Lay Faithful Trust Fund

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Lay Faithful Trust Foundation

United Bank for Africa (UBA)
10 24 93 74 91 (Naira Account)
30 03 61 37 92 (Dollar Account)
30 03 61 38 19 (British Pound Account)
30 03 61 37 85 (Euro Account)

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The LAY FAITHFUL TRUST FUND conducted relief outreach to IDP families at the Goni Gora camp. We are grateful to the brethren who donated the funds. We are also grateful to Bro. David and Sister Laura ...

The LAY FAITHFUL TRUST FUND conducted relief outreach to IDP families at the Goni Gora camp. We are grateful to the brethren who donated the funds. We are also grateful to Bro. David and Sister Laura ...

As we are express concern about insecurity, let us also be burdened about the plight of IDP children. Many of these children have not been to school for over seven years.Please join us to brainstorm ...

Click to Read Attached Document We should not forget there is a deliberate plan “to eradicate in all its forms and ramifications” Christianity in Nigeria. (Abuja Declarations 1989) While it ...

Please find below an unprovoked and unwarranted defamatory letter written by CAN Officials denouncing Christian Social Movement of Nigeria (CSMN) and its ...

Many of them fled from their homes with only what they had on. They are your brethren. *REQUEST FOR USED, BUT GOOD, CLOTHES* As part of our efforts to help our persecuted Christian brethren in the ...


The National Christian Elders Forum (NCEF) has noted with concern the flagrant attempt to subvert the tradition and will of the people of Tangale ethnic nationality in Billiri Local Government of ...

As we enter 2021, the message from God remains the same: WHO IS ON THE LORD’S SIDE? What is going in Nigeria has spiritual roots that demand spiritual authority.Nigerian Church cannot exercise ...

Christian Social Movement of Nigeria (CSMN), under its VOICE OF THE PERSECUTED program held another “conversation of the conscience” on the unwarranted and illegal incarceration of ...
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