Reports reaching us from the field indicate that from 4th November 2021 till 14th February 2022, there have been consistent attacks by Jihadist terrorists on Christian communities in Zango Kataf resulting in the death of 59 persons while 169 houses were destroyed. The communities affected in Samaru Kataf include: Ungwan Ruhugo, Langson, Chibob, Atak Mawai, Sako, Kurfi, Ungwan Wakili, Zaman Dadoh, Kurmin Masara, Kurmin Masara, Atisa, Sabin Laura, Chibuk & Zaman Dado, and so on.

Message to Nigerian Christians
Bosun Emmanuel
3rd January 2022


It is time for Nigerian Christians to arise and pronounce judgment on the evils and wickedness in the land. Christians possess the spiritual authority. God wants to judge the multiple evils in the Church and in the country and requires His people to pray His will to come to pass. The wicked have become too powerful, and they will not change.
The only way to get peace in this land, is through God's judgment.

The annual National Prayer commenced in 2018 as “National Prayer of Repentance,” to intercede for the Church and the nation based on God’s rebuke that Nigeria Christians were praying and fasting without repenting. After the third edition of those prayers, God confronted us with Matthew 3:8, demanding evidence of repentance from the Church. In May 2021, the rebuke was repeated, stressing that the ceremonial repentance of most Nigeria Christians was not acceptable; that ‘repenting’ without the corresponding evidence of a penitent lifestyle was beginning to attract divine judgment.

The cash distribution is restricted by the low response of many Christians to the call to support the persecuted brethren. We appeal to Christians to respond in large numbers to the needs of the Christian IDPs. Whatever is being done now could be considered palliative measures. Our goal is to resettle and empower the Christian brethren in their homes. This, however, would involve the willing support of millions of Nigerian Christians.

 Lay Faithful Trust Foundation conducted relief projects to IDPs in the following IDP camps in Maiduguri, Borno State:

▪️IDP Camp, Polo, Maiduguri
▪️IDP Camp, Shagari Low Cost, Maiduguri

Peace and mercy to you, in the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour.

National Consensus Movement (NCM) is a body of Christian professionals committed to the peace and unity of Nigeria and the well-being of Christians. We are non-denominational, multi-ethnic, and without affiliation to any political party or any political interest group. Our goal is to foster political consensus and unity in the Church as basic prerequisite for good governance, justice, equality, and fairness in Nigeria.

The National Consensus Movement (NCM) held another meeting on 13th November 2021 as follow up to its meeting in October 2021. The goal of the NCM is to build Christian political unity as imperative prerequisite towards restoring balance and order in the polity.

National Consensus Movement (NCM) is a body of concerned Christians and Nigerians desirous of good governance, justice, equality, and fairness in the country. It is not an arm of any political party neither is it sponsored by any political interest group.

As you go to Church, could you kindly discuss with your Pastor, Bishop or General Overseer, the plight of persecuted Christians in Nigeria and our collective responsibility to help them as children of One Father in heaven?

Millions of our brethren have been driven out of their homes and they are living under inhuman conditions in IDP Camps. We cannot pretend we are not aware of what is going on.

Is there hope for Nigeria? What next should the Church do about the persisting challenges from the forces of darkness? Below are inspiring visions that not only predict a good future for Nigeria but also provide a strategy for redemptive warfare, the time for which is now. Based on these and other visions, and having consulted with the leadership of various national and international intercessory bodies and accordingly agreed, I make the following urgent prayer call, especially to Christian women in Nigeria:

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