Lay Faithful Trust Fund

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Lay Faithful Trust Foundation

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Lay Faithful Trust Foundation commenced empowerment projects for Christian IDPs in five IDP locations in Southern Kaduna in May ...

Lay Faithful Trust Foundation commenced empowerment projects for Christian IDPs in five IDP locations in Southern Kaduna in May ...

On Sunday 29th November 2020, Lay Faithful Trust Foundation organized a Conference under its Voice of the Persecuted (VOP) program to highlight the travails of Prof. Solomon Tarfa of Du Merci ...

In April 2022, the Lay Faithful Trust Foundation was informed about an outbreak of infection at the Mercy IDP Camp, Zonkwa, Zango Kataf LGA, Southern Kaduna. The infection was due to overcrowding, ...

Lay Faithful Trust Foundation conducted another relief distribution of clothes to Christian IDPs in Mercy IDP Camp and Tsaunin Mayau community. The beneficiaries are victims of renewed violence ...

Southern Kaduna: If only we agreed to hold hands … We commence this report by appreciating the generosity of the Christians who regularly contribute funds to minister to the needs of our ...

Following our report of consistent genocidal attacks on over 14 Christian villages in Southern Kaduna, Lay Faithful Trust Foundation returned to Tagama IDP camp for another urgent intervention. The ...

Reports reaching us from the field indicate that from 4th November 2021 till 14th February 2022, there have been consistent attacks by Jihadist terrorists on Christian communities in Zango Kataf ...

Message to Nigerian ChristiansBosun Emmanuel3rd January 2022 HIGHLIGHTS: BRING BACK THE GLORYIt is time for Nigerian Christians to arise and pronounce judgment on the evils and wickedness in the ...

The annual National Prayer commenced in 2018 as “National Prayer of Repentance,” to intercede for the Church and the nation based on God’s rebuke that Nigeria Christians were praying and ...

The cash distribution is restricted by the low response of many Christians to the call to support the persecuted brethren. We appeal to Christians to respond in large numbers to the needs of the ...

Lay Faithful Trust Foundation continues with its program of providing relief for persecuted Christians in Nigeria with distribution of food and cash to the affected brethren at Madamai IDP Camp in ...

 Lay Faithful Trust Foundation conducted relief projects to IDPs in the following IDP camps in Maiduguri, Borno State: ▪️IDP Camp, Polo, Maiduguri▪️IDP Camp, Shagari Low Cost, ...

Tuesday 23rd November 2021 Lay Faithful Trust Foundation, in collaboration with VFC and The Lifeline Hub, UK, conducted another distribution of clothes to IDPs in Kofai IDP Camp, Ardo-Kola, Taraba ...

Lay Faithful Trust Foundation conducted another round of distribution of clothes to IDPs in Southern Kaduna on Thursday 18th November 2021. The current exercise was done inside St. Thomas Catholic ...

As you go to Church, could you kindly discuss with your Pastor, Bishop or General Overseer, the plight of persecuted Christians in Nigeria and our collective responsibility to help them as children ...

The Lay Faithful Trust Fund conducted relief distribution of food item to Christian IDPs in Otesi IDP Camp in Benue State. According to the Camp Chairman, there are over 35,000 IDPs in the ...

The Lay Faithful Trust Fund conducted relief distribution of cash and food items to IDPs in Tagama IDP Camp, Samaru, Kataf, Southern ...

Is there hope for Nigeria? What next should the Church do about the persisting challenges from the forces of darkness? Below are inspiring visions that not only predict a good future for Nigeria but ...

Lay Faithful Trust Fund, in collaboration with World Harvest Christian Centre and Operation Mobilization, UK, conducted cash relief project to Christian widows in Gonin Gora IDP Camp, Southern Kaduna ...

Going through the parable in Luke 16, no one would wish to end up as the "rich man", with all his earthly wealth and comfort. But, why did the story end the way it did? The rich was not presented as ...
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