Lay Faithful Trust Fund

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Lay Faithful Trust Foundation

United Bank for Africa (UBA)
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30 03 61 37 92 (Dollar Account)
30 03 61 38 19 (British Pound Account)
30 03 61 37 85 (Euro Account)

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In line with the accountability and transparency policy of Christian Social Movement of Nigeria, please find below link to the Statement of Accounts of the donations and expenses for the month of ...

In line with the accountability and transparency policy of Christian Social Movement of Nigeria, please find below link to the Statement of Accounts of the donations and expenses for the month of ...

The National Christian Elders Forum held an Emergency Meeting on Thursday 22nd October, 2020 following the attacks and destructions that climaxed the ENDSARS protests. NCEF waited for the President ...

If you are a Nigerian Christian, you need to watch this. Please watch and share.Let us match faith with works. God bless ...

TOPIC: GENOCIDE IN NIGERIA: IS THERE HOPE OF JUSTICE FOR THE VICTIMS? Sunday 20th September 2020 PREAMBLEIn furtherance of its advocacy for persecuted Christians in Nigeria, Christian Social ...

The National Christian Elders Forum (NCEF) wishes to express alarm at the news that the Federal Executive Council (FEC), during its meeting of Wednesday 23rd September, 2020 approved the sum of $1.9 ...

We are compelled to issue this rejoinder in the interest of truth and the need to educate coming generations on the source of the insurgency and destruction that currently bedevils Nigeria. On Friday ...

With reference to the resolution of the Leadership Team of CSMN on 13th June, 2020, it is necessary to remind members and supporters of the Christian Movement of their obligations as follows: 1. ...

Following the 2020 edition of the United Nations approved International Day Commemorating the Victims of Acts of Violence Based on Religion, Belief or Faith otherwise known as International Day of ...

APPRECIATION We thank all the Christian brethren who contributed to bring relief and succour to Christians affected in the ongoing genocide by Islamic insurgents in Nigeria. In particular, we thank ...

It would be recalled that on 9th July, 2014, the National Executive Committee (NEC) of Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) approved the establishment of a Christian Trust Fund tagged CAN Trust ...

Christian Social Movement of Nigeria (CSMN)is inviting you to a conversation of the conscience tagged:VOICE OF THE ...

A few days ago, National Christian Elders Forum (NCEF) issued a Press Release announcing the setting up of Lay Faithful Trust Fund for the purpose of supporting Christian advocacy and intervention. ...
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