We thank all the Christian brethren who contributed to bring relief and succour to Christians affected in the ongoing genocide by Islamic insurgents in Nigeria.

In particular, we thank the Ministry that donated N1 million to support this project. They wish to remain anonymous. May God reward them and all the donors openly.

NCEF Responds with Petition to Inspector General of Police; Ardo Bulama must be arrested and prosecuted for treasonable felony.

A disturbing voice note was circulated in the Social Media sometime in August 2020 of a certain Fulani man named Ardo Bulama. Speaking with hate and fury in Hausa, Ardo Bulama repeatedly swore that all the indigenous ethnic nationalities in southern Kaduna and all the Christians in Nigeria shall be killed. He threatened that “Any law enforcement agent that enters this our fight between Fulani and Christians I swear he is not part of our fight but if he enters we will finish him.”

The meeting held on ZOOM was well attended by Christians both home in Nigeria  and in the Diaspora. The platform attendance was oversubscribed such that many interested participants were denied access at cutoff. This was an indication of the Christian community’s great concern about the killings going on in Southern Kaduna.

Christian Social Movement of Nigeria (CSMN)
is inviting you to a conversation of the conscience tagged:

A few days ago, National Christian Elders Forum (NCEF) issued a Press Release announcing the setting up of Lay Faithful Trust Fund for the purpose of supporting Christian advocacy and intervention. We thank the NCEF for the bold and timely step.

The violation of the Federal Character Principle, enshrined in Section 14(3) of the Constitution, by the current Federal Administration, particularly as it relates to Security Units, constitutes double jeopardy for the Christian community in Nigeria.

1. National Christian Elders Forum (NCEF) wishes to express heartfelt condolence to the families and individuals affected in the genocide recurring in southern Kaduna amongst the Christian indigenous ethnic nationalities. The recurring decimal of violence and destruction against the Christian communities in northern Nigeria, Middle Belt, and in the other parts of the country is clarion call for Christian alert and proactive response.

CSMN wishes to thank all the brethren who donated to support the burden for persecuted Christians. 
Thank you very much and God bless you and replenish you abundantly. 
The scope of our work has expanded to accommodate the multi-dimensional issues affecting persecuted Christians as well as Christian interests in Nigeria. Consequently, the Governing Board of CSMN has approved a Financial Policy that accommodates these multifarious issues. 
Please find below the link to the Statement of Accounts for the period under review.


The next meeting of Christian Social Movement of Nigeria on Mobilization and Harmonization of Christians for effective participation in Politics and Governance shall take place as follows:

Saturday 25th July, 2020
Time: 5.00pm
ZOOM Online platform. Join the meeting:

The black man has always been a ‘sufferhead’ since the 15th century when slavery was introduced and sanctioned by European countries in the 17th century.  In between, slaves were transported to the Americas when slavery stopped it took some time before the practice was halted in Africa.  The last race to accept that slavery was a crime against humanity was the Arabs but they continued in the trade until amalgamation.  Lugard wrote “Slavery in Northern Provinces: I cannot here deal at any length with the subject of slavery, but the question of labor supply so intimately affects the development of Nigeria, that a few words regarding it will not be out of place. It was mentioned in paragraph 2 that in 1900 when the Administration of Northern Nigeria reverted from the Chartered Company to the Crown, large armies led by Fulani chiefs annually raided for slaves, and had depopulated the country. With the conquest of the Moslem States, these organized raids were put to an end. By the abolition of the ‘Legal Status’ of slavery, a slave had power to assert his freedom. 


“I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of
thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may
lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.

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