The black man has always been a ‘sufferhead’ since the 15th century when slavery was introduced and sanctioned by European countries in the 17th century.  In between, slaves were transported to the Americas when slavery stopped it took some time before the practice was halted in Africa.  The last race to accept that slavery was a crime against humanity was the Arabs but they continued in the trade until amalgamation.  Lugard wrote “Slavery in Northern Provinces: I cannot here deal at any length with the subject of slavery, but the question of labor supply so intimately affects the development of Nigeria, that a few words regarding it will not be out of place. It was mentioned in paragraph 2 that in 1900 when the Administration of Northern Nigeria reverted from the Chartered Company to the Crown, large armies led by Fulani chiefs annually raided for slaves, and had depopulated the country. With the conquest of the Moslem States, these organized raids were put to an end. By the abolition of the ‘Legal Status’ of slavery, a slave had power to assert his freedom. 


“I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of
thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may
lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.

The proposed Control of Infectious Diseases Act 2020 meant to update the nation’s laws appropriately and safeguard the lives and well-being of all Nigerians have a number of areas in the Bill that violently infringe on the clear provisions of the Nigerian constitution in the areas of human rights and civil liberties and portend grave dangers to our physical, mental, and spiritual health.

Although there are several editorial lapses in the bill, we will like to focus on the two major issues of serious concerns to us. These are (one) several instances of summary abrogation of human rights, dignity and civil liberties; and (two) the issue of mandatory vaccination with the possibility of chip-implants being employed in the areas of vaccine delivery, certification, and surveillance.

25th May, 2020

The Deputy Director/Clerk
Committee on Health Care Services in H102
1st Floor, White House,
House of Representatives Wings,
National Assembly Complex,

Dear Sir,


The Coalition Against Mandatory Vaccination in Nigeria (a.k.a. NoMandatoryVaxNaija Movement) and the Advocates for Freedom and Democracy (AFD) wish to jointly submit the attached Memorandum to the Public Hearing on the Control of Infectious Diseases Bill 2020 (HB 836) scheduled for 10-11 June 2020.

The unending cruelty and wanton destruction of lives and property of Southern Kaduna communities continued last night as armed Fulani militia lay siege to Gonan Rogo village, Kajuru Local Government  Area (LGA) killing 17 persons, critically injured 6 and rustled cows.

SOKAPU visited the village today around 12 noon  and saw firsthand the horror inflicted on the poor Adara village, 64 km away from Kaduna metropolis on in the Kaduna - Kachia road.

Christian Social Movement of Nigeria (CSMN) held a Christian political mobilization meeting on Saturday, 23rd May, 2020, under its Directorate of Politics and Governance. The meeting, which was held online, commenced the task of mobilization and harmonization of Christians for effective participation in Government.

While Christians constitute the largest group in Nigeria and is the most enlightened and educated segment, lack of harmonization has often turned them into minority during elections. The missing key in Christian effectiveness in political power play is lack of harmonization. If Christians do not become effective participants in exercise of political power, the instrument of the State shall continually be used to afflict and decimate them.
CSMN, as the socio-political arm of the Church is therefore calling on Christians to come forth and engage politics.

In line with the transparency and accountability policy of CSMN, please use the link above to access the list of donors and expenses under the "Cry of Martyrs" project for the period under review.

We thank all the brethren who donated generously for relief to the Christian IDPs. God bless you.
Since we are unable to reach most of you personally, kindly accept this publication as acknowledgment and appreciation of your gift to our persecuted brethren. May God count it for you as righteousness.

The current fight against the deadly Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) is a global battle that has assumed multi-faceted approach. There are those medical experts and researchers who are exploring the possibility of a preventive vaccine that can be used to safe-guard people from being infected by the virus in the first instance. And there are also those of them who are developing a curative drug that can heal those people already infected. Another set of scientists are sniffing the viral world to ascertain the origin of the disease so as to provide a scientific platform for the development of both preventive and curative drugs and vaccines.

The current prevailing challenge of the Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) started in the industrial city of Wuhan China, in the latter part of 2019. Like a child’s play and before long, it blossomed into the mother of all viral diseases and had decimated and continues to decimate human population worldwide. As the COVID-19 pandemic rages on without any prospect of abating or cure in sight, the lives of the masses of the people have been placed on the line, sandwiched between the killer disease and the ravaging poverty in the land.


Christian Social Movement of Nigeria (CSMN) is raising these issues, titled LESSONS FROM COVID-19, in the public domain to sensitize as well as mobilize Nigerians to change a debilitating mindset and build a great country.
Anyone who feels sufficiently persuaded by the issues raised in this paper and wishes to contribute to implementing its recommendations or to fine tune it can send comments and suggestions to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Such recommendations should be in bullet points. No essays, please.
Thank you.

"And call upon me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify me." Psalm 50: 15

Christian Social Movement of Nigeria (CSMN) is inviting Nigerian Christians, both at home and abroad, to join the 24/7 prayers for Nigeria. The current distress demands round the clock intercession for the country.

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