,


We want to commend you for the more rigorous engagement on human rights violations in Nigeria since your ascension to the pinnacle post of Chief Prosecutor.

Given your robust inquiries into potential war crimes and crimes against humanity in Nigeria, it is with grave concern that we note the announcement by Nigeria’s presidency via the News Agency of Nigeria that General Buhari will be meeting with you in The Hague this week.

(Presented and adopted at the Middle Belt Summit in Makurdi, Monday 16 July 2018)

Our country Nigeria is constitutionally a federal state. By federalism, we are referring to a constitutional arrangement whereby power is shared between a central government and the constituent federating units. The federal system tends to predominate in diverse societies where the people choose to live together within a broader political community while     seeking to preserve their cultural, linguistic and ethno-religious diversities. Central to the federalist idea is the devolution of power, with clear constitutional provisions regarding the rights and prerogatives of the centre and the federating units.

The various interventions and advocacies of the National Christian Elders Forum (NCEF) have reached the point where definite actions have to be taken. Since its inception on January 15, 2015, the NCEF has undertaken, amongst many others, the following actions to uphold freedom and democracy in Nigeria: