The current fight against the deadly Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) is a global battle that has assumed multi-faceted approach. There are those medical experts and researchers who are exploring the possibility of a preventive vaccine that can be used to safe-guard people from being infected by the virus in the first instance. And there are also those of them who are developing a curative drug that can heal those people already infected. Another set of scientists are sniffing the viral world to ascertain the origin of the disease so as to provide a scientific platform for the development of both preventive and curative drugs and vaccines.

The current prevailing challenge of the Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) started in the industrial city of Wuhan China, in the latter part of 2019. Like a child’s play and before long, it blossomed into the mother of all viral diseases and had decimated and continues to decimate human population worldwide. As the COVID-19 pandemic rages on without any prospect of abating or cure in sight, the lives of the masses of the people have been placed on the line, sandwiched between the killer disease and the ravaging poverty in the land.


Christian Social Movement of Nigeria (CSMN) is raising these issues, titled LESSONS FROM COVID-19, in the public domain to sensitize as well as mobilize Nigerians to change a debilitating mindset and build a great country.
Anyone who feels sufficiently persuaded by the issues raised in this paper and wishes to contribute to implementing its recommendations or to fine tune it can send comments and suggestions to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Such recommendations should be in bullet points. No essays, please.
Thank you.

"And call upon me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify me." Psalm 50: 15

Christian Social Movement of Nigeria (CSMN) is inviting Nigerian Christians, both at home and abroad, to join the 24/7 prayers for Nigeria. The current distress demands round the clock intercession for the country.

Christian Social Movement of Nigeria ( CSMN) joins all well meaning people globally to express great sorrow at the advent of COVID-19 and the destruction that it has caused all over the world. CSMN expresses condolence to the thousands of families all over the world that lost loved ones as a result of this plague. As the scripture says, “and it came to pass”, we pray that the current pandemic that came, shall swiftly pass.


(Sharing the Vision of CSMN)
Part 3

In 2018, we received some visitors from some leaders in the North with a peculiar message. The northern leaders explained that for Nigeria to stand securely, it has to be on two legs. The two legs are Christianity and Islam because politics in the country has evolved to politics of religion. It is no longer politics of tribalism as it was under the founding fathers of the country. There has been an evolution of politics in Nigeria.

Onitsha, Eastern Nigeria,
4th April 2020

Not less than fifty (50) defenseless Christians were hacked to death in Nigeria in the month of March 2020. While twenty-five deaths were recorded in the first half of March 2020, twenty-five others took place in the remaining half of the month, bringing the total to at least fifty (50). The killings were solely perpetrated by the Jihadist Fulani militants who also killed no fewer than ten Christians in first two days of April 2020. The monitored killings did not include those killed during the period by Boko Haram terror jihadists, if any.


(Sharing the Vision of CSMN)
Part 2

The conclusion of Part 1 reads as follows:
“The purpose of God is that Christians should bring a kingdom mindset into the public domain and establish for the country God’s moral standard of truth, righteousness and integrity. Unfortunately, Jude 4 caught up with us because we did not comply with Jude 3.”


Part 1

Christian Social Movement of Nigeria (CSMN) is inviting Christians to participate in establishing the government of the kingdom of God in Nigeria. This is government based on righteousness and justice.

The vision of CSMN is taken from Isaiah 9: 6. Christ is the Head while the Church is His body. Since Government is decreed by God to rest on His shoulder, it means the “body of Christ” is entrusted with provision of Godly Governance on earth. It is time for the Church to redefine its theology of Christian engagement in politics.

CSMN held a meeting on 21st March, 2020 in Lagos, (below limit of Govt. restriction on Public Health) and the brethren in attendance agreed as follows:


Participating brethren agreed that mobilization of Christians, to take care of persecuted Christians, particularly those in IDP camps, should be sustained. Other areas of concern are provision of Christian intervention on issues affecting Christians and Democracy in the country.

Based on request, CSMN seeks to clarify as follows:
Christian Social Movement of Nigeria (CSMN) is the SOCIO-POLITICAL arm of the Nigerian Church. It was established and registered at CAC in September 2001 by the FIVE CHURCH GROUPS of the Nigerian Church to coordinate and manage the interest of Christianity on Social and Political issues in the country. CSMN was inaugurated by Prelate Sunday Mbang as the CAN President, ably represented by the then Vice President of CAN, Cardinal Onaiyekan.

CRY OF MARTYRS: Healing the Wound of Christ

We thank all the generous donors who contributed to Christian Social Movement of Nigeria (CSMN) to provide relief to persecuted Christians in Nigeria.  CSMN conducted distribution of relief at four locations in one week from 21st February – 28th February, 2020. The four locations are:

  1. Anyiin IDP Camp, Logo Local Government, Benue State
  2. Ugba IDP Camp, Logo Local Government, Benue State
  3. Unguwar Waziri Shato, Kargi Ward, Kubau LGA, Kaduna State
  4. Stephens Children Home (sons of martyrs), Abeokuta, Ogun State

The distribution in Benue State was done by CSMN in collaboration with Chairman, Benue State CAN and Global Christian Update. We are grateful for the support.

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