The National Christian Elders Forum held an Emergency Meeting on Thursday 22nd October, 2020 following the attacks and destructions that climaxed the ENDSARS protests. NCEF waited for the President of Nigeria to deliver his speech to the country before commencing with the meeting.

If you are a Nigerian Christian, you need to watch this.

Please watch and share.
Let us match faith with works.

God bless you.

In line with our accountability and transparency policy, the accounts of Christian Social Movement of Nigeria for the period October 2014 – December 2019 has been audited and the preliminary Report has been handed over to the Chairman of the Governing Council as well as the National Christian Elders Forum.

Sunday 20th September 2020

In furtherance of its advocacy for persecuted Christians in Nigeria, Christian Social Movement of Nigeria (CSMN), conducted another edition of its “conversation of conscience” tagged VOICE OF THE PERSECUTED on Sunday 20th September 2020. In the second edition, the meeting focused on securing justice for the victims of the insurgency.

The National Christian Elders Forum (NCEF) wishes to express alarm at the news that the Federal Executive Council (FEC), during its meeting of Wednesday 23rd September, 2020 approved the sum of $1.9 billion to construct rail line from Kano-Dutse-Katsina-Jibia to Maradi in Niger Republic. This project is not only insensitive but absurd considering the many areas in Nigeria that are yet to be linked by modern rail system.

We are compelled to issue this rejoinder in the interest of truth and the need to educate coming generations on the source of the insurgency and destruction that currently bedevils Nigeria. On Friday 4th September, 2020, Mr. Femi Abbas, a well known publicist for the Sultan of Sokoto, Alhaji Sa’ad Abubakar, wrote an article in the Nation Newspaper titled “How Gowon took Nigeria into OIC”. In the said article, Mr. Abbas attempted unabashed revisionism of history and unhidden distortion of facts.

It is with mixed feelings that the National Christian Elders Forum (NCEF) received the news of yet another Constitutional Review, proposed by the 9th Assembly. This would be the 5th Alteration in 20 years as previous Assemblies have undertaken similar exercise usually with a budget of one billion Naira. This humongous budget, at a time when the country is on the brink of another recession, is worrisome.

With reference to the resolution of the Leadership Team of CSMN on 13th June, 2020, it is necessary to remind members and supporters of the Christian Movement of their obligations as follows:

1. Monthly contribution of N500 to run the Movement and its activities. The account details are: Christian Social Movement of Nigeria, Zenith Bank, 10 14 13 83 50
CSMN Statement of Accounts are available at:
(Donation can be monthly, quarterly, or annually)

Conference Report

The General Assembly of the United Nations on May 28, 2019 adopted Document A/73/L.85 and passed a resolution proclaiming 22 August as International Day Commemorating the Victims of Acts of Violence Based on their Religion, Belief or Faith, amongst other matters. According to a UN Report, “by terms of the text ‘International Day Commemorating the Victims of Acts of Violence Based on Religion, Belief or Faith,’ the Assembly invited all Member States, the United Nations and other international and regional organizations, as well as civil societies and the private sector, to observe the International Day.”

Following the 2020 edition of the United Nations approved International Day Commemorating the Victims of Acts of Violence Based on Religion, Belief or Faith otherwise known as International Day of Religious Freedom (IDORF) on 22nd August, 2020, our attention was drawn to two disturbing news release by two inter-faith organizations. On 23rd August, 2020, a relatively unknown group called “The Youth Christian and Muslim Forum of Nigeria (YCMFN)” issued a Press Release which says “allegations of Christian genocide in Nigeria by All-Party Parliamentary Group in the United Kingdom (APPG) is false and misleading.”


We thank all the Christian brethren who contributed to bring relief and succour to Christians affected in the ongoing genocide by Islamic insurgents in Nigeria.

In particular, we thank the Ministry that donated N1 million to support this project. They wish to remain anonymous. May God reward them and all the donors openly.

NCEF Responds with Petition to Inspector General of Police; Ardo Bulama must be arrested and prosecuted for treasonable felony.

A disturbing voice note was circulated in the Social Media sometime in August 2020 of a certain Fulani man named Ardo Bulama. Speaking with hate and fury in Hausa, Ardo Bulama repeatedly swore that all the indigenous ethnic nationalities in southern Kaduna and all the Christians in Nigeria shall be killed. He threatened that “Any law enforcement agent that enters this our fight between Fulani and Christians I swear he is not part of our fight but if he enters we will finish him.”

The meeting held on ZOOM was well attended by Christians both home in Nigeria  and in the Diaspora. The platform attendance was oversubscribed such that many interested participants were denied access at cutoff. This was an indication of the Christian community’s great concern about the killings going on in Southern Kaduna.